A great shock hit the world after the killing of the Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, by the bullets of the Nazi Zionist occupation army gang, especially since this crime is added to the black record of the crimes of the occupation, which is full of heinous crimes and massacres.
But it is not the first crime of this murderous, criminal occupation, because their black and bloody history is filled with a sea of blood, massacres, and murders that still continue on a daily and continuous basis.
The Holocaust of the Jews is a Zionist fabrication that was exaggerated in the media in order to sympathize with the world at that time, to help them establish the Zionist entity on the Palestinian national soil, and on the ruins of the Palestinian people, to be a poisoned dagger in the heart of the Arab world, and a guard dog for the interests of the West in the vicinity of the countries of the Arab Ring! Yes, the Holocaust was a fabricated story by killing a Jew at the hands of another Jew in order to facilitate the rape and occupation of Palestine!
The Jews are historically famous for their treachery and bloodshed! ; That is why the Jewish Hitler killed his fellow Jews - and for this, the Jews went crazy from the statement of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and considered him to have committed a major crime, a Jewish religious and historical taboo by saying: “Adolf Hitler has Jewish blood”; And the senior Russian political minister's allusion to the Jewish Hitler's involvement in the crime against the Jews is considered a blow to the Jewish-Zionist narrative based on the tragedy of the "Holocaust", to be a justification for your global sympathy in order to contribute to the establishment of the Zionist occupation entity!
To satisfy the Zionists, Western governments imposed the inclusion of the "false Holocaust" history to be included in their educational curricula! Likewise, it enacted laws that incriminate and criminalize those who doubt it, and even punish those who commit any attempt to “review history” and verify this or deny the existence of the “Holocaust” and face severe deterrent punishments, up to murder, assassination, and execution!