Ukrainian media have reported that a former Israeli army officer is playing a leading role in the anti-government protests in the former Soviet republic.That's it. No names, no source listed, nothing. Yet it was quoted by International Business Times (UK).
According to reports, the unnamed Israeli commands a group of 20 Ukrainian militants.
Four other Israelis, who had previously served in the army, were recently reported to have taken part in opposition rallies in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev.
They were born in Ukraine but migrated to Israel and joined its armed forces before returning to the European country for the demonstrations.
Meanwhile, Ukrainian media said that an Israeli tycoon provides financial support to the opposition in Ukraine, adding that Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency is one of the instigators of the unrest in the country.
Then a little known French antisemitic website named "PlanetNonViolence" claimed that "the Jewish mafia" is behind the Ukrainian protests, that Israel is sending "surveillance equipment and other high tech gadgets ostensibly to protect Jews" to the region, and that Israel is fomenting violence in order to get Jews to leave the Ukraine and move to Israel.
Now mainstream Arab media is reporting all of this as fact, adding that a Jewish Ukranian businessman, Viktor Yanukovich, is also acting behind the scenes to foment revolution so he can get the Ukraine to get into the orbit of the EU to help his fortune.
No doubt the Jew-haters will claim that the Mossad was behind this Molotov cocktail attack on a synagogue in Zaporozhye on Monday, captured by security cameras.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 2/25/2014 10:05:00 AM