Israel haters have created "Raven Mission," obviously an attempt to counter Canary Mission, where they look for any statements that they can twist into making Jews look like bigots.
I looked at one of their posts, and it shows their level of dishonesty.
They claim that John Strauss, professor of economics at the University of Southern California, advocated for genocide of Palestinians:
John Strauss, Professor of economics at the University of Southern California was caught on video speaking on Palestinians in Gaza "Every one of them should be killed, and I hope they all are".
They show a video where he says that but they don't show who he is talking about.
Sure enough, the full video shows that he is referring to Hamas only. He said, "People are ignorant. Hamas are murderers. That's all they are. Everyone should be killed, and I hope they are killed.”
Strauss was suspended from campus because of this lie. Raven Mission, and its parent organization Stop Zionist Hate, is knowingly lying about what he said.
While there are of course Zionists who say things that are unacceptable, this example shows that, unlike Canary Mission which goes out of its way to show full context for every one of its entries, the "Raven Mission" exists only to slander.
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