Fatah's Facebook page is celebrating Fawaz Fayez being released from Israeli prison after a fifteen year prison sentence.
Which photo did they choose to emphasize the essence of Mr. Fayez?
This one, of course:
I don't know what he was convicted. But I do see from this photo that the gun is the focal point of the announcement celebrating his release.
NGOs like Amnesty and DCI-P like to tell the West that Israel does not follow due process, that Israel is wantonly imprisoning innocent people.
But from the Palestinian perspective, the prisoners who are heroes are not famous because of their innocence but because of their guilt. The fame of the prisoner is directly proportional to the number of Jews he killed or injured.
Now, consider that releasing prisoners is one of the "red lines" that Abbas insists on in any peace deal. He is not demanding their release because they were unjustly imprisoned. He wants their release because the murderers and wannabe murderers are the rock stars of the Palestinian universe and are wanted as the builders of their desired state.
In a society where warlords are the heroes and murderers are celebrated, expecting a lasting peace is a pipe-dream.
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[image: Dry Bones cartoon, Biden, Obama, Presidency, America, UN, Israel,]
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