The Fatah Facebook page looks back nostalgically at some older PLO posters with identical themes of a rifle emerging from the Dome of the Rock that is covered in a keffiyeh:
The caption for this 1979 poster says "Long live Jihad!" And indeed, the Facebook post also emphasizes "on the path to Jihad" - where the meaning of jihad is clearly military given the context.
Fatah has long linked violence with the religious symbolism of the Al Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the Rock.
For example, these two Fatah posters with the themes "The Flags of the Revolution Will Fly Until Liberation" and "Confrontation is our choice" were both notably created during the Oslo process:
This Fatah poster is even more recent, from 2010, with the caption "No choice except resistance":
The use of the holy spot as iconography for Fatah posters is fairly widespread, and the message is unmistakable - the impetus for fighting is religiously-directed jihad, not a secular concept of independence.