If we use the medical language, I can say that what happened in Palestine is similar to a parasitic infection. Scientifically, a parasite is a living organism that lives on or inside another living organism and benefits from it, and this is what happened...This is a quick overview of this parasitic creature, which has wreaked havoc on Earth, under the cover of the United States and its European allies.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
11:05 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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Al Masry al Youm, an influential and non-partisan Egyptian newspaper, published at least two antisemitic articles today alone.
One summarizes a book about Jews called “The Children of Israel in the Qur’an and the Sunnah,” by the late Imam Dr. Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi who was the head of Al-Azhar.
Tantawi said part of his motivation to write this book was to expose Jewish lies. The book says that examples of their corruption on earth include murder, assassination, espionage, concealment behind religions, inciting strife and wars, and spreading vice. It says that Jews deserved all of the expulsions from different countries through history because of their corruption.
The book also says that Judaism says that Jews have the right to steal from someone who is not a Jew, to deceive him, to lie to him, and to kill him if they are confident that their crimes will not be discovered.
The last chapter says the Jews did not learn their lesson from Nazi Germany, and they are continuing in the Nazi path in how they treat Palestinians. Which is obviously the reason this book written years ago is being featured in today's newspaper.
Another op-ed describes Jews who moved to Palestine as "parasites:"
This kind of thing is published daily in Arab media. The incitement against Jews spreads to the Arabic speakers in the West and from there the Palestinian "intellectuals" re-frame this hate into the language of progressivism and human rights, to spread antisemitism in the West as well. And this is allowed because they are only describing their "lived experiences" so antisemitism gets a pass.
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