Here is the tweet that lead Disney to end my role as Donald Ducks official voice in Arabic dubbed cartoons in the ME
— Wael Mansour (@Wa2elMansour) February 6, 2014
In Arabic, he tweeted much the same thing, saying that Disney dropped him because of his anti-Zionist tweet, and he said both in English and Arabic that he is proud about this.
He received thousands of retweets for this.
Here's the funny part: His anti-Israel tweets were last August. The Washington Free Beacon got hold of Disney:
Mansour has previously done Donald Duck voiceover work but is no longer under contract with the company, a Disney spokesperson told the Washington Free Beacon.In other words, he was not fired from Disney - he wasn't working for them at all. However, they won't hire him again, for obvious reasons.
“He was a third party contractor,” the spokesperson said. “He doesn’t represent the company in any way.”
Mansour was not under contract with Disney when he made his controversial remarks about Israel, the spokesperson said.
Asked if Mansour would be hired for future voice over work, the spokesperson said, “What do you think?”
Now, this all happened six months ago. Apparently, Mansour decided to turn himself into a martyr now, and he (correctly) assumed that thousands of Egyptians would rally to support his desire to see Israel destroyed.
In other words, to publicly say you hate Israel in Egypt is a great career move!
Not that we didn't know this already.
In 2001, an overweight, third rate Egyptian singer made a hit record called "I Hate Israel."
In 2012, another Egyptian singer made a sarcastically titled song called "I Love Israel" with lyrics like “May it [Israel] be destroyed. May it be colonized. May it be wiped off the map. May a wall fall on it. May it disappear from the universe. God, please have it banished....May it dangle from the noose. May I get to see it burning, Amen. I will pour gasoline on it. I am an Egyptian man. I am not a coward...May it be targeted. May it go up in flames that will never subside. From the bottom of my heart – may a wall fall on it.”
This is what "peace" looks like.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 2/08/2014 11:30:00 PM