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Monday, May 16, 2022

CAIR and a bunch of other anti-Israel groups, most of them Muslim, issued this press release:

In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful  

We, the undersigned Muslim American organizations, express our unified support for the human rights of all people, including Palestinians. We also express our unified rejection of attempts to smear and silence members of our community who advocate for Palestinian human rights.  

Far too often, Muslim Americans and others come under attack for daring to call on our nation to stop supporting the Israeli government’s human rights abuses against the Palestinian people. ADL Director Jonathan Greenblatt’s decision to attack prominent Jewish, Muslim, Arab, and Palestinian human rights activists, including college students, was only the latest example of this unacceptable pattern.  

This must end. Groups like the ADL must not marginalize and slander members of our community working for human rights. As Muslim Americans, we stand united with each other in upholding justice. We also stand with the Jewish Americans, Christian Americans, Arab Americans, Palestinian Americans, African Americans, and many others who have been unfairly attacked for supporting justice for all.  

The American Muslim community has vocally, collectively, and consistently stood up against all forms of hatred, including racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism. We have also worked closely with our friends and partners in the Jewish community and other communities to confront such threats.  

That’s because our faith teaches us to support justice for all people. No matter what attacks we face, we will continue to do so–together, God willing.  
There is literally nothing true in this statement.

Jonathan Greenblatt did not attack any "human rights organizations" or activists. He did not insult any Muslims as Muslims. 

He said that anti-Zionism - saying that Jews have no rights to a state of their own, and such a state is inherently illegitimate - is antisemitism. 

He didn't say that supporting Palestinians is antisemitic. Not one word of his speech indicated anything like that. On the contrary, he supports a Palestinian state side by side with Israel. He supports Palestinian human rights. He supports the right of protest. He supports the right to criticize Israel. 

This statement didn't even include the words "anti-Zionism" because they don't want to address the actual message Greenblatt said.  Instead of arguing with what Greenblatt said, they made up lies about what he said - and attacked that.

Now, that's dishonesty.

The Muslim groups' press release did say "Greenblatt also claimed that the ADL now considers any criticism of Zionism to be anti-Semitism." That is also a lie. He never said that. He never claimed that criticism of Israel or Zionism is antisemitism, because everything can be legitimately criticized. Wanting to see Israel destroyed and its adherents canceled and shunned is not "criticism."

It is hate.

In addition, the claim that these groups stand up against antisemitism is equally a lie. There are daily antisemitic attacks in Muslim and Arab media - Holocaust denial, calling Jews "sons of apes and pigs," denying Jewish history, claiming Jews are not real Jews - and not once have any of these organizations criticized fellow Muslims for antisemitism. 

The press release and statement show clearly that anti-Zionist organizations are incapable of telling the truth - because the truth proves that they are bigots. They instead lie about what their critics are saying to label them.

But beyond this, they are making a slander against all Muslims themselves. Because they are claiming, in the name of all Muslims, that there is no difference between being "pro-Palestinian" and being "anti-Zionist." They are saying, in the name of all Muslims, that those who marched on Sunday saying that murdering Jewish civilians in Israel is legitimate "resistance" are merely "supportive of Palestinian rights" and not hateful supporters of terror.

If their claim is correct, then according to their own logic, all Muslims are antisemitic bigots.

But they aren't. And Zionists don't make that claim.

These self-proclaimed leaders of Muslims are the bigots. And they have no compunction about supporting terrorism against, and the ethnic cleansing of, Jews in the Middle East. But beyond that, they want you to believe that they represent all Muslims - and in doing that, they do as much to spread Islamophobia as any right wing group.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



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