UNRWA teacher Hiba Miari of Lebanon wasted no time to make this "artwork" her Facebook profile image.
One thing is for sure: UNRWA is reading this blog and often acting on what I find. They know that they condone this kind of incitement and only reactive to my research, rather than pro-actively working to root out the problem themselves.
Did they send a memo to their staff warning them on how to conduct themselves on Facebook? Did they discipline any of the other teachers or schools that I showed were pushing the worst kinds of terror apologetics and antisemitism?
I have plenty more examples in the queue, and I'm finding more all the time. If UNRWA really cared, they could find them before I do.
But they don't care.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/11/2015 03:30:00 PM