Extortion is a criminal offense of obtaining money, property, or services from an institution, through coercion. It is sometimes euphemistically referred to as a "protection racket" since the racketeers often phrase their demands as payment for "protection" from (real or hypothetical) threats from unspecified other parties. Extortion is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat of violence which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense.Now explain how this does not fit that definition:
In response to EU support for French initiative to pressure Israel to make yet more concessions for "peace," Mahmoud Abbas is planning to make a speech sometime within the next 48 hours.
His spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said, "We welcome this European stance and call for the US administration to support these efforts that lead to real peace, and to exert pressure on the Israeli government to bow to the international will and the international consensus and international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative. The only way to stability and peace in the region is a Palestinian state with its capital in East Jerusalem. Without it, the region and the world will remain in a state of imbalance and instability."
This is a threat, and a threat that has been made countless times before. It is a Mafia-style protection racket being employed daily to every nation on the planet. "Do what we say and no one gets hurt."
If you follow the logic through, it means that the Palestinians say that if they don't get what they demand, even if that demand - Jerusalem - has no basis in history or international law, they will make sure that the world will suffer the consequences.
There isn't an iota of evidence that a Palestinian state with Jerusalem will result in less Middle East bloodshed than a Palestinian state without Jerusalem. Jerusalem is an arbitrary demand - one of many that Abbas has made, including "return" and prisoners being released and no Jews allowed on their holiest spot. It has nothing to do with statehood, nothing to do with peace, nothing to do with stability.
It has everything to do with erasing the Jewish connection to the land.
The world is being extorted, yet the world is happy to accede to the blackmail that is being practiced openly every day by the "President of the State of Palestine."
Why isn't the world outraged at being threatened every day by a two-bit, terror supporting, Holocaust denying criminal?
Because the only ones that have to pay the extortion price is Israel and the Jewish people.