The latest Shin Bet report for May shows that the pattern has continued:
Still, things are hardly calm:
Following is a regional distribution of attacks: 16 attack from the Gaza Strip, (3 in April); 67 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (75 in April); 17 attacks in Jerusalem (35 in April); 1 within the "Green Line" (2 in April).
Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed in May 65 out of 84 were in the form of firebombs (April: 91 out of 110).
Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:
Following is a distribution of attacks in May 2016 according to regions:
The Gaza Strip – 16 attacks: 2 rocket launchings; 12 mortar shell launchings; 2 small arms shooting.
Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 84 attacks: 11 IED (including pipe bombs and improvised grenade) (1 in Jerusalem); 4 small arms shooting; 3 stabbing (in Jerusalem); 1 run over; 65 firebombs (13 in Jerusalem).
The "Green Line" – one stabbing attack in Tel Aviv.
And rocket attacks have resumed after a rocket-free April:
Throughout May 2016 three rockets were launched** from the Gaza Strip towards Israel (within 2 attacks) and 19 mortar shells (within 12 attacks), as opposed to April in which no rockets or mortar shells were launched.The amount of incitement in Arabic media has certainly been reduced, although there is still plenty there. It would be worthwhile to do a study showing correlations between incitement in news and social media and attacks. Incitement is the biggest cause of terror attacks, not generalized "frustration" as terror apologists like Ben Ehrenreich like to pretend.