Those who demand the disarmament of the resistance, they want to sell this position to the Americans and the West in order to obtain political and financial protection. This is not a popular demand, all opinion polls said that, however. I want to address them.Suppose for the sake of argument that you have reached this conclusion. Do you expect that the American will be satisfied with that? Take the experiences of all the Arab countries surrounding us. After the issue of the resistance, they will tell you that Lebanon must recognize the State of Israel. They will ask you for Lebanon to officially recognize Israel in the Lebanese government and Parliament.They will ask you not only for recognition. They will ask you for normalization with Israel.They will ask you to settle the Palestinians in Lebanon. You advocate disarming the resistance. Do you support the settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon?They will ask you and they will demand of you. There is something with the Americans called demands. There is no final limit. There is no limit. When you surrender to the first condition, the second, third, fourth and fifth conditions will come out. Well, suppose some say that if we hand over the weapons of the resistance, our living and economic crisis will be solved. Suppose we hand over the arms and recognize Israel and normalize with Israel and our Palestinian homeland and accept the settlement of the refugees or displaced Syrians, then? Will it solve our economic and living problem?
Tuesday, May 10, 2022
6:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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At one point, he railed against those who want to disarm Hezbollah to ingratiate themselves with the United States and get some badly needed financial help. Nasrallah mocked those people, saying that it is a slippery slope from disarming Hezbollah to the worst possible things imaginable.
That list of awful things tells you a great deal about Hezbollah, its supporters and those who vote for it in Lebanon.
Note how Nasrallah uses anti-Palestinian racism to make his point. "Do you support the settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon? " It is a rhetorical question - the Lebanese hate their Palestinian "guests" even while they claim to be so supportive of them.
Nasrallah pretends to be a champion of Palestinians but he stokes anti-Palestinian hatred to get support. Hezbollah doesn't want them to become Lebanese citizens, even if they want to. Nasrallah wants to ethnically cleanse them by banishing them to Israel - and he claims it is for their own good!
As far as whether normalization with Israel would bring financial benefit to Lebanon - it absolutely would. Israelis would fall over themselves to invest in Lebanon. Western nations that are reluctant to lend money would free up funds if there was a chance that it would bring permanent peace to a border that the UN has spent so much money monitoring.
In reality, Hezbollah holds Lebanon hostage and it is the real threat to ordinary Lebanese people, not Israel. He knows that. Hezbollah is an arm of Iran, and to Iran, Lebanon is nothing more than a critical front for war on Israel whose people are nothing but pawns towards that goal.
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