Here in El-Bireh and at other frequent flash points, Palestinian forces no longer try to prevent protesters from heading toward Israeli checkpoints and watchtowers. Instead, plainclothes officers just watch for instigators and weapons beyond stones and firebombs.Mahmoud Abbas, purported peacemaker, believes that his people can stab and stone and firebomb Israelis, but they mustn't start shooting soldiers.
Uniformed troops take positions on nearby hills, where they can observe developments and spot potential gunmen while remaining unseen by the crowds.
“We are not standing at the D.C.O. checkpoint to spy on our people and write their names down,” said one intelligence officer, referring to the checkpoint on the outskirts of El-Bireh, where protests have raged throughout the month. He spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing government protocol.
He said the forces were under orders to ensure that protesters did not open fire at soldiers, because it would prompt a harsher response.

Here's the latest "peaceful" image from Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Facebook page, with the hashtag "Jerusalem Wrath."
Abbas isn't trying to calm things down. He's trying to be seen as a leader of an intifada without major consequences.
(h/t Birone)

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/26/2015 05:14:00 AM