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Sunday, October 11, 2015

From Ian:

PMW: Abbas justifies violence and murder as “protection of holy sites”
After ongoing Palestinian riots, which have including shootings, stabbings, and rock and Molotov cocktail throwing - as well as the murder of 4 Israeli civilians - Abbas last week justified it all as legitimate defense of holy sites:
"The Palestinian side did not attack and did not do anything against the Israelis. If they [Israelis] think that the [Palestinian] people in Jerusalem are protecting themselves, that is our right. We have to protect our holy sites." [Official PA TV, Oct. 6, 2015 and Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Oct. 7, 2015]
Abbas then attacked Israel's defense measures against Palestinian terror:
"The Israeli government is escalating its strong offensive against the Palestinian people everywhere... Honestly, we do not know what the reason is for this."
After Palestinians murder 4 Israelis Abbas says “the Palestinian side did not attack”

MUST WATCH: This Is how the Palestinians Raise their Children (h/t Yoel)
In the past weeks, Israelis suffer from hundreds of terror attacks: stab attacks, firebombs, rock-throwing - all as the outcome of ongoing Palestinian incitement on social media and TV. Imagine if this was you. Imagine if this was happening somewhere else. IMAGINE.

Jeremiah Wright: 'Jesus was a Palestinian'
The controversial religious leader Jeremiah Wright compared Native Americans to Palestinians at the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March on the National Mall on Saturday, going so far as to assert that “Jesus was a Palestinian."
Wright, who once served as pastor to President Obama, was one of several hours' worth of speakers in Washington, D.C., for an event called “Justice or Else!” that sought to channel the energy of the Black Lives Matter movement. Wright placed the event in historical context.
“The same issue is being fought today and has been fought since 1948, and historians are carried back to the 19th century… when the original people, the Palestinians — and please remember, Jesus was a Palestinian — the Palestinian people had the Europeans come and take their country,” Wright said.
He said African-Americans in the United States have much in common with Palestinians in Israel.
“The youth in Ferguson and the youth in Palestine have united together to remind us that the dots need to be connected,” Wright said. “And what Dr. King said, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere, has implications for us as we stand beside our Palestinian brothers and sisters, who have been done one of the most egregious injustices in the 20th and 21st centuries.”
Wright, who was the reverend of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, which the president attended intermittently from 1988 to 2008, also accused Israel of being an apartheid state. (h/t Jewess)

Ben-Dror Yemini: The cycle of violence: Hope won't help
There is a delusional school of thought which claims that if we would only grant the Palestinians a political horizon and some hope, we wouldn't have this violence, this uprising and, maybe, we wouldn't have another intifada.
The most painful wave of terror occurred during the 1990s. Those were the years of Oslo. Years of hope. There was a political horizon, there was a government striving for peace. It seemed that a solution was at hand. Did this bring quiet?
As if. We got non-stop terror. And it's still going on. An even bigger wave of terror began with the Second Intifada. It happened precisely when Israel agreed for the first time not only to a Palestinian state but also to the division of Jerusalem. But instead of peace we got a festival of blood.
So please, stop with the delusional belief that "if we would just give them hope there wouldn't be an intifada."
Because not one of the violent youngsters throwing stones, rioting, blowing themselves up, committing murder is doing so in order to restart the political process. They are not members of a Palestinian branch of Peace Now. They have no interest in any process or peace or an arrangement of two states for two peoples.
JPost Editorial: PA spreadsheets
The PA ’s own paperwork shows unambiguously that tens of millions of dollars are shelled out every month to imprisoned terrorists and their relations – at a time in which Abbas moans that Ramallah can’t make ends meet.
It’s the same Abbas who poses as a frustrated peace partner but cannot bring himself to condemn the premeditated stabbings of Israelis by his incited henchmen.
The impression he deliberately imparts is that terrorist convicts and/or casualties were arbitrarily and unjustly martyred. The latest crop of Abbas’s homegrown killers likewise expects to be officially celebrated as idols instead of castigated as villains.
EU envoy: I don’t get why Israel makes such a fuss about labeling
The European Union’s ambassador to Israel said he fails to understand why Jerusalem is making such a “big fuss” about the EU’s plan to label Israeli products from the West Bank, since Israel has already accepted the union’s policy to distinguish between goods made in Israel proper and the settlements.
In a recent interview, Ambassador Lars Faaborg-Andersen said Israel is not bashful about the settlements and asserts its right to build everywhere on its homeland, so he wonders why the Israeli government so vehemently objects to the EU attaching labels for goods produced there.
The envoy rejected the notion that labeling is equivalent to a boycott, arguing that, on the contrary, singling out settlement products is “actually an advantage” in that it “might even improve” the standing of goods from Israel proper.
The interview was conducted before the outbreak of the current wave of terror and violence engulfing Israel, which the EU has said “highlights once more the necessity for a political solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”
The Temple, the Times and the BDS Supporter
In the face of escalating, deadly attacks against Israelis by Palestinian assailants, the New York Times has endeavored to explain to its readers, and perhaps to itself, the main trigger point behind the violence – alleged Israeli threats to the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, where the ancient Jewish temples once stood, and the third holiest site in Islam, where now stand the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque.
Historical Certainty Proves Elusive at Jerusalem's Holiest Place, aims to describe the history of the Temple Mount, and the competing claims that surround the site. Unfortunately, at least one of the "experts" quoted by the Times is an outspoken supporter of the anti-Israel movement known as BDS (for boycott, divest and sanction).
Would the Times Question the Muslim Narrative?
Finally, it should be noted that Muslim attachment to the Temple Mount site is due to the presence there of the al-Aqsa – or "furthest" – Mosque, reputed to be the site of Prophet Mohammed's night journey to heaven. However, as many scholars have pointed out, the first version of the al-Aqsa Mosque was built by the Caliph Omar after the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 637, well after Mohammed's death in 632. Thus the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is unlikely to be associated with Mohammed's night journey. Furthermore, nowhere is Jerusalem even mentioned in the Quran.
Recall that the Times quoted Wendy Pullan saying that "the sources for the first temple are solely biblical, and no substantial archaeological remains have been verified." So, using exactly the same logic, will the Times publish an article saying that the "sources for Mohammed's presence in Jerusalem are solely Quranic, and no substantial archaeological remains have been verified"? Will the Times publish an article questioning more generally the entire Muslim narrative of Jerusalem?
Don't hold your breath.
David Horovitz: A stabbing war born of hysterical intolerance
Just as Israel must acknowledge and respect the Muslim attachment to the Haram al-Sharif — as its policies since 1967 have done — so, too, the Palestinians must acknowledge and respect the Jewish attachment to the Temple Mount. Arafat emphatically failed to do so. Abbas now has what may be one last chance.
Not everybody will heed him, but he remains a relatively credible, relatively moderate figure. And de-escalating this round of conflict is as important for Palestinians’ interests as it is for Israelis’.
There will be no Palestinian state unless or until Israelis can begin to believe that the Palestinians genuinely seek co-existence. The particular nature of this phase of violence, the specific ostensible cause, is bloodily indicating to Israelis the absolute opposite: It suggests that the Palestinians have a knife-wielding, even suicidal intolerance for the Jewish state’s connection to Judaism’s holiest place, and that Moshe Dayan’s historic decision in 1967 has hardened intransigence rather than encouraged the reciprocal imperative for understanding and compromise.
Interactive map shows the where, when, and what of terror attacks
When the security situation deteriorates – as it has in recent weeks – Israelis, and friends of Israel abroad, find themselves searching out scraps of information on terror attacks and scares. But finding accurate information can be a challenge; rumors abound, and tracking down the facts to get a full picture is often an exercise in frustration.
To alleviate that frustration – and to provide a “website of record” that will preserve information about terror attacks and other security incidents that affect the public – StandWithUs, a worldwide organization that seeks to enhance Israel’s image abroad, has developed the Mapping Terror site. The site, say its authors, will record and provide accurate, unbiased information about terror attacks against Israeli civilians.
“The general public, especially outside of Israel, hears about terrorist attacks against Israel from time to time, but they don’t always understand the gravity of the situation and just how much terrorism affects the lives of all Israelis,” said Emily Schrader, new media manager for StandWithUs. “This map is a step to remedy that.”
The new improved martyrdom
In a discussion group a few days ago, one of my fellow pro-Israel activists in Denmark shared an insight worth pondering and elaborating on.
Suicide bombers are so 00s. You might kill a lot of peope all at once, but you get really bad press.
There must be a better way … and indeed there is! Dear aspiring martyr: Just adopt the new, improved path towards martyrdom. It makes a brilliant trade-off. Stab, shoot, run down, or throw molotov cocktails or mini-boulders – and see what happens. You won’t get a large death toll, maybe not even a single death, perhaps only injuries. But it will always be: you win, Israelis and/or Jews lose. And not just because you look much more pathetic, desperate and spontaneous than an old-fashiniond suicide bomber does. Read on …
Get killed by an Israeli law-enforcer? Rewards: You get your full martyrdom – no waiting. Your cause is promoted by condemnation of Israel by the oh-so-concerned world leaders, like the honorable Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations.
PM orders massive call up of Border Police troops amid terror surge
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered a massive call-up on Saturday of Border Police forces in an effort to quell the ongoing wave of unrest and violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories that has seen a week of almost daily terror attacks against Israelis.
The PM “approved the mobilization of 13 Border Police companies, in addition to the three that have already been mobilized,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement Saturday.
The three companies called up earlier were of Border Police reservists who will be deployed mostly in and around Jerusalem starting Sunday, Ynet reported.
The total number of those mobilized could reach 1,300-2,000.
Hero Policeman Speaks After Attempted Suicide Bombing
Sergeant Major Moshe Chen, a police officer in the Judea-Samaria District Traffic Police who was injured Sunday in an attempted suicide bombing just outside Ma'alei Adumum, recounted his ordeal to the press Sunday afternoon.
Police initially stopped the terrorist's car after it began smoking.
"She was suspicious, she was wearing a kerchief on her head, she spoke haltingly and was nervous, I did not understand much of it," Chen stated.
Chen went to his car to get a fire extinguisher when the terrorist's car exploded.
Even though the blast caught him in the face, he heroically made sure that bystanders did not get hurt.
"After the explosion, I asked everyone to spread out, there's a terrorist here," he said. "I saw people come out with weapons to help me, so I told them not to shoot, she's already wounded, while I called security forces for backup."
'Investigation into terror attack near Ma'aleh Adumim pointing towards Hamas'
"It is feared that a terror cell stands behind the Sunday morning explosion near Ma'aleh Adumim and it's possible that there will be more attempts to execute terrorist attacks using explosives," a military source told The Jerusalem Post's sister publication Ma'ariv.
The source questioned the sophistication of the cell however.
"The explosive device was small and unprofessional and the terrorist was not trained," he explained.
An investigation of the incident revealed that there were gas canisters in the suspect's car that were meant to explode and cause much greater damage.
One of the reasons that the terrorist was caught was that that she was driving in the lane reserved for public transportation which led to her being pulled over by the traffic police.
Would-be car bomber is East Jerusalem woman — Shin Bet
The security forces did not release the name of the woman, who the Shin Bet security service said was currently living in the West Bank city of Jericho. The Shin Bet said she had no previous convictions and had not been known to the Israeli authorities.
The Shin Bet said in a statement that around 7 a.m. a traffic police officer noticed that the woman was driving in the public transportation lane while tailgating a police vehicle.
Police said officers noticed a suspicious vehicle driven by a woman heading toward a checkpoint on the way to Jerusalem and signaled to her to stop. The woman then yelled “Allahu Akbar” (God is most great) and set off the explosive detonator in her car, a police statement said. A gas canister in her car did not explode, however.
Handwritten slips of paper voicing support for “Palestinian martyrs” were found on her person, the Shin Bet said.
The police officer who stopped the woman was lightly injured, while she was severely injured in the explosion. She was taken to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem neighborhood for treatment.
Condition of Policeman Injured in Jerusalem Stabbing Critical
Dr. Merin also addressed the three policeman hospitalized following a stabbing attack in Jerusalem's Old City on Saturday.
"Three people are currently being hospitalized in Shaare Zedek's intensive care unit," Dr. Merin said. "The person in most critical condition is the police officer who arrived yesterday with a deep wound to his chest and damaged blood vessels."
"He arrived in critical condition," Dr. Merin continued, "and was in need of blood. His condition has stabilized, but unfortunately he is still in mortal danger. His condition is very serious and we fear he may succumb to his wounds in this event."
"Also in intensive care are two people injured in two separate stabbings on Thursday," Dr. Merin noted.
IDF repels 70 Gazans who breached border fence
IDF soldiers drove back dozens of Gazan residents who had breached the fence separating Israel from the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday night, the military said.
During the course of a violent demonstration along the border, some 70 Palestinians cut through the fence, but were quickly spotted by Israeli soldiers who were already on the scene.
Five of the Palestinians were arrested, while the rest were driven back into the Gaza Strip, the IDF said.
The IDF did not detail when the breached fence would be fixed or what additional security measures will be put in the place surrounding the opening, for fear of revealing sensitive intelligence.
IAF Attacks Two Hamas Sites in Gaza
The Israeli Air Force overnight Saturday launched airstrikes against two weapons manufacturing sites belonging to Hamas in northern Gaza.
The attack took place in retaliation to the rocket fire on southern Israel on Saturday evening, the IDF Spokesperson said in a statement.
"The IDF will not tolerate terrorist fire at Israeli territory and will continue to act against any attempt to disturb the peace of the southern towns. The Hamas terrorist organization is responsible [for the rocket fire], "according to the IDF statement.
Saturday evening’s attack took place shortly after 11:00 p.m., when the Iron Dome system intercepted a rocket over the Hof Ashkelon region. There were no reports of physical injuries or damages.
Three additional rockets missed their target and exploded on the Gazan side of the border.
On Friday night, terrorists from Gaza fired two rockets towards southern Israel.
The rockets, however, missed the mark and exploded on the Gazan side of the border. It is unknown whether there were any injuries or damages.
Hamas warns Israel against ‘foolishness’ after deadly airstrike
The Islamist Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip warned Israel Sunday against “foolishness” after local sources said an airstrike by Israel overnight killed a pregnant Palestinian woman and her toddler.
“This shows the occupation’s desire to escalate,” said Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for Hamas. “We warn the occupation against continuing this foolishness.”
Israel said it targeted two Hamas weapon manufacturing facilities overnight Saturday, after Gaza terrorists fired two rockets at southern Israel, triggering air-raid sirens in many communities and sending residents scrambling for cover.
Israel’s Prosor: 72 Hours, 11 Terror Attacks, 0 UN Condemnation
In what is Israel’s United Nations Ambassador Ron Prosor’s last act, he implored the UN Security Counsel to issue condemnation over the wave of Arab terror that has swept Israel in recent days.
“In 72 hours alone, 11 terror attacks have taken place in cities across Israel. . . . Israelis are being attacked and murdered in the streets, in their vehicles, and even in their homes, and the UN stands by in silence,” he charged.
Prosor laid the blame for the recent terror-murders at the doorstep of the Palestinian Authority and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
"The escalation in terrorist attacks and killings is a result of the ongoing instigation to violence by the Palestinian leadership," he asserted.
"Palestinian officials continue to use inflammatory rhetoric and dangerous incitement, intensifying this wave of terror against Israeli citizens, and it must stop.”
Prosor urged the UN’s Secretary General and the Security Counsel to “denounce these attacks in a clear and unequivocal manner, and to speak out against the campaign of incitement, violence and terror currently being waged against the people of Israel."
Khaled Abu Toameh: PA calls on UN to investigate Israel for ‘crimes’ against Palestinians
The Palestinian Authority government on Saturday stepped up its attacks on Israel, holding it responsible for “crimes” against Palestinians by the IDF and settlers.
A statement released in Ramallah accused the Israeli government of providing a cover and legalizing “crimes and violations against innocent Palestinians under the watching eye of the world.”
Saying that 17 Palestinians have been killed and more than 1,000 wounded since the beginning of October, the PA government called on the UN Human Rights Council to quickly dispatch a commission of inquiry to the region “to investigate all crimes perpetrated by Israel against our people.”
The government repeated its charge that Israel is carrying out “field executions” against Palestinians and urged the international community to put pressure on Israel to stop its “crimes and violations.”
Meanwhile, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are reported to be exerting pressure on the PA leadership to work toward calming the situation and preventing further deterioration.
Palestinian Bar Association Honors 'Hero' Terrorist Stabber
The Palestinian Bar Association decided on Saturday that it would give an honorary lawyer’s degree to Mohannad Halabi, the terrorist who last week murdered Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, 41, and Aharon Banita Bennett, 21, in a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.
The Palestinian Bar Association described Halabi as a “heroic martyr” in announcing its decision to give him an honorary degree.
The organization also announced it would name its swearing in ceremony for lawyers after the terrorist.
A delegation from the Association visited Halabi’s family this week and expressed its condolences for the death of their son, who was a student at the Faculty of Law at Al-Quds University.
The move is the latest example of incitement against Israel by Palestinian officials and institutions.
Kerry Treats Bibi, Abbas as Equally Responsible for Attacks
Netanyahu said he told Kerry he expected the Palestinian Authority to stop its "wild and mendacious incitement, which is causing the current wave of terrorism."
And Abbas blamed "settler provocations" for the stabbings in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Afula, Kiryat Gat, and numerous other locations.
Kerry "stressed the importance of upholding the status quo in word and deed at the al-Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount and of preventing inflammatory rhetoric and actions that will increase tensions," the State Department said, referring to the site revered by both Muslims and Jews.
The United States "will remain engaged in efforts to restore calm," it added, noting Kerry was monitoring the situation "closely."
Terror upsurge’s main beneficiaries are Hamas and Israel’s Islamic Movement
Meanwhile in the West Bank, the protests have actually declined somewhat, at least as of this writing. After a stormy Friday, Saturday saw smaller, milder demonstrations. In Ramallah, Nablus and other northern areas of the West Bank, the picture was far from that of an intifada, in part because of the PA’s activities. The main focus of protest on Saturday was Hebron, long a Hamas stronghold.
But the main popular protests are now taking place inside Israel, among Israeli Arabs. And the main beneficiary is that veteran partner of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Raed Salah and his northern branch of Israel’s Islamic Movement. For years, Salah has tried to utilize the Temple Mount to inflame the Arab Palestinian street. Now he’s finally managed to do so. “The defender of Al-Aqsa,” as Salah is known, continues to warn against the ostensible plans of the Jews to harm the mosque, vowing that he is prepared to do anything to “protect it.” His activists are everywhere in Arab towns and villages, successfully fomenting friction against Israel.
Even after this stormy weekend, it’s still not exactly clear what happens next. “Spontaneous” attacks by lone-wolf terrorists are bound to continue, and West Bank protests are likely to decline. Israel shows signs of wanting an international initiative to help end this round of violence, and maybe this will happen when the members of the international Quartet shuttle between Ramallah and Jerusalem on Wednesday and Thursday. For Abbas, too, the current situation is worrisome because it can so easily slide out of control.
Still, for now, Abbas may be enjoying watching Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sweat, and may think Netanyahu could now prove more flexible as regards concrete steps that might help bolster Abbas’s standing in the territories. The first such step that Abbas would demand: the freeing of veteran Israeli-Arab security prisoners whose release was canceled by Israel in spring of 2014 when the last attempt at negotiations collapsed.
'Mahmoud Abbas is a Plucked Chicken'
Bennett equally advocated a "zero-tolerance" policy vis-a-vis PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
"The root of this is the wave of incitement by Mahmoud Abbas, over his role in the Middle East," Bennett opined. "The security system is wrong in my opinion, I believe that Abbas plays an important role and I think he leads the international campaign in The Hague, the United Nations against Israel."
"There are facts, and then there is the interpretation of those facts," he continued. "I look at the system, the system which ties the IDF's hands, and the damage Abu Mazen [Abbas - ed.] causes is greater than his purpose."
"He was a chicken, and now he is a plucked chicken," he quipped. "I disagree with the view that he is a 'peace partner' and that we must appease him."
Application of Sovereignty Over All of Israel - Now is the Time!
If, in the past, a person had to be a seer in order to perceive the miracles that the Almighty performs for His people, why, now, anyone can see them, and they are happening constantly. Europe is coping with a stream of refugees that is invading the continent and changing its demography, its culture and its religion. Amazingly, they are especially attracted to Germany.
But the greatest miracle that has occurred in our neighborhood is the repeated declaration of the head of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, of his intention to annul the Oslo Accords. This is nothing but a precious New Year gift to us. Finally, we may be liberated from this accursed agreement, which has claimed and still claims hundreds of precious Jewish victims, the most recent of which are the Henkin couple, Rav Nehemia Lavi and Aharon Banita, Hy”d. May we be freed from the agreement that sought to distance us from the goal of Zionism and the ethical justice of Israel’s return to its Land. Annulling this agreement will lead to the disintegration of the Palestinian Authority, and this is where the Israeli government must make a courageous decision – application of sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel.
This is not the first time that we have been presented with the opportunity to take the necessary step and commit to it. The first opportunity was immediately after the Six Day War, but we missed that opportunity, and the ones that came after it because of disastrous political negligence. But this is not the time to cry over spilt milk. Now there is a new opportunity on our table.
Zoabi calls for 'popular intifada,' and Netanyahu instructs A-G to open criminal investigation
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein to open a criminal investigation against Joint List MK Haneen Zoabi for calling for a “popular intifada” against Israel.
Netanyahu, who said that Israel would not tolerate incitement from within and will act against it from all directions, quoted from an interview Zoabi granted this week to a Hamas newspaper.
“Hundreds of thousands of worshipers should go to the Al-Aksa Mosque to stand up against Israel's conspiracy to condone violence against east Jerusalem residents,” Netanyahu quoted Zoabi as saying.
“Today there are only actions of individuals, and what is needed is popular support,” Netanyahu quoted Zoabi as saying. “If individual attacks will continue without popular support they will die out in a matter of days – thousands of people going out will turn these events into a true intifada.”
Netanyahu called this “wild, lying incitement and a call to violence. I am not willing to let this pass.”
Al Qaeda Endorses Palestinian Terror Campaign against 'The Jews'
Palestinian terrorists have received a vote of support from Al Qaeda, with the global jihadist group's Somali branch celebrating a recent series of attacks and calling for more both in Israel and elsewhere.
Somalia's Al Shabaab terrorist group called on Muslims to attack Jews in order to "retake Al Aqsa Mosque," and in solidarity with the wave of Arab-Muslim terrorism sweeping Israel.
In a communique distributed in Arabic and English, the jihadist terror group - which is an official branch of Al Qaeda - echoed comments against Jewish visits to the Temple Mount by Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, saying it had "watched with heavy hearts how the grandsons of monkeys and pigs [Jews] stormed into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, desecrating its pure corridors with their filth and transgressing against our Muslim families..."
PreOccupied Territory: ICC Finds Stabbing Random Jews Legal Under International Law (satire)
The International Criminal Court formalized today what many analysts have long assumed to be accepted International Law, ruling that the stabbing of Jews is a legitimate and legal act when undertaken to express political, social, economic, philosophical, religious, ethnic, or personal grievances.
The ruling comes after months of investigation into what the United Nations Security Council called “the situation in Palestine” following last year’s Israel-Hamas war that killed more than 1,500 people. While most experts took for granted that the Court would adopt the position of most UN members, namely that any form of killing Jews, especially Israelis, constitutes an acceptable form of protest, some analysts thought the ICC would only narrowly examine the 50-day conflict. Instead, the Court adopted a broad ruling to apply to all situations, deciding that states and non-state actors alike are within their legal rights to foment, implement, incite, or otherwise engage in attacks on Jews using sharp objects.
Implications of the ruling include a potentially lightened docket for the Court in coming years, according to legal scholar Eugene Kontorovich. “By opening this legal avenue of recourse for Palestinians, either as ‘lone wolf’ stabbers or as part of organized terrorist operations, the Court has essentially told them exactly what to do to attain their aspirations while remaining within the boundaries of international law and whatever Laws of Armed Conflict may apply,” he explained. “In one fell swoop, the ICC has both made its own work easier and endorsed policies that Palestinian entities are already favorably-disposed to pursue, basically guaranteeing that those entities will elect to engage in stabbing activities rather than more legally questionable methods such as rocket fire on Israeli civilian communities that might hit non-Jews.”
LA Times Headline: When Palestinian Violence Becomes 'Israeli Violence'
Flipping reality on its head, a Los Angeles Times headline online earlier today absurdly declared: "Four Palestinians are killed in Israeli violence."
The Los Angeles Times is just the latest in a string of media outlets to depict the Palestinian perpetrators of terror attacks as victims.
As the accompanying article reported, two of the Palestinian fatalities were killed as they stabbed Israelis. In other words they were killed after they perpetrated what some would call "Palestinian violence":
COGAT Slams Arab Incitement in Interview with Al Jazeera
Major General Yoav Mordechai, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), agreed to an interview with Al Jazeera in an effort to fight the lies disseminated by the Arab world against Israel.
During the interview, Mordechai asserted that the recent wave of terror is the result of radical Islamic elements and that talks of Israel's "attempts to harm" holy places in Jerusalem are all rumors and lies.
The COGAT stressed that any Arab attack on Israeli civilians or security forces will be met with a harsh response.
Mordechai also noted that the status quo would remain the same on holy places - namely the ban on Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount - and emphasized that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had reiterated time and again that this was to be the cas
Major Jewish Group Urges Social Media Giants to Bar Palestinian Calls ‘to Terrorist Murder’ Against Israelis
Jewish human rights group the Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) exhorted social media giants including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to ban postings “celebrating and encouraging the continuing wave of stabbings by Palestinians across Israel.”
The widely available social media platforms have come under fire as reports surfaced indicating that many of the Palestinian perpetrators of this past weeks string of deadly and near-fatal terrorist attacks in Israel against Israelis have mobilized or perhaps been radicalized by videos, games, articles and posts on the Internet encouraging violence, terrorism and hate crimes against Jews.
Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, Dean and Founder and Associate Dean of the SWC, respectively, said that “social networks have been used by terrorists and their supporters to celebrate and incite deadly continuous attacks on Jewish men, women, and children across Israel.”
“We are urging Social Networking giants led by Twitter, YouTube and Facebook to take steps to stop the use of their powerful platforms to spread the terror campaign against Israelis. While Facebook and YouTube have responded to our requests and have removed some of the worst postings, Twitter continues to serve as a key weapon to launch 24/7 calls for more murder, mayhem and violence against the citizens of the Jewish state,” said Cooper, who also directs the Center’s Digital Terrorism and Hate Project.
Hamas says YouTube shuts down channel upon Israeli Foreign Ministry request
YouTube shut down a Palestinian Hamas YouTube channel Sunday, following a request made by Israel's Ministry of Foreign affairs to remove videos encouraging violence against Israelis.
Hamas said Sunday that YouTube closed down one of its channels under Israeli pressure.
Yet YouTube, upon visiting the page, has a memo attributing the removal of the channel to copyright infringement.
The provocative channel featured a video in which lyrics to a popular Eyal Golan song were replaced with provocative verse such as: "And the most important, the most important/is to wipe out the Zionists at every site/and the most important the most important/is their defeat on site."
The video included staged scenes of Hamas ambushes, and struck a chilling note with its montages of violent terrorist attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians, rocket launchings and gruesome battlefield scenes.
Independent again obfuscates Arab terror in headline on attack in Afula
Yesterday, we posted about a comically misleading headline and opening passage to an article in the Independent about a Palestinian stabbing attack on two elderly Jewish men in Jerusalem on Saturday.
Additionally, we just noticed this Independent headline in a story about the attempted stabbing by an Arab woman in Afula on Friday.
Israeli police shoot Palestinian woman outside bus station in Afula
The headline would leave the casual reader completely unaware that the woman was shot (and injured) after attempting to stab an Israeli security guard, and after refusing to drop her weapon when confronted by soldiers moments later.
Tellingly, the journalist who wrote the article at the Independent, Charlotte Silver, an anti-Israel activist who contributes to Electronic Intifada, had this to say on Twitter about the incident in Afula, which helps explain the slanted nature of the Indy piece.
The Guardian has no idea what the Arab stabber was holding in her hand
An Arab woman (30-year-old Asraa Zidan Tawfik Abed) on Friday morning brandished a knife and attempted to stab a security guard in the Afula bus station. Soon after the attack, she was surrounded by Israeli security forces, who demanded that she drop her knife. She refused to do so, and they shot her in the lower extremities.
She was taken to a hospital in Tiberias where she underwent surgery for her injuries.
Here’s the dramatic video of the incident.
The facts seem indisputable.
Yet, here’s the text provided by Guardian editors to contextualize the video:
So, the woman is holding SOMETHING in her hand?!
Evidently, the fact that several Israeli soldiers and security guards were standing in close proximity to the woman, while shouting at her to drop the “knife” (which she used moments earlier in an attempt to stab a security guard), didn’t convince Guardian editors that she was in fact brandishing a knife!
Pennsylvania Senate passes anti-BDS Resolution
On Friday, Sept. 18, 2015, the Pennsylvania Senate by vote of 49 to 0 passed Resolution No. 136 Session of 2015 Printer’s No. 979. The Resolution condemned economic, social, cultural and other boycotts of Israel and growing incidents of anti-Semitism. The House previously passed a similar Resolution.
House Resolution 370 Session of 2015 Printer’s No. 1697 was introduced by Matt Baker of Tioga County. The Senate Resolution was introduced by Senator Stew Greenleaf of Montgomery and Bucks Counties.
The Resolutions note the historical fact that the first attempt to boycott Jewish interests in Pennsylvania in the Pennsylvania Colony occurred in 1662 and were rejected when Sir Robert Carr, in 1664, assumed command of the Delaware in the name of the English Crown. Instructions to Carr were that “all people should enjoy the liberty of their conscience,” and the proposed boycott of Jewish merchants ceased.
The Resolutions further recognize a strong connection that American Jewry had in supporting the American Revolution. A prime consideration of the Resolutions is The International Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS), which has been one of the main vehicles for spreading antisemitism and advocating the elimination of the Jewish State.
Ohio to pass anti-BDS law
Ohio’s House of Representative is expected to pass legislation opposing boycotts of Israel in the coming weeks, Ohio Speaker of the House Cliff Rosenberger (R) announced after MK Hilik Bar (Zionist Union) addressed the House Thursday.
“Ohio will fight BDS and boycotts against Israel,” Bar said. “They’ve already started working on the bill, and will pass it very soon. It was a great gift to hear about it on my visit.”
The legislation is expected to be similar to South Carolina’s anti-BDS law which prevents the state from doing business with companies or individuals engaged in the “boycott of a person or entity based in or doing business with a jurisdiction with whom South Carolina can enjoy open trade.” The law is based on the premise that the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement discriminates against Israel and weakens the state’s economy.
EXCLUSIVE: Imam Who Led Parliament Square Prayer Defended Al Qaeda Terrorist And Railed Against Jews
The Muslim Imam who led a segregated prayer session outside Britain’s Houses of Parliament on Friday lunchtime has published blogs defending terrorist Osama Bin Laden, a terrorist convict nicknamed “Lady Al Qaeda”, and previously launched scathing attacks on homosexuals and Jewish people, Breitbart London can exclusively reveal.
Abdullah Hasan, who fronts the Muslim Climate Action group, as well as the Imams Against Domestic Abuse website, led the Parliament Square prayer on Friday, which Breitbart London estimated was attended by around 200 worshippers. Mr Hasan claims there were more like 400-500 “brothers and sisters” in attendance.
But his attendance and hour-long speech followed by prayers outside the Houses of Parliament will cause concern, given his history of defending anti-Western terrorists, as well as his rabid hatred for homosexuals and Jewish people.
Two Israelis Attacked in New York City
Two Israeli yeshiva students were attacked with a firebomb while on a visit to New York City on Friday afternoon, reported.
Yisroel and Yosef, 19, were walking on 37th Street near Ninth Avenue when one felt "an agitation." The victims, of the Chabad sect, asked that their surnames not be mentioned.
The two had taken the subway from Brooklyn into Manhattan to participate in the mitzvah cycles initiative, in which Chabad yeshiva students help Jewish business owners and their clients perform good deeds and Jewish commandments.
"A firebomb was thrown at them," said a brother of one of the victims. "It exploded and there was fire. They were shocked. An Israeli woman was walking by and ran over to check if they were okay."
"Thank G-d, it missed them and landed on the pavement," he added. "It was a male that threw it at them but they only got to see his back because he ran away. They didn't hear him shout or say anything."
IsraellyCool: Iranian-American Actor Navid Negahban In Israel For Baba Joon Premier
In yet another #BDSfail, on October 8th, Iranian-American actor Navid Negahban, who played the role of Abu Nazir in the TV series Homeland, arrived in Israel for the premier of an Israeli movie he is acting in called Baba Joon. This movie won the Ophir Award for best picture.
Crowned best Israeli film of the year by the Israeli Film Academy and as such, flying the country’s flag at the forthcoming Oscars, Yuval Delshad’s debut feature is by all means a curiosity. Given the enmity between Tehran and Jerusalem, the fact that it is spoken almost entirely in Farsi ensures Baba Joon will receive international attention, before considering its other merits.
Israel’s Galilee to become global food-tech powerhouse
Israel’s leading role in medical-device, biotechnology and agricultural innovation is now expanding to the emerging science of functional foods.
A new collaboration between Rutgers University in New Jersey and Tel-Hai College in Israel’s Galilee region will focus on formulating advanced edibles to tackle obesity and to manage diabetes, food allergies and other nutrition-related issues spiking to epidemic proportions in developed countries.
The New Jersey-Israel Healthy, Functional and Medical Foods Alliance will support scientific research, technology commercialization, startup incubation and “a world-class business cluster for the development of the healthy, functional and medical foods industry” in both Israel and New Jersey, according to a memorandum of understanding signed on September 18 at the Rutgers Food Innovation Center, a business incubation and economic development program.
Jerusalem rocks out with Matisyahu despite security fears
Several thousand people pushed their fears about the current wave of terrorism sweeping Israel out of their minds for a few hours Saturday night to attend a much-anticipated concert by the Jewish-American reggae rapper Matisyahu in Jerusalem. With the stands and mosh pit at Sultan’s Pool, an outdoor venue just outside the walls of the Old City, filled to capacity, it was evident that the security situation had not kept fans home.
More than the music, the full-house turnout despite the attacks — including two stabbings earlier that day in Jerusalem — was the real highlight of the evening.
Following energetic opening performances by two local acts, rapper Nechi Nech (aka Ravid Plotnik) and Ethiopian-Israeli hip-hop band Cafe Shachor Chazak (Strong Black Coffee), Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat took the stage to thank the public for sticking to their routines and coming out to the concert as planned.
“I want to take the opportunity to thank the Israel Police and the security services, as well as the emergency response services, for the wonderful work they are doing in Jerusalem and in the country as a whole. I want to thank the public that came here today. Everyone who came here today and is maintaining their regular routine is a partner in fighting terror,” Barkat said.

Posted By Ian to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/11/2015 01:00:00 PM

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