I showed examples of posters on the official Fatah Facebook page yesterday. But it even gets worse.
Like this photo on their page, which is a call by Fatah's student arm for a demonstration at Quds University in Bethlehem today.
Who can miss the message of this poster, see on the webpage of Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades?

And his Al Aqsa Brigades are openly roaming the West Bank, with guns. (The armed group that Abbas pretended to dismantle years ago.)
But will John Kerry or Ban Ki Moon mention this when they meet him? Will they even bring up that Abbas' words and his party's actions are a major driver behind the cyber-intifada?
Of course not. They will nod sagely as he pretends that it is all about "hopelessness" and "occupation" and "Al Aqsa" and the myriad other excuses for stabbing Jews in their homeland.
But Abbas, and his people, are inciting people to murder random Jews. We have the proof. And it is proof that Westerners choose to ignore because they need to believe that a somewhat less genocidal Palestinian leader compared to Arafat or the Mufti is in fact moderate by Western standards.

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/20/2015 07:00:00 AM