Monday, February 24, 2014
5:21 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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This tweet from the US ambassador to the UN is mind boggling:
Excuse me? A man whose head was sawed off on video, specifically because he was a Jew, reminds us about how to break "cycles of violence?"
This incomprehensible leftist gobbledygook would be worthy of derision of it was spouted by some leftist professor at Berkeley. But for the US ambassador to the UN to publicly write this is breathtakingly naive and, really, offensive to Pearl's family. It is almost as if she is saying that Daniel Pearl would still be alive if he had only been more interested in "accountability and reconciliation" with Al Qaeda and Pakistani Islamists.
Is this what the US has become? Is the official position of the US government that all that is needed for world peace is for Westerners to be more sensitive to the feelings of murderous Islamists?
If Jew-hatred is part of a "cycle of violence" then antisemitism must be partially Jews' fault.
This indicates that the official American position is no longer one of pride and leadership, but one of apologetics and beseeching to be loved by our enemies, who hate us because we just aren't working hard enough at reconciliation.
This is outrageous and scandalous, and in a sane world Power should be forced to resign by the end of the day. No one that says anything this sickening should represent the United States to the world.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 2/24/2014 05:21:00 AM
Excuse me? A man whose head was sawed off on video, specifically because he was a Jew, reminds us about how to break "cycles of violence?"
This incomprehensible leftist gobbledygook would be worthy of derision of it was spouted by some leftist professor at Berkeley. But for the US ambassador to the UN to publicly write this is breathtakingly naive and, really, offensive to Pearl's family. It is almost as if she is saying that Daniel Pearl would still be alive if he had only been more interested in "accountability and reconciliation" with Al Qaeda and Pakistani Islamists.
Is this what the US has become? Is the official position of the US government that all that is needed for world peace is for Westerners to be more sensitive to the feelings of murderous Islamists?
If Jew-hatred is part of a "cycle of violence" then antisemitism must be partially Jews' fault.
This indicates that the official American position is no longer one of pride and leadership, but one of apologetics and beseeching to be loved by our enemies, who hate us because we just aren't working hard enough at reconciliation.
This is outrageous and scandalous, and in a sane world Power should be forced to resign by the end of the day. No one that says anything this sickening should represent the United States to the world.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 2/24/2014 05:21:00 AM
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