If we agree that the land of Palestine is occupied, by virtue of Sharia and international law, and by the rule of all rational people, then everyone who resides in these lands has no right to them, but rather is an occupier. Each of them participates with the occupier in a certain way.... Whoever studies the nature of Zionist society knows that it is entirely a military society, with all its members under the army’s reserve order, and the military is no longer as it was previously defined, which is the one who rides a tank or a plane. Otherwise, who would prepare for all of this in an occupied country? The ministries of defense and military professions are no longer limited to the military in the traditional sense. Rather, many military actions are carried out using drones. Is the person who operates these drones with a button or devices considered a civilian, even if he is a graduate of a civil college and works in a job that appears to be a civilian? In an occupied country, everyone who lives on its land is an occupier.
Friday, October 13, 2023
6:05 AM
Elder of Ziyon
No comments
Here are three articles published on its website on Thursday:
The article includes such gems as "The existence of Al-Aqsa Mosque long before the alleged Temple is one of the strongest historical evidence that invalidates the claims of the Jews and reveals the extent of the credibility of the Islamic vision regarding Muslims’ right to Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine." Of course, makes perfect sense? And the fact that one of the Muslim named of Jerusalem is "Bayt al-Maqdis," a direct translation of the Hebrew "Beit Hamiqdash," the Holy House - the Temple.
The entire point of the article is to invalidate the Jewish claim to Jerusalem, and as such, it is antisemitic.
This article says that "Jewish history, including their history in some countries of the Islamic world, is being portrayed as a series of tragedies for political goals." In other words, Jews lie about our history just to hurt Arabs.
Yes, that is antisemitism.
The upshot is that Jews (because they don't consider any Israeli Arabs to be Zionists) have no legal standing to live in the area and Israel is wholly an occupying state, not just the territories.
There is no logic here or in any of these articles - they have foregone conclusions and the authors just throw lies at the wall hoping something will stick. But these are the propaganda lies being given to the Arab world today in order to incite hate against Jews as they fight to destroy the perverted Hamas terrorists.
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