At Boston U: propaganda dressed as scholarship
Having a conference with the primary intention to demonize and delegitimize Israel, while promoting a legally- and morally-defective approach to achieving Palestinian self-affirmation, is not an academic exercise of any merit; it is propaganda parading as scholarship, and violates not only one of the basic precepts of scholarship but also the spirit of any university, which were conceived as places where faculty and students could debate – with academic integrity, reason, and an absence of bias – the important issues of the marketplace of ideas.Israel Apartheid Week: The Dirty Product of a Grotesque Alliance
The blackening of Israel's name on university campuses is the dirty work of a grotesque alliance between political "progressives" and reactionary Islamic fundamentalists. Among the warmest of hearts in both groups, there is always a cold spot for the Jews, so let us appeal to them not on moral grounds but those of self-interest. Have the Islamicists noticed (as President Obama did in his inaugural address of 2009) that the obsession of Palestinian Arabs with destroying somebody else's society instead of building up their own (via education, commerce, public works, health care) has made them one of the most wrecked peoples on the face of the earth? Can the "progressive" do-gooders cease confusing doing good with feeling good about what they are doing?From truth denied to truth be told
While the anti-Semites pitched their usual lies, distortions during IAW, an inspiring new leadership in Cape Town pitched a tent, preached peace.Palestinians Should be Engaged Honestly
However, this March at UCT, the IAW and BDS battle plan – mostly a repeat of the previous year – found less traction with a more enquiring and discerning public preferring to step into "Abraham's Tent" on the central plaza before the monumental steps leading to the famous Jameson Hall. Welcomed in, they enjoyed ancient patriarchal Israeli hospitality. They also heard for the first time, another narrative where truth countered fiction.
They heard about Israel's desire and overtures for peace. They met successful Israeli Ethiopian students from the IDC Herzliya, exposing the myth about apartheid. They heard how an Arab Judge convicted and sentenced to jail an Israeli State President and were asked: "Would this have happened in apartheid South Africa?"
They heard about an Arab being the captain of the Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer team and asked: "Would a black have been captain of the famed Springbok rugby team under apartheid?"
There is a narrative that has been gaining adherents in America, that it is within Israel's control to make peace with the Palestinians. If only it were so. The story says that the issue is territorial, and the "occupation" and/or settlements are the root cause of the conflict. Unfortunately it is the Palestinians who need to be confronted with a reality check.Young Woman Sustains Head Wound in Samaria Rock Attack
The same people, who feel that Israel can magically create peace by itself, also feel that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is a man Israel can trust and is a partner for peace.
The woman, age 25, was treated at the scene by medics before being rushed to a hospital, where she was admitted in fair to good condition.Samaria Region Head Says 'Shoot to Hit' Rock Attackers
A baby that was also riding in the car was miraculously unhurt in the attack, but the vehicle was damaged by the large rock that struck the car.
Shomron (Samaria) Regional Council head Gershon Mesika says it's time to take off the velvet gloves when dealing with road terror, and "shoot to hit" attackers who are trying to murder Israeli motorists traveling on the roads of Judea and Samaria.Eve of Holiday, Muslims Hurl Rocks at Jews on Temple Mount
Once again, extremist Muslims tried but failed to prevent Jews from accessing the holiest site in the Jewish faith, with the threat of attacks.Anti-Semitism in the Netherlands? By Barry Rubin
Dozens of Arab teens hurled rocks Sunday morning at groups of Jews who were touring the Temple Mount.
Despite Dutch history, the growing trend of European anti-Semitism is pervading through the Netherlands.
Here's the bottom line: Given the fact that this hatred is endemic among Dutch Muslims; and given the fact that their proportion and influence in the country is increasing; and given the fact that there are literally no countervailing forces, is this viewpoint going to increase or decrease? Obviously, the former.Navajo, Israel conference seeks farmers
Even in the Dutch mass media there are shocking things written on a regular basis about Jews and Israel. If one cannot depend on the Netherlands to defeat this trend, there's nobody who's going to do better.
They will be speaking during a free two-day conference "Navajo and Israel Agricultural Gathering for the First Nations," which will be at the Phil L. Thomas Performing Arts Center in Shiprock.
The couple's visit will be paid for by several local faith-based and non-government organizations. The same groups paid for Shelly's controversial trip to Israel last December.
Shelly toured the country looking for new ways to irrigate, fertilize and grow produce. He hoped Israel might be able to help find agricultural solutions because of its similar climate.
Posted By Ian to Elder of Ziyon at 3/31/2013 02:30:00 PM