Yes, there are thousands of real rabbis who are not Hamas apologists, but CNN had to dig up this person who looks like a PT Barnum circus performer as their typical rabbi.
By the end of Year 3, all students are assessed for basic liturgical competence covering:• Weekly services• Shabbat services• Life-cycle rituals• Torah cantillationStudents are assessed for:• Fluent reading with correct pronunciation• Ability to apply appropriate nusach, as well as contemporary melodies• Phrasing conveying basic comprehensionThese materials and skills are covered in the Tefillah and Life Cycle courses. Hallel and Birkat Hamazon are assessed by the end of Year 3.
Exploring a Jewish Theology of Liberation(3 credits)Fulfills Social Justice creditIn this course, students will explore creating a Jewish Theology of Liberation by looking at Jewish thinkers, and then Liberation Theology as it has been developed by Latin American, Black, Womanyst, Feminist and Eco-Feminist thinkers. Students will raise questions as to how applicable these ideas are to the Jewish communities they want to address.Food Justice (3 credits)Fulfills Social Justice creditThis course will examine the production, consumption and distribution of food and food’s connection to our physical, emotional and spiritual lives. The course will explore traditional Jewish and Christian teachings about food in relationship to eco-kashrut, and current food justice and sustainability issues. It will equip you to raise justice issues every time food is served.
Unravelling White Settler Jewishness (3 credits)Fulfills social justice creditCourse Description: This course will utilize the writings of Jews who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color-(BIJOC) along with collaborative research and storytelling, and documentation of the histories of our families to examine Jewish assimilation into/exclusion from white settler society. This course will explore how participation in white settler Jewishness constrains the ability to form critical alliances and play an ethically, spiritually, and politically grounded role in the movement for climate justice.