A.B. Yehoshua Tells BBC Correspondent: I Hope Israel Flourishes in the Future and is Recognized by You (VIDEO)
The interview, which became contentious at times, was conducted by Tim Franks, the BBC's former Middle East correspondent. At its conclusion it became apparent how exasperated Yehoshua had become, when he answered a question from Franks on whether or not he remained optimistic about Israel by saying, "This is what I'm doing with my friends in Israel, to work very hard that our Israeli state, the Jewish totality state will be functioning in peace with its environment, and I would say flourishing in the future," then hesitated, adding "and recognized by you."The BBC 'explains' Zionism
And of course the fact that there would have been no "life under occupation" whatsoever had Arab nations not chosen to take another shot at wiping Israel off the map in 1967 is also completely ignored.Telegraph runs silly and gratuitous anti-Israel propaganda piece
Instead, the writer absolves the Arab nations in general and the Palestinians in particular of all responsibility and agency for their fate, blaming Zionism for all ills. One might even wonder if this particular BBC journalist moonlights as a speech writer for Erdogan.
Clearly, this article contravenes BBC Editorial Guidelines on impartiality: a correction and an apology should be issued urgently.
The Telegraph's attempt to smear Israel with the apartheid label over Palestinian buses is silly, but it is also dangerous
First, there's the obvious security issue: there is a dreadful history of Palestinian suicide bombing on Israeli buses. Israelis are understandably afraid, especially in the context of mass incitement by the Palestinian Authority, and would rather Palestinians took their trips to Israel on their own buses. (Are you absolutely sure you wouldn't feel the same way?)Guardian provides forum for Palestinian terrorist Samer al-Issawi
The second reason, which explains why Israel has made its move now, is that due to more generous arrangements for the Palestinians, Israel is now granting more work permits. More workers, more buses. More Palestinian workers, more buses for Palestinians. Not one of life's great mysteries... unless you smell a conspiracy.
Issawi's 'jailhouse letter' at 'Comment is Free' represents not only another example of the Guardian Left's inability to see past even the most risible charades of post-colonialism and anti-imperialism, but also what can only be described as a fetishization towards political violence which continues to make a mockery of every value the true left has historically embraced.PMW: Debate at the highest political level in Norway following TV report on PMW findings
MPs challenge Norway's funding of the PA and criticize Norway's failure to stop PA Antisemitism and hate promotion
The next day, two Norwegian MPs from opposition parties were interviewed by NRK TV and challenged Norway's funding policies. They called to stop funding the PA if the PA continues its hate incitement and terror glorification:Palestinian finance minister resigns in anger
Morten Høglund, foreign policy spokesman for the Progress Party: "We must use the power we have, and as a major donor to the PA, we must fight fire with fire and say that we will stop the aid unless the PA takes immediate action to stop this type of hate message."
Nabeel Kassis walks out in protest of the PA's growing budget deficit, expected to reach $1.4 billion in 2013
Nabeel Kassis told reporters Sunday that the Palestinian Authority's 2013 budget deficit is expected to reach $1.4 billion. He says he decided to step down after politicians and labor unions objected to a number of proposed austerity measures.Kerry: US releasing millions in aid to Egypt, but with promise of reform
Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday the United States will give Egypt $250 million more in aid, following President Mohammed Morsi's pledges for political and economic reforms.John Kerry vilified by Egypt's opposition
However, Kerry also said the Obama administration will hold Morsi, who came to power in June as Egypt's first freely elected president, to his commitment.
US secretary of state promises aid to Morsi, protesters block his path to airport in response; leading Islamist gets stoned in Tunisia
The London-based Al-Quds Al-Arabi reports that Al-Ahly Ultras, fans of the Cairo-based Al-Ahly soccer club that was embroiled in a massive riot in Port Said a year ago, used burning tires to block the road leading to the airport, paralyzing traffic in both directions and delaying Kerry's flight by two hours.Egyptian Religion Classes Aim to Prevent Conversion to Christianity
In addition, supporters of over 28 political parties launched protests in front of the US consulate in Alexandria.
A recent course in Egypt's southern city of Aswan has raised a few eyebrows after it was announced that the course would be an "anti-Christianization course" aiming to educate youth about Islam and how to respond to attempts of converting by Christians in the country.Egypt unleashes Islamic morality police force
The course, which started on Saturday and will continue until Wednesday, is run independently, according to coordinator, Ibrahim al-Etmany, a student at the engineering faculty in Aswan.
A new informal police force has been launched in Cairo, to ensure Islamic morals are adhered to. The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice denies it is linked to Saudi's dreaded morality police, which share the same name.Latin American priests 'create new friendships' in Israel
Islamic Cleric Hisham el-Ashri, founder of Egypt's newly launched Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, stated the morality police will only use "non-violent methods" to implement the moral principles of Islam, the IB Times reported.
Delegation organizers hope to forge bonds of understanding between future Catholic leaders and the Jewish state
Claudio Epelman, executive director of the Latin American Jewish Congress, said, "We seek to achieve increased cooperation between future Latin American Catholic and Jewish leaders in the teaching of common values, mutual respect and support for the Jewish state, which will add strength to our communities."
Posted By Ian to Elder of Ziyon at 3/04/2013 10:15:00 AM