Somebody got a hold of the video of President Obama's March 4 speech to the "Zionist cabal," also known as AIPAC, and noticed – how could they not – that one of President Obama's shape-shifting body guards, a lizard-humanoid, let go of his human shape for a brief moment, exposing to the world his truly hideous alien form.The original video link is gone, but here is a copy - and it is hilarious.
The text-to-speech program narrator tells you all about it with the certainty of a GPS program plowing away minutes after your car has gone into the lake.
The bald-headed secret service agent acts strangely, looking to his right and to his left incessantly and almost mechanically, then totally shape-shifts into a reptile. Or not. How many shape-shifters have you seen to compare with this one?
The video was shot by JN1, a Jewish news service, which probably hadn't been told by the Jewish cabal to keep their lenses off the alien shape-shifters.
Anyway, the video has gone seriously viral, with close to 3 million views.
(h/t Ian)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 3/28/2013 02:30:00 PM