But at the same time, the already virulent antisemitism that has been pervasive in the Arab world has been morphing into justification for, and towards incitement to, the genocide of Jews as a whole.
Here are two examples from the past day alone that go beyond even what the Nazis published publicly.
Jordan's Ad Dustour newspaper briefly summarizes a brand new book, Jews and Violence - Book One - How Religion Becomes Evil
Author Munir Al-Aksh draws a complete historical picture of the Jewish mentality and argues that it is not a religion but rather an ideological hallucination or a “political programme” in the words of the philosopher Kant, and that it was formulated at a late date to measure the needs of its desert society that is cruel and expressed its spirit and the reasons for its violence and self-worship, and its dreams of inheriting other people's countries and depriving them.These dreams and ambitions are what made these clans a functional religion, the most prominent of which is deadly violence, and which has:(a) a sacred centrality called “the covenant”(b) and a goal that sanctifies conquest, plunder and annihilation called “the Promised Land”(c) and a sacred obligation called “self-worship”(d) An exceptional hereditary (genetic) myth called “divine choice.”(e) an absolute innocence from its Lord regarding “the right to sacrifice the other” and the permissibility of its existence called “The Curse of Canaan.”(f) A ritual of worship that they call prohibition (slaughtering, destroying, and burning), thinking that their Lord is pleased with the smell of roasted corpses(g) a warrior god obsessed with annihilation who “pushed” before her whatever nations of the earth she wanted to annihilate.The texts from which the mentality was woven and centered around the idea of Israel, the “promised land” (occupying someone else’s land and replacing one people with another), put us before a genocidal ideology that can only be achieved through lethal violence. It is embodied today by the Jewish and non-Jewish Zionist movement. What the world is witnessing in Gaza today is a live ritual display presented by the religious government with audio and video of this genocidal and prohibitive ideology, which was and still is a cult of theirs that has haunted the idea of Israel since the day they believed that their Lord announced His marriage to Israel.
That's not even the worst example from Sunday.
Iraqi Shiite news site Baratha imagines a world without Zionists - and without Jews:
What would the world lose if the Jews became extinct?! Quite the contrary, humanity will have a good opportunity to live quietly and without the evils of this malicious sect. The idea is so wonderful that I can almost see the desert blooming, the earth getting excited, and millions of beings losing their minds from extreme happiness!Jews are the curse that came from the worst dreams of the accursed Devil. Without them, humanity would not have known atheism, the theory of evolution, and racism. With their help, the prophets were killed, usury and immorality spread, wars broke out, and nations perished. With their dirty thinking, epidemics developed, the death trade became widespread, and the world turned into an arena of conflict in which man eats man and death spreads everywhere. .If humanity had not known this malicious sect, it would not have known socialism, capitalism, and Nazism. It would not have known Zionism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, and Wahhabism. It would not have known the Cold War, nuclear and hydrogen bombs, and it would not have known corruption, anomalies, drugs, cancer, global warming, the right to veto, America, injustice, and oppression.They are a dirty, atheistic sect that claims faith, a dirty race that considers itself the only one worthy of life, and a strange society that contains the essence of meanness, malice, and deception accumulated over thousands of years. Their history is rotten, their books are false, their principles are evil, their morals are malicious, their methods are satanic, their goals are ominous, their presence is dangerous, and their survival is not good for man or animal.These people never lived among a people without their corruption, unrest, and devastation spreading, and they never moved to any country without carrying evil with them to it.. So it behooves all humanity to be hostile to them until it is safe from their evil, and I am not exaggerating here if I say that their disappearance is life and good, and their survival is death and evil. If humanity wants to live in peace, it must first stop their evil; And everyone who stands against them is on the side of truth, goodness and peace.There is no alternative to God’s laws, and the path of Satan and his servants will end in failure. Everyone who stands against them will be helped and supported by God’s care. Goodness, which is the path to salvation, is in standing against evil, not by standing by and watching. The responsibility that one cannot escape from bearing is through awareness, work, and patience, and the outcome is survival and victory in This world and the hereafter, God willing..
Unlike the resurgence of antisemitism in the West, there are next to no articles condemning the incitement to violence that is now widespread. The pretense that arab media had in separating Jews from Zionism in the past 25 years has all but disappeared. The Jews remaining in Tunisia are frightened to death that they will be slaughtered at any time.
Western NGOs who claim to be supportive of human rights do not say a word against these explicit calls to rid the world of the evil of Jews.
In the competition of ideas in the Arab world, Hamas is winning by a landslide.- because there is next to no competition at all when it comes to Jew-hatred.
It took years for the Nazis to bring Germany, which was already predisposed to antisemitism, up to this level of hate towards Jews. We are witnessing the same level of indoctrination in hate in only weeks.
Unless something dramatic happens, I am afraid that we will see the small Jewish communities in Morocco and Tunisia subject to the sorts of attacks that were routine in 1948 and earlier.
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