Herzog to present Biden with evidence Iranian drones being used in Ukraine
President Isaac Herzog is expected to present US President Joe Biden with evidence indicating that Iranian UAVs are being used against Ukrainian civilians as part of Russia's war in Ukraine.
Herzog arrived in Washington Tuesday morning, ahead of the meeting with Biden.
According to Herzog’s office, through a visual analysis, the Israeli defense establishment “has established that there are UAV fragments in Ukraine that are identical to those developed in Iran.”
“President Herzog will present US Government officials with images of Shahed-136 exploding UAVs prepared for a launch in a military exercise in Iran in December 2021. Another photo shows the same type of drone downed during the fighting in Ukraine,” Herzog’s office said.
“Despite Iranian denials and attempts to obscure their Iranian origins by adding Russian stamps, the photos show that the drone stabilizers are identical in their structure, dimensions, and numbering,” the statement reads.
“Yet again, Iran has proven that it cannot be trusted and wherever there is killing, destruction, and hatred—it’s there,” President Herzog said. “Iranian weapons play a key role in destabilizing our world, and the international community must learn its lessons, now and in the future.”
He went on to say that the world must speak with Iran in the same language: “a tough, united, and uncompromising language. As we are repeatedly discovering, for every hesitation about Iran—there is a price. In recent months, the Iranian regime has shown the world its true colors, which Israel has known for years. Nobody can ignore that the Iranian regime uses violence against its own citizens and is brutally suppressing the hijab protests with blatant human rights violations.”
UN's Pillay Commission is "objective, impartial and credible like the Spanish Inquisition
UN Watch's Hillel Neuer interviewed on ILTV, October 23, 2022.
The UN's Commission of Inquiry that was supposed to examine Israel and the Palestinians issued its first report to the General Assembly, and it only condemns Israel.
"This UN's Pillay Commission of Inquiry is objective, impartial, and credible like the Spanish Inquisition," said Neuer.
"The entire report only targets Israel. There is no mention of Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, the Lion's Den, pick your Palestinian terrorist group, or pick the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is funding and financing and arming these groups, no mention whatsoever."
Note: the UN has never organized a “media seminar” on human rights in Iran, Russia, China, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, or Nicaragua. It’s more convenient for them to just keep scapegoating the same country. https://t.co/NosbcjS8nQ
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) October 25, 2022
DeSantis says Judea and Samaria are not ‘occupied territory’
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emphasized his pro-Israel bona fides at a campaign stop in a synagogue north of Miami Sunday night, ahead of the November 8th gubernatorial election.
Speaking at a Forward Action Fund event at a synagogue in Bal Harbour, DeSantis drew cheers from the audience as he referenced his policies against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, and rejected claims that Judea and Samaria is “occupied territory.”
“One of the things I said we would do, is that I would ensure that… the State of Florida would be the most pro-Israel state in the United States,” DeSantis said. “We have delivered on it.”
“Before I even took office, we had this issue of Airbnb going to discriminate against Israel and Jews living in Judea and Samaria. So I announced… ‘This will not stand, and we will take action very quickly.’”
“And we did. Once I became governor, we activated our anti-BDS legislation, we identified Airbnb as falling under that, and a couple of weeks later, Airbnb reversed its policy.”
“We were also able to sign in my first year in office the strongest law that combats antisemitism anywhere in the country.”
“We signed that bill at the US Embassy in Jerusalem,” noting that his first trip abroad as governor was to the Jewish state.”
DeSantis touted his support for Israel’s presence in Judea and Samaria, highlighting his visit to the area during his 2019 trade mission to Israel
“The State Department would always say, ‘You can’t go to Judea and Samaria,’ because they say that it is ‘occupied territory.’ I know the history, it is disputed territory. They are among the most historic Jewish lands, and yes, there was a partition agreement on the table in 1948, but the Arabs rejected that agreement and decided to go to war.”
“I was the first major elected official in America to hold a public event in Judea and Samaria. We did an event at Ariel University.”
Read Part 1 of our report rebuking the dangerous and false accusation that #Israel is an “apartheid state," featuring insightful analysis from @EVKontorovich, an expert on the Israel-Arab conflict and international law. https://t.co/uiSMue9gjX
— B'nai B'rith Int’l (@BnaiBrith) October 24, 2022
What does the new UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak think of Israel?
Rishi Sunak, the new prime minister of the UK, spoke in favor of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital earlier this year, part of a record – albeit a short one – of pro-Israel statements and policies in his time in government.In a First, EU Invites Jews and Muslims to Stand Up For Kosher and Halal Slaughter Amid Local Bans
At a Conservative Friends of Israel event in August, Sunak said Jerusalem is “undisputedly the historic capital. Clearly, there’s a very strong case for it to be recognized… so it is something I would like to do.”
“You will have my total commitment that I will fight very hard for the security of people in Israel,” he vowed.
Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Tuesday congratulated Sunak upon becoming prime minister.
“Israel and the United Kingdom are close allies,” he wrote on Twitter, adding: “We share not only mutual interests but an unwavering commitment to democratic values. I look forward to working together to shape a stronger, safer future for both our countries and peoples.”
In his address to the Conservative Friends of Israel, Sunak called to “put snapback sanctions on the table,” meaning to reinstate all sanctions on Iran, because they are unlikely to return to a nuclear deal with world powers.
He also argued that the UK should proscribe Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Sunak pledged that he would be “tougher” in criticizing incitement by the Palestinian Authority.
“It upsets me that there’s an organization which glorifies terrorist attacks on Israel, spreads hate in its schools, and we need to call that out and look at what the UN does to support it and make sure that they’re accountable with the funding and the resources that they get and how they’re using it,” he said.
As undersecretary for local government, Sunak moved in 2018 to reinstate a ban on boycotts of Israel by local councils, after a court upheld the policy following a challenge by pro-Palestinian activists.
European Union officials in Brussels invited Jewish and Muslim community leaders to discuss meat production, in what some of the guests characterized as progress toward ensuring religious freedom.Anti-Semitic, Socialist Dem Candidate: Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping Are ‘Two of the Best Leaders in the World Today’
The event, which was convened by the EU’s point person for fighting antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein, included Jews and Muslims concerned about a two-pronged attack on their traditional methods for slaughtering animals for food that has resulted in bans in some countries. About 30 EU officials and about 20 community leaders were present, according to people who were there.
“We’ve had sessions before at the EU where advocates defended shechitah,” the Hebrew word for the Jewish way of killing animals for food, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, who heads the Brussels-based European Jewish Association, told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Thursday’s event, he said, “was the first designed to give us a platform, rather than to just have us come and state our case alongside people with the opposite view.”
Animal rights activists say shechitah and zabiha, the Muslim method for slaughtering animals for food, are cruel because both methods preclude stunning before the animal’s necks are cut. Advocates of the customs say they result in no greater suffering to animals than mechanized slaughter methods with higher malfunction rates and less attention to individual animals.
In recent years, opposition to shechitah and zabiha has widened as right-wing parties began adopting this stance as part of their commitment to reducing the presence in society of Islam, and in some cases also Judaism.
When Jewish community leaders challenged recent bans in two of Belgium’s three states at the Court of the European Union, the court dealt them a major defeat when it upheld the bans in a 2021 ruling that Israel’s ambassador to Belgium called “catastrophic and a blow to Jewish life in Europe.”
A Kentucky Democratic congressional candidate on Sunday congratulated Chinese dictator Xi Jinping for cementing his power over the Communist regime, tweeting that Xi and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin are "two of the best leaders in the world today."GOP groups stay quiet after Mastriano adviser questions if Josh Shapiro is Jewish
Geoffrey M. Young, who has been affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, cheered on news that Xi's underlings ceremonially appointed him to a third term. The Kentucky Democrat, a conspiracy theorist who retweeted an account that says "the Zionist entity will be wiped off the face of the Earth," is widely expected to lose to Republican incumbent Andy Barr, with every race tracker on Ballotpedia calling the district "Solid Republican."
Young's beliefs may complicate Democrats' attempts to paint Republicans as pro-Russian. After Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.), who will likely be the next speaker of the House, said in an interview that the Biden administration shouldn't focus only on Ukraine, a Daily Beast columnist smeared House Republicans as "cavalry" for Putin. McCarthy in the same interview reaffirmed support for Ukraine, only saying that funding "can't be a blank check." Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), who will likely be the next House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, said the United States will keep giving the Ukrainians "what they need."
Young in follow-up tweets wrote that the United States has a "FASCIST, NAZI-SUPPORTING regime" and parroted the Russian propaganda trope that the West caused Putin to launch a bloodthirsty invasion of a smaller country. Young's campaign website calls for instituting universal health care, legalizing all drugs, and impeaching Supreme Court justices for overturning Roe v. Wade.
The Republican Jewish Coalition and the Republican Governor’s Association are among the GOP groups that have declined to comment on statements by Jenna Ellis, a top adviser for Pennsylvania’s Republican nominee for governor Doug Mastriano, after Ellis appeared to question the Jewishness of Mastriano’s opponent Josh Shapiro last week.In first, Israeli athlete to compete in Saudi Arabia amid thawing ties
Ellis was previously a lawyer for Donald Trump who is best known for promoting the former US president’s lie that he won the 2020 election. On Friday, she called The Washington Post “disingenuous” for a headline that said Shapiro “emphasizes [his] Jewish faith” in his campaign.
Shapiro, who keeps kosher and has referenced Shabbat in campaign ads, says that his faith is central to his mission. “My Scripture teaches me that no one is required to complete the task. But neither are we free to refrain from it,” The Washington Post quoted him as saying on the campaign trail.
“Josh Shapiro is at best a secular Jew in the same way Joe Biden is a secular Catholic,” Ellis, who is not Jewish, said in a tweet. “Both are extremists for gender transition surgeries on minors and no limits on abortion. Doug Mastriano is for wholesome family values and freedom.”
Responding to pushback, Ellis said she was “criticizing a candidate’s policy views for being contrary to their professed faith,” arguing that it is “contrary to Jewish, Catholic, & Christian faiths to be pro-choice.”
Mastriano had previously angered Jewish groups, including the RJC, for his associations with Gab, a social media site favored by extremists, including the man who massacred 11 Jews in Pittsburgh in 2018, and whose founder, Andrew Torba, is openly antisemitic. He paid Gab $5,000 for consulting fees.
Olympian triathlete Shachar Sagiv is set to be the first Israeli to compete in Saudi Arabia, as the countries see progressively thawing relations.Israel's supreme court tosses challenges to natural gas agreement under Biden ruse
Sagiv is slated to participate on Saturday in the fifth round of the Super League Triathlon, a team-based cycling, swimming and running competition. He ranked the fastest cyclist in the most recent competition in Toulouse and was the eighth-best competitor overall.
Saudi Arabia, which does not generally allow Israelis to enter, has in the past few months begun to issue special visas to Israeli citizens, primarily businesspeople, Israeli news outlet Globes reported in May.
“I am very excited to be a trailblazer by being the first Israeli athlete to compete in Saudi Arabia,” Sagiv told the website Sport1. “This is proof that sports connect peoples and countries.”
“I hope to have a good competition, move up in the general ranking at the end of the race and retain first place in the cycling competition,” he added.
The annual Super League Triathlon offers winning participants up to $1.5 million, with smaller prizes for winners of individual races.
JPost Editorial: Israel must deal with the 'cowardly' Lions' Den
As The Jerusalem Post’s Khaled Abu Toameh noted, Kilani knew that Israel had him in its sights following the recent attacks and was taking precautionary measures meant to prevent his capture, but his targeted elimination on Sunday came as a surprise. The Lions’ Den is trying to track down the suspected “collaborators” who allegedly assisted the Israeli security forces, and some Palestinians renewed their call for the Palestinian Authority to halt security coordination with Israel.IDF will act ‘whenever we have precise intelligence on terrorists’
Others, Abu Toameh pointed out, went as far as accusing the PA of working in collusion with Israel to eliminate the armed groups operating in the northern West Bank.
He noted that the death of Kilani is a serious blow to the Lions’ Den, whose members will now be forced to devote more time and energy to avoid being tracked down and killed by the IDF than to launching attacks on Israeli soldiers and civilians in the Nablus area. The terrorists, in addition, will be forced to invest more time and effort in uncovering “collaborators.”
The targeted killing sends a message of deterrence and shows that terrorist leaders need to know they cannot hide or act with impunity.
Assuming Israel was behind the targeted assassination of Kilani, it should be commended and encouraged to keep up the pressure. Care must be taken to keep tackling terror completely beyond politics, especially as the country heads to the polls again.
Terrorists are a threat to the Palestinians themselves as well as to Israelis. Their aim is to spread fear and violence, not peace and stability. Militias such as the Lions’ Den must be dealt with before they incite more attacks and cause ever greater bloodshed. Its members gave themselves a name they hoped would project an image of strength and courage. It is only right to show their weakness – and that nothing is more cowardly than the sort of attacks they carry out.
The Israel Defense Forces will act on all precise intelligence on terrorist activity in Judea and Samaria, commonly known as the West Bank, which threatens Israeli civilians or security personnel, a military official told JNS on Tuesday.IDF raids Lions' Den HQ in Nablus, kills top leaders, destroys bomb lab
The source hours after a dramatic raid on the Lions’ Den terror group’s headquarters in Nablus.
“So long as we have precise intelligence on intentions to conduct terrorism, we will act against this. We will not allow civilians or security forces to be targeted,” said the source.
The IDF has been dealing with a spike in attacks against Israelis since March in Samaria since March, with a focus on hot spots around the cities of Nablus and Jenin, areas where the source noted the Palestinian Authority has almost completely lost control.
The number of shootings, fire-bombings and rock-throwing incidents has roughly tripled.
Five Palestinians were killed overnight in Nablus as Israeli security forces cracked down on the Lions’ Den militant group responsible for a number of terror attacks.Israeli forces target Lion's Den in deadly overnight raid in Nablus
During the three-hour-long joint IDF, Israel Police and Shin Bet operation, troops destroyed an explosive lab belonging to the group in the Old City of Nablus.
The IDF also fired a Matador missile at one of the apartments where armed gunmen were believed to be. A car was also reported to have exploded during the operation, with the Palestinian WAFA News Agency reporting that a missile was fired at the car, killing one person.
Though an armed Zik drone was in the air, it was not used during the operation.
The five Palestinians were killed after an intense firefight broke out between Israeli forces and armed gunmen. They were identified by the Palestinian Health Ministry as 27-year-old Mishaal Zahi Baghdadi, 35-year-old Hamdi Sharaf, 26-year-old Ali Antar, 30-year-old Hamdi Qayyim, and 31-year-old Wadi al-Houh.
According to reports, al-Houh was considered a founding member of the Nablus-based group. His home was used as a hub where connections were made between bomb-makers and locals who would carry out attacks.
Who was Wadee al-Houh, the Lions’ Den gunman killed in Nablus?
The four Palestinians killed during the Israeli military operation in Nablus were identified as Wadee al-Houh, 31, Hamdi Sharaf, 35, Ali Antar, 26, and Hamdi Qayyim, 30.
A fifth Palestinian, Mashal Zahi Baghdadi, 27, died of his wounds hours after the Israeli troops left the city, the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced.
Wadee al-Houh: One of the founders of the Lions' Den
Houh was one of the founders and commanders of the Lions’ Den Group, which is based in the Old City of Nablus.
In recent weeks, Houh posted comments on his Facebook account in which he expressed opposition to the Palestinian Authority’s efforts to persuade the group’s gunmen to lay down their weapons and join the Palestinian security forces.
Houh is considered a senior leader of the Lions' Den and was involved in several terrorist attacks in the Nablus area, including the shooting that killed IDF St.-Sgt. Ido Baruch, Army Radio reported.
In addition, Houh was a close friend of Mosab Shtayyeh, the senior Hamas operative who was arrested by the Palestinian security forces in Nablus a few weeks ago. Shtayyeh is also considered one of the top commanders of the Lions’ Den group.
Houh was previously known as a senior member of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of the ruling Fatah faction. He spent time in Israeli prison for security-related offenses.
Two years ago, he was briefly detained by Palestinian Authority security officers in Nablus. He has since used his Facebook account to criticize the PA for cracking down on Palestinian activists in the West Bank.
In the past few weeks, he became known as the public face of the Lions' Den because of his public posts on social media platforms. He knew that the Israeli security forces were aware of his identity and activities, and that's why he did not make any effort to cover his face.
Wadee al-Houh, a top commander of Lions' Den, was killed in the Israeli military operation in Nablus. pic.twitter.com/T1085kbJTo
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) October 25, 2022
Palestinians carry the body of al-Houh in Nablus. pic.twitter.com/Bq2DnIMkBo
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) October 25, 2022
Israeli Arab MK calls Lion's Den 'martyrs,' says 'resistance has risen'
Hadash-Ta'al MK Aida Touma-Suleiman referred to the members of the Lion's Den terrorist group who were killed during an IDF raid in Nablus on Tuesday as "martyrs" in a Facebook post later in the day.
"Nablus bid farewell to our martyrs today," wrote Suleiman. "Our Palestinian people bid farewell to their martyrs. The more the occupation increases its crimes, the resistance escalates. An essential lesson in the history of peoples."
Early Tuesday morning, five Palestinian terrorists were killed after the IDF raided the headquarters of the Lion's Den terrorist group in Nablus.
According to "Basic Law - The Knesset," candidates in the elections for the Knesset are disqualified if their goals, actions or statements, whether explicitly or implicitly contain "the denial of the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, incitement to racism, [or] support for an armed struggle of an enemy state or of a terrorist organization against the State of Israel."
The Lion's Den group has claimed responsibility for a series of shooting attacks against Israelis in recent weeks.
Suleiman also published a tweet expressing outrage at the IDF raid on Tuesday, writing "6 Palestinians killed in one night. Their blood is on the hands of [Prime Minister Yair] Lapid and [Defense Minister Benny] Gantz. Stop the terror of the occupation, enough of the bloodshed! Isn't it time to understand that the more you deepen the occupation, the more you provoke the resistance?!"
Hadash-Ta'al MK Ofer Cassif expressed "full support" for Suleiman, saying that the MK "stands against incitement" and was stating a "simple truth: where there is oppression, where there is occupation, there will also be resistance."
"The occupation is terrorism and its supporters and promoters led by the blood minister [Benny Gantz] must be judged - in Israel, palestine, The Hague or on the stage of history. Only the end of the occupation will bring peace and security to both nations."
No, @CNN, it’s not the “deadliest day for Palestinians this year.” It’s the deadliest day for several members of a Palestinian terrorist group.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) October 25, 2022
?? Find out more about the Israeli counter-terror operation against the Lions’ Den in our new video: https://t.co/ywKxUF4tCX pic.twitter.com/H1TqO1OMg9
There is not, nor has there ever been, a sovereign state called Palestine, @CNN. Mahmoud Abbas is the president of the Palestinian Authority.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) October 25, 2022
And FYI: Palestinian Islamic Jihad is a terror group in its entirety, and has been designated accordingly by the entire Western world. pic.twitter.com/ahFlpV6YtH
Israeli man wounded in terror stabbing in West Bank village, IDF says
A 55-year-old Israeli man was wounded in a stabbing attack Tuesday afternoon in a northeastern West Bank village, the military and medics say.The Israel Guys: 16-Year-Old Arab Israeli ATTACKS JEWISH MAN in Jerusalem With a Knife
According to the Rescuers Without Borders emergency service, the man was stabbed after he exited a store in al-Funduq, a Palestinian village near the settlement of Kdumim.
The man, who was apparently shopping in the area, then reached his car and drove off to a nearby junction.
The Magen David Adom ambulance service said its medics treated the man at the nearby junction. He was listed in moderate condition and taken to the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan.
The Israel Defense Forces said it had launched a manhunt for the alleged Palestinian stabber, describing the incident as a terror attack.
The stabbing came amid heightened tensions in the West Bank.
Early Tuesday morning, Israeli troops killed five Palestinian gunmen in the West Bank city of Nablus in a raid against the Lion’s Den terror group.
In recent months, Palestinian gunmen — mostly members of Lion’s Den — have repeatedly targeted military posts, troops operating along the West Bank security barrier, Israeli settlements and civilians on the roads.
An anti-terror offensive launched earlier this year and focused on the northern West Bank has netted more than 2,000 arrests in near-nightly raids.
BREAKING NEWS TODAY: The Leader of the new terrorists group "Lions Den" was killed near a motorcycle in "mysterious explosion" in Nablus yesterday morning. A stabbing attack in Jerusalem leaves a 20 year-old Haredi man in serious condition. The terrorist was a 16 year-old Arab/Israeli. A Palestinian/Arab man rammed his car into an IDF post near Jenin, thankfully the only person injured was the driver. Jewish Home leader, Ayelet Shaked, is trying to gather support from other right-wing parties in the government in hopes that she will cross the threshold and make it into the Knesset on the November 1st elections. On the other hand, the leader of the Labor party is saying that Judea & Samaria should not be a part of Israel.
Army probing settlement officer seen aiding settler attack on Palestinians
The Israeli army says it is investigating after a person in military gear was seen aiding settlers attacking Palestinian olive harvesters in a video released by a rights group on Friday, the latest in a series of violent incidents involving nationalistic Jewish youth amid rocketing West Bank tensions.IDF suspends soldier who assaulted Palestinian, 2 others who failed to intervene
The attack occurred near the village of Burin in the northern West Bank, in an area that has seen several recent clashes between settlers and Palestinians, according to Yesh Din, a left-wing rights group that documents settler violence in the West Bank.
In the video, a person in military gear watches as masked youths hurl stones at people harvesting olives on a hill between Burin and the Israeli settlement of Har Bracha, when a person in settler garb approaches him holding what appears to be a tear gas grenade.
He is seen holding the grenade for the settler and pointing toward the Palestinians, before the settler launches what appears to also be a tear gas grenade toward them and then returns to take back the first projectile, which he later also throws at the olive harvesters.
The Israel Defense Forces said in a statement that the person in military gear was not a soldier, as claimed by Yesh Din, but a settlement security coordinator.
“The incident and the behavior of the security coordinator are being investigated,” the statement said.
The Israel Defense Forces on Monday suspended a soldier who assaulted a Palestinian man in Hebron the previous night, as well as an officer and another soldier who were there but did not intervene.PMW: What connects PMW, the PA, helicopters, Lamborghinis, and terrorists?
According to the IDF, an argument broke out between the soldier and the Palestinian at a checkpoint in the West Bank city.
The IDF said the soldier “used excessive violence against the Palestinian,” as the officer and the other soldier stood by.
Surveillance camera footage of the incident shows the soldier apparently searching the Palestinian man, as he pushes him against a wall violently.
The trio were suspended from combat duty by the commanding officer of the Givati Brigade’s Tzabar Battalion. The Military Police are investigating the incident, after which the Military Prosecution is to review the case.
Military chief Aviv Kohavi condemned the violence in a statement.
Citing severe financial difficulties, the Palestinian Authority has been paying its employees only part of their salaries for the last year. Giving the employees little certainty, each month the PA announces what percentage of the salaries will be paid. The percentages range from 70% - 80%. The balance is presented as a PA debt to employees that will be paid at some future date.MEMRI: Column In Qatari Daily Praises Palestinian Terrorist 'Uday Al-Tamimi: You Taught Us The Meaning Of Resistance And Martyrdom; You Refused To Surrender And Envisioned Only Your Place In Paradise
While the PA employees bear the brunt of the alleged PA financial crisis, according to a new report in the Israeli Haaretz newspaper, the Israeli authorities have given the PA permission to buy helicopters to transport senior PA officials.
“Israel intends to permit the [Palestinian] Authority to purchase helicopters for the flights of senior officials, for the first time since 2001”
[Israeli Haaretz newspaper, Oct. 20, 2022]
In a seemingly unconnected announcement, a Palestinian internet site announced the imminent arrival of a new Lamborghini Huracán to an exhibition hall in Bethlehem. According to the report, the car will cost 2.5 million shekels (approximately $700,000), including a sizable sum in taxes.
So what connects these seemingly unconnected subjects?
The answer is simple: The PA’s terror-rewarding “Pay-for-Slay” policy.
In his October 23, 2022 column in the Qatari daily Al-Watan, Palestinian journalist Samir Al-Barghouti extolled 'Uday Al-Tamimi, a Palestinian terrorist from Shu'afat in East Jerusalem who carried out two attacks: an October 9, 2022 shooting at a checkpoint in Shu'afat, in which an Israeli female soldier, Noa Lazar, was killed, and another shooting ten days later at the entrance to the Israeli town of Ma'ale Adumim. In the latter attack he opened fire on security guards who returned fire and killed him. Al-Barghouti writes that Al-Tamimi, who refused to surrender and caused the Israeli security guards to quake with fear, envisioned only the divine reward he would receive for his martyrdom, namely his place in Paradise with the houris (black-eyed virgins). Al-Barghouti stresses that the war against the Zionists will not cease until they leave Palestine.Fatah boasts about 7,200 terror attacks against Israel, criticizes Hamas for doing nothing
It should be noted that this column is one of several pieces and cartoons praising Al-Tamimi that have appeared in the Qatari press.[1]
The following are translated excerpts from Al-Barghouti's column.[2]
"Praise Allah. O son of Shu'afat, you refused to surrender even as the bullets of hatred sped towards your angelic body. You taught us the meaning of resistance and martyrdom. [The Israelis] aimed their bullets at your legs so as to capture you alive, but you refused to surrender. You gripped your weapon and your eyes sought your target: [the security guards] who surrounded [the place], while you stood alone in the fray. They quaked [with fear], for your message, that there is no solution except by means of the gun, had been conveyed to your people by your last will and testament.
"How clever you were in your rebellion, and how strongly you believed in your cause as you evaded the brigades of [Israeli security guards] armed from head to toe, to carry out your second operation that terrorized the enemies of Allah. Your fingers on the trigger spelled out your message to your people in bullets:[3] 'I am 'Uday Al-Tamimi from the Shu'afat refugee camp, wanted [by Israel]. The operation I carried out at the Shu'afat checkpoint was just a drop in the stormy ocean of the struggle. I know that I will be martyred sooner or later and that my operation did not liberate Palestine. But I carried it out with [one] goal in mind: that it would prompt hundreds of youths to follow me and take up the gun.'
The video shows numerous violent confrontations and shooting attacks by Palestinian terrorists.
Text on screen: “The number is 7,200
under the wings of the [Palestinian] Authority
the West Bank is burning and is not calming down
and not ]even[ a faint voice or anything new has been heard from Hamas
More than 7,200 acts of resistance (i.e., terror incidents) since the start of 2022 in the West Bank
Acts that include shooting at Israeli targets, confrontations and repelling invasions, infiltrations and carrying out high-quality operations, locally produced explosives and Molotov cocktails, [throwing] rocks at the occupation forces, demonstrations and confronting the settlers. April [2022]
Is the month in which there were the most acts of resistance, when 1,510 acts of resistance were recorded, 76 of which were acts of shooting The number 1,111 quoted by a Hamas commander [was] the number of rockets he would fire at Israel in the first volley
In practice, after Al-Sinwar’s announcement, the Islamic Jihad Movement was abandoned [by Hamas] to fight a battle in the Gaza Strip alone [Hamas] is targeting the PA, but Hamas is not participating in the resistance that is burning under the rule of the PA in the West Bank Hamas is not allowing acts of resistance to be carried out by individuals or multiple participants in Gaza, and is stopping those who try.”
[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, Oct. 2, 2022]
The mention of “the number 1,111 quoted by a Hamas commander” refers to Hamas leader Yahya Al-Sinwar who in April 2022 threatened Israel that 1,111 rockets are ready to be fired at Israel in one volley to “defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque.”
“The Islamic Jihad Movement was abandoned [by Hamas] to fight alone” refers to Operation Breaking Dawn:
Operation Breaking Dawn - Following the arrest of Islamic Jihad's West Bank commander Bassam Al-Sa'adi on Aug. 1, 2022, the terror organization planned to attack Israeli civilians living near the Gaza Strip, according to Israeli military intelligence. Israel was forced to put those civilians in total lockdown, closing all roads and cancelling buses and trains. After three days of lockdown, on Aug. 5 Israel began attacking the terror organization's infrastructure and killed two of its top leaders, northern Gaza commander Tayseer Jabari and southern Gaza commander Khaled Mansour. Islamic Jihad fired over 1,100 rockets and missiles at Israeli residential areas, with approximately 200 rockets falling short inside Gaza, killing at least 16 Palestinian residents including children. Hamas reported a total of 44 Palestinians killed during the operation, at least 15 of whom were members of terror organizations. Operation Breaking Dawn ended with a ceasefire under Egyptian mediation on Aug. 7, 2022.
Iraqi Islamic Scholar Fares Al-Azawi on Hamas TV: It’s a Myth that Six Million Jews Were Killed in the Holocaust, The Nuremberg Trials Were a Sham; The Zionists Colluded with the Nazis pic.twitter.com/4jp8HVjvxW
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) October 25, 2022
Emily Schrader: FIFA should ban Iran from the World Cup, most Iranians agree
HOW IS it that a regime that exercises such brutal and oppressive control over athletes continues to be permitted to compete as a country in the Olympic Games or the World Cup?
For contrast, when Russia invaded Ukraine and began committing atrocious war crimes (which are now ongoing), FIFA reacted by banning Russia from participating in the World Cup. Why hasn’t FIFA done the same for a regime that persecutes not only their people but specifically targets their athletes? Why isn’t the international media outraged at the lack of accountability?
Even more disturbing, the discussion over banning the Islamic regime from the World Cup only came up in international conversation after it was discovered that the Islamic regime is sending suicide drones to Russia to bomb Ukrainian civilians, along with Iranian military personnel to train the Russians in how to use them.
While it’s a positive step that the world is beginning to notice and call for action, is it only when it involves the Russia-Ukraine war does the public pay attention? Iranian athletes are worthy of our defense in word and action, and now is the time to stand with them. In recent days, formal letters and petitions with hundreds of thousands of signatures led by Iranian athletes themselves who have been forced to flee the country have been sent to FIFA, calling on the football body to ban Iran’s Islamic regime team from competing.
In fact, the vast majority of Iranians both inside and outside Iran support banning the regime’s team from the World Cup, even if that means athletes won’t get to compete. A poll of 40,000 Iranians that I conducted indicated that 87% support banning Iran from the World Cup.
It’s time for FIFA to step up and support the players and the integrity of the game they claim to represent by banning the Islamic regime in Iran from participating. This would send three important messages: The first, to the regime that their oppression of athletes will not be tolerated; the second, to other international sporting bodies that they should follow suit; and the third, to the world that we stand with Iranian athletes who have faced the wrath of their own government for decades.
From #TelAviv to #Tehran: Join me 10.29 for a demonstration in support of the Iranian people in Israel where I will be speaking along with many others to support our Iranian friends for regime change!#IranRevolution #OpIran #MahsaAmini pic.twitter.com/hPUMEcVtlu
— Emily Schrader - ????? ?????? ????? ????? (@emilykschrader) October 25, 2022
The Iranian regime uses hostage taking as a tool of statecraft, because the West rewards them for it. https://t.co/c201k7MEVK
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 25, 2022
The entire Crisis Group agenda has brought untold misery to millions of people. Forcing it on a region full of young people who reject it is foolish. https://t.co/NcFsgg8yrL
— Mohammed Alyahya ???? ?????? (@7yhy) October 24, 2022
Plz sign our petition calling on US special envoy Robert Malley to go. His hurtful tweets reflect a total lack of empathy for Iranians. He has misrepresented Iran’s uprising and seeks a nuclear deal with a regime that sends weapons to Putin.#MahsaAmini https://t.co/Q33rDwuS7k
— Masih Alinejad ??? (@AlinejadMasih) October 25, 2022
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi: Countries That Would Not Sell Us Even Barbed Wire Now Want to Buy Our Advanced Military Products pic.twitter.com/QlJbMngdo5
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) October 25, 2022
A statue of Qasem Soleimani burns in Tehran. Remember when they told us that he is a national hero? Remember when they told us that the Basij and IRGC were using Iranian nationalism to make themselves popular? Listen to the glee in the voices of these young Iranians.#MahsaAmini pic.twitter.com/x8I1OR5b1Y
— Roham Alvandi ???? ?????? (@DrRohamAlvandi) October 24, 2022
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) October 25, 2022
Harasser of Holocaust survivor nearly car rams Iran protesters in Toronto
Canadian protesters against oppression in Iran were nearly car-rammed in Toronto on Sunday by an activist who had recently achieved notoriety for dressing as an orthodox Jew and harassing a Holocaust survivor about her position on the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
As a protest in Markham at the Islamic Mahdi Centre mosque neared its end, Firas al Najim, 38, “drove at a high rate of speed in the direction of a crowd of people,” said York Regional Police. “The accused stopped the vehicle abruptly, squealing the tires while yelling at the protestors.”
According to journalist Samira Mohyeddin, protesters alleged that al Najim – the manager of the NGO Canadian Defenders 4 Human Rights (CD4HR) – had attempted to run them over.
Police officers attempted to stop the vehicle after the incident, but al Najim and a passenger fled in the car.
Al Najim was arrested a short time later, and when officers searched his vehicle, they found an airsoft gun, a baton and bear spray.
Consequently, police charged al Najim with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, flight from police and weapons dangerous. According to al Najim, he spent a night in jail before release. In a video shared on social media, he called the charges “unjust” and hoped they would be dismissed in court. Al Najim claimed that the police were working in the interest of “Islamophobic” anti-Iran protesters to make it appear that he had committed a hate crime. In another post, he implied that Jewish parliamentarian Melissa Lantsman and the "Zionist community" were also involved.
Has Rep Omar @ilhan said anything about #Iran's bloody repression of its citizens other than one statement stupidly comparing Iranian women to US women opposed to abortion restrictions?
— Lenny Ben-David (@lennybendavid) October 24, 2022
Is she still revered by Iran's DC lobby NIAC? A courageous woman would throw the award back. pic.twitter.com/q7FlfHHD8v
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