The Return of the Progressive Atrocity
In recent years, the Left’s embrace of terror seemed to have ebbed; you won’t find many defenders of al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, or Boko Haram. The notable exception has been groups devoted to the destruction of Israel: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, all of which still garner enthusiasm and deluded admiration. One might have thought that an orgy of sadistic murder, of the kind that Hamas committed on October 7th, would have inspired serious moral and political self-interrogation. As the past four weeks have illustrated, however, the exact opposite is the case.Jake Wallis Simons: The BBC’s Israelophobia is out of control
The extraordinary nature of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations that have swept through the capitals of the West—demonstrations that began before Israel dropped a single bomb on Gaza—has, perhaps, not been fully appreciated. Horrific massacres of unarmed civilians are, unfortunately, taking place right now in South Sudan, Congo, Ethiopia, Syria, and Darfur. Unforgivably, the so-called international community usually ignores them. But none inspires cries of esteem for the perpetrators and acclaim for their crimes. And nowhere are the victims—defenseless civilians, including children and their mothers—blamed for being murdered. That is what is happening now. The deadliest single day in the post-Holocaust history of the Jewish people has been greeted in some quarters with joy and—to be blunt—an entirely undisguised hatred of Jews.
Many of the sentiments that have been expressed—on social media, during street marches, and in the pages of various publications—reveal an astonishing distance from anything that might be considered rational political judgment and ordinary humanity. At the “All Out for Palestine” rally in Times Square, held just one day after the massacre, elated chants of “700!”—the number of estimated Israeli deaths at the time—rang out, and demonstrators made throat-slitting gestures. A speaker at a Palestine Solidarity Campaign rally in Brighton, England, also held on October 8th, described the attacks as “beautiful and inspiring.” The image of a hang-glider—just like the ones Hamas used!—with a Palestinian flag has gone viral on the web, posted by everyone from Black Lives Matter/Chicago to neo-Nazi groups, which gives intersectionality a whole new meaning.
It is likely that many of these groups—especially those composed of privileged students who promiscuously toss about words like “genocide,” “settler-colonialism,” and “fascism”—have scant (if any) knowledge of Middle East politics or history, and couldn’t tell you the difference between the river and the sea. Many are simply advertising their “anticolonial” credentials, though I imagine that the usually stern Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran must be smiling in amazement as he sees just how many protestors in the West echo his thoughts and subscribe to his plans—openly articulated—to destroy the “Zionist entity,” even if they don’t quite know that they’re doing so.
But (presumably) knowledgeable intellectuals were also quick to jump into the fray. In the New Left Review, Britain’s leading Marxist journal, Tariq Ali praised the terrorists for “rising up against the colonizers” and implied, bizarrely, that the murders resulted from Palestinian frustration with Israel’s recent enormous pro-democracy demonstrations. In the London Review of Books, Amjad Iraqi noted the horrifying nature of the attacks but praised them for “shatter[ing] a psychological barrier,” though it might be argued that civilization depends on the maintenance of such barriers.
In Dissent, a journal with which I have long been associated and that was formerly the home of Michael Walzer’s liberal-left Zionism, history professor Gabriel Winant described Israel as a “genocide machine” and argued that Israeli victims should not be grieved. Joseph Massad, a tenured professor at Columbia who teaches Middle Eastern studies and intellectual history, was unable to contain his enthusiasm: the attacks were “innovative,” “astonishing,” a “major achievement,” “awesome,” “incredible,” and “a stunning victory”; he wondered with excitement “if this is the start of the Palestinian War of Liberation.” (Thousands have signed a petition demanding that Massad be fired; tempting though this is, I maintain that these are the times to defend free-speech principles.) Some student organizations do have ties to the region and, presumably, know what’s going on there. The inaptly named Students for Justice in Palestine, the most bloodthirsty of student groups, declared “Glory to Our Martyrs”; described the massacre as “a historic win”; and demanded, “Do not let Western media call this terrorism. This is DECOLONIZATION.”
Never trust a Jew. That was one of the adages that we thought had mostly faded into history. But it has been back in vogue ever since 7 October, when 1,200 Jews in Israel had the temerity to be massacred in their homes and hundreds got themselves taken hostage.
For years, it has been common knowledge that Hamas’s subterranean command centre in Gaza lies underneath al-Shifa hospital. It even appeared in season two of the Netflix show, Fauda. Yet, as Israeli forces entered the hospital yesterday and then shared pictures of weapons and tunnels, the world was still sceptical.
The IDF’s images ‘have not proved the existence of the sprawling Hamas base that the Israeli military said the hospital had concealed, and which Hamas and the hospital leadership have denied’, insisted the New York Times. ‘That claim has been central to Israel’s justification for the death toll in Gaza… which has killed more than 11,000 people, according to Gazan health officials.’ Gazan health officials? You mean Hamas, the same lot that decapitated the babies? Great source.
Similarly, the BBC interviewed a woman this week who had previously worked at the hospital. She was asked whether Israel’s claims could possibly contain even a grain of truth. ‘Over the years we have never seen any evidence of any military activity in the hospital, period’, she said, adamantly, as if Hamas would surely have asked her down to the tunnels for a cup of tea by now. ‘This Israeli soldier who’s finding ammunitions, does this justify bombing a hospital?’, she then asks. ‘Does this justify raiding a hospital and interrogating patients and basically killing patients?’ Oh, the insinuation.
This journalism affects public opinion. In response to footage of a tunnel shaft just outside al-Shifa, one X / Twitter user wrote: ‘It’s Iraq and weapons of mass destruction all over again.’ No, it’s not. But you just can’t trust those Jews, you see. They’re shifty. They’re probably just the types who would invent a terror base to slake their appetite for the blood of hospital patients. Remember when they marked the Easter of 1144 by kidnapping, torturing and crucifying little William of Norwich? Remember, for that matter, when they manipulated the Allies to start the Second World War? With them, it’s all about the blood.
Seth Mandel: The Corruption of Human Rights
There are two kinds of ex-Human Rights Watch employees: whistleblowers and fanatics. Both tend to confirm all the public’s worst assumptions about the organization.
Danielle Haas is the former. “Following the Hamas massacres in Israel on October 7, years of institutional creep culminated in organizational responses that shattered professionalism, abandoned principles of accuracy and fairness, and surrendered its duty to stand for the human rights of all,” Haas emailed the staff on her last day as a Human Rights Watch senior editor. That email was leaked to the Times of Israel.
I’m not so sure HRW had any professionalism left to shatter, principles to abandon, or duties to surrender by that point, but Haas certainly describes the statements accurately. “HRW’s initial reactions to the Hamas attacks failed to condemn outright the murder, torture, and kidnapping of Israeli men, women, and children. They included the ‘context’ of ‘apartheid’ and ‘occupation’ before blood was even dry on bedroom walls.”
Haas is also correct that this was not a one-off. HRW did not display a lapse in judgment; it displayed the very focused judgment it has long trained on the democracies of the world, especially Israel.
And that was the dedicated obsession of a man who is the perfect example of the second category: the fanatic.
Kenneth Roth took over as director of HRW in 1993 and stayed there for 29 years. During that time, he nearly single-handedly destroyed the credibility of the human-rights NGO industry. Roth’s work possesses no saving grace—indeed, the man has no grace of that or any other kind to speak of. He is a dictator’s dream, spending three decades as a mercenary for authoritarians seeking to exploit the freedom of democratic countries for the cause of moral equivalence. Roth is what you’d get if Soviet “whataboutism” were a person, a golem manifested by the chantings of Oberlin freshmen.
But he is not a complex man. And his simplicity is a prime reason for HRW’s downward spiral beginning with the war on terror.
UNICEF chief: Catherine Russell @unicefchief
— Zach זק (@ZachLewis3187) November 18, 2023
0 condemnation of Hamas, 1 month call to release hostages. Her mandate is children.
— Zach זק (@ZachLewis3187) November 18, 2023
ONE request to Hamas publicly to even visit the hostages. Chastised Israel’s response continuously.
UNRWA: @UNRWA This is the group that employs 30,000 Gazans, lies about what’s in textbooks, and basically operates hand in hand with Hamas. Apparently there are no hostages. They’ve also ever written about Hamas 1 time in their entire history.
— Zach זק (@ZachLewis3187) November 18, 2023
Human Rights Watch: @hrw
— Zach זק (@ZachLewis3187) November 18, 2023
Have the gall to suggest that Hamas’ “political” and “military” divisions are entirely different. Effectively, this creates the idea that Hamas, who calls to murder all Jews regardless of division, has legitimacy and can stand after this.
As war wages on between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, UN Watch has released a new report that reveals how UNRWA teachers in the enclave, funded largely by the U.S. and EU, indoctrinate Palestinian children and promote terrorism and antisemitism.
Entitled “UNRWA: Hate Starts Here,” the report uncovers 20 UNRWA teachers and other staff members who celebrated the October 7th Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians on their social media accounts.
The new cases are in addition to 133 UNRWA educators and staff who were exposed for promoting hate and violence in UN Watch’s last report, released in March 2023.
Full report _PDF)
Our new report reveals how UNRWA teachers celebrated the October 7th Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians on their social media accounts. They indoctrinate Palestinian children and promote terrorism and antisemitism.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) November 17, 2023
UNRWA's Teachers of Hate — Hillel Neuer on NTD TV
Hillel Neuer appeared on NTD News on November 16, 2023 to discuss UNRWA's teachers of hate and the UN's mistreatment of Israel.
Worth following the schism between Arab Israelis and Palestinians since Oct7.
— George Deek (@GeorgeDeek) November 17, 2023
70% of Arabs in Israel identify with the country, whereas 75% of Palestinians (West Band and Gaza) support the massacre of Oct7 by Hamas.
Arab Israeli political leaders came out with clear…
Anti-Semites are emboldened the world over
Aviva Klompas: Worldwide antisemitism is the Jewish people's call to action
Muslim leaders should've condemned Hamas instead of fomenting hate
John Fetterman's courageous support for Israel
Jonathan Tobin: How dangerous are the anti-Israel conservatives?
Disdaining emotion about mass slaughter
But it was on his most recent show that featured fellow right-wing talker [Candace] Owens that he was most open about his disdain for supporters of Israel.
The two joined forces last year to defend Kanye West while that unstable rap star/fashion mogul was venting hatred for Jews prior to his dinner with Trump. Carlson devoted a full episode of his show to an interview with West, though he edited out his guest’s antisemitic smears. Owens weighed in on West’s behalf by saying that she knew better than the Jews what is or isn’t antisemitic.
Owens has been blasted by most conservatives for her equivocal response to Oct. 7 during the course of which she raised the issue of “genocide” of the Palestinians without mentioning Israel, though no one could be in any doubt about what she was alleging or her support for a ceasefire that would benefit Hamas. On Carlson’s show, they blasted the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro for denouncing Owen’s anti-Israel positions though he should have pushed her out of that platform after her embrace of West and his antisemitism.
Carlson and Owens spoke about how they were both amazed about what they considered the overly “emotional” response of many Americans to the Hamas atrocities about which, they think, too many people care too much. Owens boasted of her more “even-handed” and “moderate” response to the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust that avoided such emotions. They think the anger among Jews about the mainstreaming of antisemitism on the left is wrong. Indeed, as far as they are concerned, those who want to see the only Jewish state on the planet destroyed and its people slaughtered are not only not antisemites, they’re being persecuted by the Jews and their allies.
Rather than own up to their anti-Israel stands, they claim that they are, “just asking questions” about the establishment’s pro-Israel orthodoxies and not actually aligning themselves with antisemitic leftists that they oppose on other issues. Yet they echo the left’s anti-Israel conspiracy theories by asserting that those who support Israel are putting the Jewish state’s interests over that of America. Indeed, they blame the Jews for the same left-wing ideologies that are targeting them on college campuses—a classic tactic of Jew-haters down through the ages.
They’re not alone in this regard. Greenwald is a former hard-core leftist who founded the anti-Israel publication The Intercept but was pushed out because of his opposition to left-wing Internet censorship and COVID policies. He found new friends on the right in recent years and became a regular on Carlson’s program. But he has reverted to form by defending campus Jew-hatred and hosting Waters on his podcast, in which the hateful aging rocker engaged in denial about the Oct. 7 atrocities while claiming that Hamas has the right to engage in “resistance” in order to destroy Israel and kill its people.
Let me explain why the normalization of anti-Semitism was an inevitable destination for some of the larger figures on each side.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 18, 2023
On the left, many of the activists have developed a worldview based on intersectionality. That view requires that you not only make someone’s…
How Israel will take the fight into Gaza's maze of tunnels
Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant stated tonight during a Press Conference, “Every day which passes, the places where Hamas Terrorists can hide Decrease. Those who are on the Eastern Side of the City already understand this tonight and will understand it in the coming…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) November 18, 2023
IDF steps up Gaza combat in Zaytun and Jabalya
In case you wonder how it looks like to invade the most urban areas of Gaza City as a soldier of IDF, this video shows a lot.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
The Israeli Army has now entered the Zeitoun neighborhood.
Here they can be seen exiting an IFV and engaging Hamas terrorists.
This was the staging ground in Gaza from which Hamas launched it's October 7 attacks. The Israeli army honored the 1,200 victims by marking the square with a Star of David. Am Yisrael Chai.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 17, 2023
Israelis are split on what they hope will happen in Gaza after the war. According to the Israeli Meet the Press: 32% want to rebuild settlements there, 30% to transfer it to an international trust, 14% for the army to stay indefinitely, 10% to transfer it to the PA.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) November 18, 2023
US official says there will only be a ‘significant pause’ in Gaza when hostages released
President #Biden Op-Ed:
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 18, 2023
"As long as Hamas clings to its ideology of destruction, a cease-fire is not peace. To Hamas’s members, every cease-fire is time they exploit to rebuild their stockpile of rockets, reposition fighters & restart the killing by attacking innocents again. An…
Every civilian death is a tragedy.
— Mark Regev (@MarkRegev) November 18, 2023
But to say 11,200 Palestinian civilians have been killed is to uncritically parrot Hamas propaganda where not a single combatant is among the dead.
An absurd proposition.
Watch my interview on @SkyNews
Another six IDF soldiers have been killed fighting Hamas in Gaza.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 18, 2023
May the memories of these brave men forever be a memory. We are forever in their debt.
Maj. Jamal Abbas, 23🕯️
Cpt. Eden Provisor, 21🕯️
Master Sgt. (res.) David (Dudi) Digmi, 43🕯️
Staff Sgt. Shlomo Gurtovnik,…
A Significant number of Armored Vehicles and Troops of the Royal Jordanian Army have been observed over the last 48 Hours moving towards the Border with the West Bank Region of Eastern Israel; this is likely being done in Coordination with the Israel Defense Force in order to…
— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) November 18, 2023
Israeli-Hamas War: The Best Of Douglas Murray's Reporting From The Frontline - YouTube
— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) November 18, 2023
The Washington Post published a long video study on how Hamas overwhelmed the Israelis on October 7. It's good and attractively produced, but I learned very little that I didn't already know from @ckasapoglu1's analyses.
— Mike (@Doranimated) November 18, 2023
That is not what the article says and I hope someone who actually understands Hebrew community notes the hell out of it.
— Lahav Harkov (@LahavHarkov) November 18, 2023
Promoting this conspiracy theory is sick and cruel, but what do you expect much from someone who lobbied for the Iranian regime.
The Shifa Hospital in Gaza now has fuel, incubators, baby food, medicine, food and water.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 18, 2023
These definitely weren’t provided by Hamas—the ruling authority in Gaza…
But by Israel.
British doctor who worked at Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza recalls that the lower ward leading to a basement was restricted to doctors— that he would be shot if we went there.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 18, 2023
What was going on would have been obvious to any rational person working
A brief history of Hamas and Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza.
— Corbyn in the Times / Crime from Times Past (@TimesCorbyn) November 18, 2023
'Armed Militants inside Shifa are one of the Hospitals biggest problems.'
'Many of them use their military muscle to try and get special treatment.'
July 2006 during Hamas-Fatah civil war.
So true Jeremy Bowen. It’s also not inconceivable that the hand grenades found at the Al-Shifa hospital belonged to the cardiology department.
— Douglas Murray (@DouglasKMurray) November 18, 2023
Deleted tweet from 2014
— Daniel Rubenstein (@paulrubens) November 18, 2023
Curious how when terrorists militarize hospitals in other conflicts around the world, the “human rights” industry is somehow able to call them out for it. But when it’s Hamas—silence.
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) November 18, 2023
We hold you complicit.
'The world didn't believe Israel, but it might believe foreign reporters who were afraid to offer real-time reports but now tell all: A Hamas HQ at Al-Shifa Hospital, launchers near UN facilities, and staged bomb scenes.'
— Corbyn in the Times / Crime from Times Past (@TimesCorbyn) November 18, 2023
Number of rockets fired by Hamas on Israel per week of the war.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) November 17, 2023
Week 1: 3,523
Week 2: 818
Week 3: 795
Week 4: 579
Week 5: 386
Week 6: 234
Hamas is running out of terrorists, rockets, and places to launch. The IDF is winning big.
Satellite image of civilians from the northern Gaza Strip going through the IDF checkpoint (marked in blue) on the way south, out of harm’s way.
— Mike (@Doranimated) November 17, 2023
— FJ (@Natsecjeff) November 18, 2023
Hamas terrorists using Palestinian children as human shields in broad daylight. #Gaza
Hamas has been forcing civilians to stand on roofs of buildings marked for destruction for years.
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) November 18, 2023
Why won’t Egypt and Jordan take refugees from Gaza?
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
Arabs know their history better than the anti-Israel protesters marching in universities.
Those students know nothing about what Palestinian migrants did in Kuwait, Jordan or Lebanon
Share this & some of them might find out!
Israeli police say extreme sexual violence, rape by Hamas terrorists was systematic
It’s just a bunch of women in powerful positions turning their backs on history
Sexual assault center at Canadian university signs onto open letter that disputes women were raped and sexually assaulted during Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel - despite horrific evidence
If, like me, you follow this stuff on the granular level, you will notice that this letter is also signed by a Holocaust-denying activist group. Generally, before signing open letters, I recommend checking whether they are signed by Holocaust deniers. Can be a red flag.
— Yair Rosenberg (@Yair_Rosenberg) November 17, 2023
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) November 18, 2023
Eyewitness account of the brutal rape and execution of Israeli teenage girls in Be'eri during the October 7 Massacre.
via @jaketapper
Eyewitness accounts— Palestinian terrorists gang raping an Israeli girl, then cutting off her breasts while she’s still alive, then shooting her in the head, and then continuing to rape her dead body.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 18, 2023
A message to the world, from Israeli women.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) November 18, 2023
This is a call to every mother in the world: Help us bring our children home! 240 children, women and men are being held hostage in the hands of Hamas. The youngest was 9 months old when he was taken from his home, just the age of my baby daughter. Every time I kiss her I think…
— סתיו שפיר Stav Shaffir 🇮🇱 (@StavShaffir) November 17, 2023
A billboard in Times Square in honor of little Emily Hand who turned 9 yesterday as a hostage of Hamas in Gaza.
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 18, 2023
Outside UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres residence: Singing happy birthday to Emily Hand, who is turning nine while being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza
— Lahav Harkov (@LahavHarkov) November 18, 2023
— leekern (@leekern13) November 18, 2023
I recorded a reaction video after watching the 47 minute compilation of Hamas atrocities. It’s in 3 segments as it’s 25 mins long & I had to take a couple of breathers. No one must be allowed to intellectualise these crimes into legitimacy. Pure evil.
Part 3 of my reaction to the 47 minute film of Hamas crimes against humanity. It was pure Islamic fundamentalist evil moving from idea to action. This is the end result of the words of anyone supporting Hamas in the West. They are a danger to Europe & America
— leekern (@leekern13) November 18, 2023
Mediator: 25 Thai hostages held by Hamas in Gaza are ‘safe’
This is Nutthawaree Munkan, a pregnant Thai woman, taken hostage by Hamas on Oct 7, who gave birth in captivity in Gaza.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 18, 2023
What kind of monsters & cowards take a pregnant woman hostage?
Where is @UN, @UN_Women, @ICRC, @womensmarch, The Squad & all the enlightened Western voices?
We must remember the non Israeli/Jewish victims of the 7th Oct massacre
— GnasherJew®גנאשר #IStandWithIsrael (@GnasherJew) November 18, 2023
This is Bipin Joshi, a 23-year-old student from Nepal, who was hiding with 16 student farmers at Kibbutz Alumim; 2 grenades were thrown into their safe room: Bipin threw one away, but the 2nd exploded &…
The IDF have found the body of another one of the 10/7 hostages in Gaza.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 17, 2023
Clemens Matanga (22) was a Tanzanian citizen who was visiting Israel to study agriculture when Hamas attacked and took him hostage on 10/7.
May his memory be a blessing.
When Boko Haram abducted 270+ girls in Nigeria, the celebrity world did this.
— Eylon Levy (@EylonALevy) November 18, 2023
When Hamas rapists abducted 240 Israelis on #October7, including little girls (!!), they did nothing.
Why are our girls’ lives worth less?#BringBackOurGirls#BringThemHomeNow
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) November 18, 2023
There was a ceasefire on the morning of October 7.
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) November 17, 2023
They had already agreed to one and Hamas broke it.
Israel’s just supposed to sit there and let their people get massacred and not respond?
Germany has pledged a zero-tolerance attitude towards antisemitic behaviour in Germany.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
The German government has equated anti-Israel attitudes with antisemitism.
German officials say Israel's security is Germany's "reason of state.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz opposed an “immediate” ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
German arms exports to Israel increased 10-fold, as Berlin backs Israel’s campaign against Hamas
German intelligence agencies raided 54 properties across Germany in a crackdown on “anti-Israel” Islamism.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
The German interior ministry banned the slogan “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free,” declaring it to implicitly support the destruction of the Israeli state.
Interview with Austrian Foreign Minister @a_schallenberg in Austrian daily @DiePressecom: “Hamas must disappear”
— Hannah Liko (@HannahLiko) November 18, 2023
Call Me Back PodCast: A conversation with Yonit Levi & Jonathan Freedland Hosted by Dan Senor
In this episode — which we recorded just after the historic rally in Washington, DC and as we approached the sixth Shabbat since October 7th — I have a wide-ranging conversation with Yoni Levi in Tel Aviv and Jonathan Freedland in London. Yonit and Jonathan are co-hosts of the popular podcast, UnHoly, which you can find here:
This episode is a sharecast, in which we are dropping the conversation in each of our respective podcast feeds (“Call Me Back” & “UnHoly”). The episode begins with Yonit and Jonathan interviewing me, and then I interview them at the end. It’s a spirited discussion.
Yonit Levi has been anchoring television news broadcasts in Israel for over 20 years. She is the lead anchor of Israel’s top primetime news programme on Channel 2, Israel’s highest rated TV channel. Throughout her career, Yonit has interviewed numerous world leaders, including Presidents Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.
Jonathan Freedland is a columnist for the Guardian newspaper and the host of the Guardian’s Politics Weekly America podcast. He also presents BBC Radio 4’s The Long View and is the author of the award-winning “The Escape Artist: The Man Who Broke Out of Auschwitz to Warn the World,” along with several thrillers under the pseudonym Sam Bourne.
My sources in Israel say the same.
— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) November 18, 2023
" we don't care about protests or riots. We are not stopping until hamas is gone for good and the hostages are home "
One even said. Tell them to wear comfortable sneakers because they will protests for a long time.
55% of Americans support the Israeli operation or think the IDF should do more. Only 35% think we should do less. Moreevidence that Israel is easily winning public opinion.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) November 17, 2023
I’ve really had enough. It is a sick, dangerous LIE to accuse Israel of “genocide” and “apartheid.” People screaming those lies on repeat doesn’t make them any less false. In fact, it’s textbook projection. Don’t let them get away with it:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 17, 2023
In case you missed this ... here's the Ventura County Realtor who was shouting "Allah Akbar" in the face of #PaulKessler's friends right after Kessler was loaded into the ambulance. The bullhorn - the murder weapon - is in the hands of Islamic Society of Simi Valley Imam Omar…
— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) November 17, 2023
Read the full investigation:
— Christina Buttons (@buttonslives) November 18, 2023
Megyn Kelly: Exclusive Reaction From Rob O’Neill on Bin Laden Letter & Gayle King’s CBS Interview, w/ Dave Rubin
Megyn Kelly starts the show by giving a history lesson on 9/11 to educate young Americans and TikTok influencers sympathizing with Osama bin Laden. Then, US Navy SEAL combat veteran Robert O'Neill, widely known for being the man who shot and killed Bin Laden, joined Megyn for an exclusive interview to discuss his opinion on Gen-Z’s praise for the terror leader, the uneducated reaction by college students to the Hamas attacks, and more. Plus, Dave Rubin, host of “The Rubin Report,” joined Megyn to talk about Gayle King’s inappropriate interview with a father of an eight-year-old Israeli hostage and King’s lack of sensitivity to the father, the feud between the Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens, what it means for Conservatives, and more. Plus, JP Sears, comedian and author of “Chomp Chomp Chomp” on peer pressure, the importance of having courage, and more.
A Letter to TikTok
— Luai Ahmed (@JustLuai) November 18, 2023
To the miseducated Gen Z kids and millennials on TikTok who have been praising Osama bin Laden’s "letter to America," without having any deep understanding of Islamic imperialism, history, geopolitics, or propaganda machinery.
You, alongside Al-Qaeda’s…
Leftists Gen Z discovered Osama Bin Laden. Would they support killing Americans?! Watch and find out.
— Ami Horowitz (@AmiHorowitz) November 18, 2023
Crowd of anti-Israel protesters try to disrupt Ben Shapiro event in Calgary
Ezra Levant reports from outside the Grey Eagle Event Centre, where dozens of anti-Israel protesters gathered outside of an event featuring Daily Wire commentator Ben Shapiro.
Jack Carr: Michael Oren: What Led to the Hamas Terrorist Attacks and What Happens Next - Danger Close
Today’s guest is Middle East scholar, historian, diplomat, soldier, and New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Michael Oren.
From 2009-2013, Dr. Oren served as Israel’s ambassador to the United States. He is a former member of the Knesset and was Deputy Minister for Diplomacy in the Prime Minister’s Office. He served as an IDF Paratrooper in the 1982 Lebanon War.
He is the author of numerous books including Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide, Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East, Reunion, Sand Devil, The Origins of the Second Arab-Israel War: Egypt, Israel and the Great Powers, 1952-56, The Night Archer, To All Who Call in Truth, and, most recently, 2048: The Rejuvenated State.
The Re-Education with Eli Lake: Ep. 84: The Hard Bigotry of High Expectations
In this episode, Eli interviews Sol Stern about his recent essay in Commentary on the history of Palestinian pogroms against Jews.
His monologue examines why Israel's response to a genocidal act of terror is being slandered as a genocide.
Maher: The Israeli Arabs Living in the Area ‘From the River to the Sea’ Prefer Israel over Hamas
The Rubin Report: Pentagon Confirms What the Media Has Been Denying About Hamas
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ami Kozak, and Meira Cowland about Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh confirming Israel’s claims that Hamas has a massive military operation under Gaza hospitals.
The Rubin Report: Justin Trudeau Condemned Israel & Israel's Response Is Perfect
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ami Kozak, and Meira Cowland about Justin Trudeau echoing Hamas talking points and Benjamin Netanyah’s terse response to Trudeau telling Israel how to defend itself.
The Rubin Report: Watch MSNBC Host’s Face As Jerusalem Mayor Turns Her Question Against Her
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ami Kozak, and Meira Cowland about MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell blaming Israel for rising antisemitism and Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum refuses to let her get away with it.
The Rubin Report: Watch MSNBC Host's Face When Jerusalem Mayor Corrects Her Misleading Lie
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ami Kozak, and Meira Cowland about MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell having her lies about Al-Shifa Hospital corrected live on air by Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum.
The Rubin Report: No AOC Moment Is Dumber Than Her Plan to Solve Israel Conflict
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ami Kozak, and Meira Cowland about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being delusional enough to say out loud how she feels the conflict between Israel and Hamas could be solved.
The Rubin Report: Ilhan Omar Admits She’s Confused by People Not Agreeing with Her on Israel (Full Show)
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Ami Kozak and Meira Cowland about Ilhan Omar being openly confused why rabbis and faith leaders aren’t supporting her plan for an Israel ceasefire; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez being delusional enough to say out loud how she feels the conflict between Israel and Hamas could be solved; Justin Trudeau echoing Hamas talking points and telling Israel to use more restraint; Benjamin Netanyahu’s terse response to Justin Trudeau telling Israel how to defend itself; MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell having her lies about Al-Shifa Hospital corrected live on air by Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum; Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh confirming Israel’s claims that Hamas has a massive military operation under Gaza hospitals; and much more.
VIDEO - Eli Lake Claims ‘Reason’ for Progressive Anti-Semitism Is ‘Ideological’: This Is an ‘Article of Faith’
— Grabien (@GrabienMedia) November 17, 2023
This is Julia Salazar's Communications and Policy Director — Sarah Campbell
— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) November 18, 2023
A culture of psychopathy.
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 18, 2023
What type of “genocide” sees a population grow by over one thousand percent?
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 18, 2023
Answer: A nonexistent genocide.
Hamas Clarifies They Only Want Israel To Cease Fire
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) November 17, 2023
The shameful nods to antisemitism from Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson
No longer dabbling, dog-whistling, or hinting -- this is a decision to go full Jew-hater. Finkelstein is a pretty well-known crank who's made a career out of being a Jewish anti-semite.
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) November 18, 2023
Finkelstein wrote that the Oct 7 murders of 1,200 Jews “warms every fiber of my soul," in case you're wondering where Owens is on this issue.
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) November 18, 2023
Here’s what Norm said about the attacks right after they happened, in case you’re wondering.
— Defiant Baptist (@DefiantBaptist) November 18, 2023
“It's very sad for me personally…And this is the last thing the right needs right now."@RubinReport on the feud between Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens.
— The Megyn Kelly Show (@MegynKellyShow) November 17, 2023
Watch below, and download:
Normies read this statement one way. Lawyers read this another way and nod knowingly.
— Jeff Blehar is *BOX OFFICE POISON* (@EsotericCD) November 18, 2023
You’re trending because you’re a Hitler fan girl who uses her platform to elevate racism and antisemitism and then whines about how you’re “trending again” after spending weeks trying to get attention. No one believes this act.
— Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר امیلی شریدر (@emilykschrader) November 18, 2023
You are a bigoted Jew hater who, at a time of…
Police move in to arrest demonstrators at London Waterloo while others chant at Downing Street in day of pro-Palestine protests across Britain
Now pro-Palestine protesters target Pret and Starbucks in Manchester after enraged demonstrators stormed McDonald's while police battle crowds across London
Umm did Hamas write this?
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) November 18, 2023
Police are under orders to step in if pro-Palestinian protesters climb war memorials today - with hundreds of thousands expected at more than 100 rallies across the UKEXCLUSIVE: Yesterday, driving around Chicago were antisemitic ad campaigns.
— Angela Van Der Pluym (@anjewla90) November 18, 2023
Spreading lies that Israel bombs hospitals, and that your tax dollars are used to kill Palestinians.
They seem to be angry with Biden. However, Biden just released another $10 billion dollars to Iran.…
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators removed from Waterloo station after sit-in protest. @PA
— Jamie Lashmar (@jamie_lashmar) November 18, 2023
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) November 18, 2023
Antisemitism outside Starmer's office
"The djinn right? They've gone beyond Shaitan you know he's on the list because his wife's a Zionist you know his wife says, you know, Israel and he'll go and support Israel the little shit"
Downing Street someone has an Israeli flag.. of course police take it away #London
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) November 18, 2023
The "Palestine Solidarity Campaign" in action in Harrow earlier today. "Free Palestine!" by hurling abuse at the office of Bob Blackman MP.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 18, 2023
Hurling abuse at the Labour MP Emily Thornberry is another excellent way to "Free Palestine!", isn't it.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) November 18, 2023
Then a masterclass in gaslighting.
— Harry's Place (@hurryupharry) November 18, 2023
The marches are hate marches because they all express their hatred of Zionists on them.
Zionists are Jews.
Invokes Cable St, the battle Jews fought against the fash in order to explain why people killing Jews now shouldn't be fought by IDF.
Palestinian supporters step on a puppy wrapped in the Israeli flag.
— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) November 18, 2023
They also attach a zip tie and string around the young puppy’s neck to the Palestinian flag as they smile and laugh.
I don’t know how many times I need it say this: Blocking traffic is not a legitimate form of peaceful protest. It is dangerous and does serious harm.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 18, 2023
Those who engage in it need to be prosecuted.
Manhattan NYC
— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) November 18, 2023
During a pro Palestinian and Pro hamas protest, one pro Israel protesters waves an Israeli flag.
I wonder if these guys are in favour of jihad as an internal spiritual struggle of rainbows and warm feelings, or the one that involves rape and murder of Jews and non-Muslims? Gonna be fun finding out in the U.K. over the next few years…
— leekern (@leekern13) November 18, 2023
It’s Kristallnacht in New York tonight. I spoke with some Jihadi-Nazis and fixed their poster ‘artwork’
— Justine Brooke Murray (@Justine_Brooke) November 18, 2023
I don’t understand… these Hamas supporters publicly state Jihad is legitimate resistance, but then get angry when they’re called Jihadists.
— Justine Brooke Murray (@Justine_Brooke) November 17, 2023
The ACLU is protesting with Hamas supporters
— Justine Brooke Murray (@Justine_Brooke) November 17, 2023
Elbit by rockefeller center.
— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) November 17, 2023
Another group has broken the windows out of this Jewish owned shop.
Worth noting Rep. Dan Goldman (D) was in Israel during the Hamas terror attack on 10/7. One month later his office in NYC was vandalized by antisemitic Hamas sympathizers.
— RRH Elections (@RRHElections) November 18, 2023
If you didn't want your rally at a Black politician's office to be seen as racist you would've discouraged the use of watermelon imagery in flyers promoting the rally.
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) November 18, 2023
And yet: in this very thread, you highlight imagery of someone holding up a watermelon AT the rally.
Yes, the DSA has showed up outside Jeffries office with watermelons. This is actually happening.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) November 18, 2023
MTA boss shouts ‘f–k Israel’ and ‘f–k you too’ at woman with Israeli flag
— New York Post (@nypost) November 18, 2023
MP’s office besieged by hundreds of pro-Palestine supporters chanting 'shame' and ‘get out’
'We're ashamed': Wall Street banker issues groveling apology after being fired for screaming 'go back to your country' at Jewish family in NYC - as he and his wife covered up posters of Israeli hostages
Norwegian student received death threats after being identified by Polish propaganda channel,”
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
That’s the headline of this Norwegian hit piece.
The “article” is full of misinformation about V24 - but what’s worse, it whitewashes a Norwegian antisemite.
So let’s break it down:
Remember that Norwegian student and her infamous sign?
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
Marie Andersen is actually the victim of Visegrad24,”
Or so claims a hit piece by @terjekarlsen in an obscure Norwegian outlet.
Let’s break down and analyse the tactics used to try rehabilitate an antisemite and smear V24.
A Canadian security guard argues with a delusional anti-Israel protester who thinks she has the right to enter any private property to protest.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 18, 2023
Listen to her hear arguments…
Why are they all like children?
Update: @durhamcollege is aware of the antisemitic commentary from their student.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 18, 2023
Behavior like this is a direct reflection on Durham; we expect this Hamas supporter to be expelled.
There must never be leniency for those that support terrorism.
According to a University of Chicago directory, Bentley Wells is a building and lab manager at the Gordon Center for Integrative Science at the James Franck Institute.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 18, 2023
Fairfax County, VA - in a shocking development, Langley High School has suspended an Asian student who REPORTED this vile hatred!
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 18, 2023
Please contect Langley High Principal Kimberly Greer to voice your outrage:
Students who courageously bring attention to such…
Great Barrington (MA) - this woman was caught removing posters of kidnapped Israelis.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 18, 2023
She responded with “F*ck Israel” when asked why she was doing it.
Dr. Rupa Marya, a hospitalist at @UCSFHospitals, compares Zionisms to Nazism and has the gall to demand healthcare facilities in the Bay Area be shut down, putting patients at risk.
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 17, 2023
How are Jewish patients safe in this woman’s care?
Last night local Jewish ppl and Israelis in Brighton put up a display of child hostages held by Hamas. Every single one was ripped down by this morning. The pro-Palestinians can’t countenance even the sight of these innocents for half a day. Evil.
— Heidi Bachram 🎗️ (@HeidiBachram) November 18, 2023
My advice to people generally is don’t make posts confessing to your criminal activity on social media.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) November 17, 2023
New day New Name And Shame!
— daniel amram - דניאל עמרם (@danielamram3) November 17, 2023
For today ladies and gentlemen Meet Bentley Wall - A Building and Lab Manager on THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO! he was caught this morning tearing down posters of missing israeli children and he was not a shame of this. important to note that this is…
Borough Park Brooklyn, NY
— Viral News NYC (@ViralNewsNYC) November 17, 2023
These two were caught ripping down posters of kids who were either killed or kidnapped by hamas terrorists
Let me get this right, any employees of companies that support Israel in any way have blood on their hands, but the jihadists who slaughtered civilians at a music festival do not?
— Jason Curtis Anderson (@JCAndersonNYC) November 17, 2023
We’re crossing the rubicon here.
“BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” reads this sign by pro-Hamas mob outside NYC’s Penn Station.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 18, 2023
By “any means”, are they referring to massacring, butchering, burning, raping, torturing, beheading, slaughtering, executing and taking hostage Jewish babies, children, women & elderly?
The #October7massacre is to be understood in the perpective of a War of Civilizations. The liberal and democratic West is under attack by an unholy alliance of Islamists and extreme leftists, financed by the avowed enemies of democracy ( Qatar, Iran and beyond…). They hate us…
— Emmanuel Nahshon (@EmmanuelNahshon) November 18, 2023
Things you will never hear at a pro-Israel rally:
— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) November 18, 2023
It was a hoax.
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) November 18, 2023
“Stop Judaisation of Jerusalem”
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 18, 2023
How about you stop erasing Jewish history
'I'm On The Right Side Of History,' Thinks College Student In Front Of Dorm Posters Of Stalin, Hitler, Osama Bin Laden
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) November 17, 2023
Lawrence H. Summers: The Cancer of Antisemitism Is Spreading. Colleges Must Take the Right Stand.
I am shocked and appalled by what I have seen on university campuses since Oct. 7. Antisemitism is a cancer - a lethal adversary best addressed as rapidly, thoughtfully and aggressively as possible. Harvard and many other elite universities have not been swift in their response.
It is the responsibility of university leaders - deans, presidents and outside trustees - to assure that universities are sources of moral clarity on the great questions of their time. It is shameful that no honest observer looking at the record of the past few years, and especially at the last month, can suppose that universities' responses to antisemitism have paralleled in vigor or volume the responses to racism or other forms of prejudice.
Too often, those most directly charged with confronting prejudice - Offices of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - have failed to stand with Israeli and Jewish students confronting antisemitism, the oldest prejudice of them all. Some university DEI officials have themselves taken positions that are widely viewed as antisemitic.
Moral clarity as a central component of education includes recognizing the difference between wanton acts of terrorism and defensive responses. It means seeing that singling out Israel with calls for its annihilation is Jew-hatred.
I’ve been a Jewish activist for the better part of the last fifteen years. I started because I simply couldn’t stay silent. I knew that it’s not that people simply “didn’t get” Israel. I knew that there was something else, something deeper. A hidden force which was coordinating…
— (((noa tishby))) (@noatishby) November 18, 2023
Hanin Barghouti, 22, & Urslaan Khan, 41, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court charged under the Terrorism Act for "support for Hamas".
— David Atherton (@DaveAtherton20) November 18, 2023
Ms Barghouti is the Women’s Officer @USSU at the University of @SussexUni Students' Union.
They'll appear at the Old Bailey on 8 Dec.…
University of Florida graduate student Simon Nicolas Lowry banned from campus for slicing through the word 'Israel' on a banner at Jewish fraternity
Note that the Arabic version they chant here is "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab."
— Noam Blum 🚡 (@neontaster) November 18, 2023
Open Letter From Artists Calls For Release Of All Palestinian Terrorists From Israeli Jails & Denies Israel’s Right to Exist
Anti-Israel Articles In Dawson College Newspaper Whitewash Hamas & Accept The Group’s Claims Uncritically
As if @Columbia did not have enough of an antisemitism problem, rampaging through is campus, they invite this Jew hater, as Hamas continues massacre and attack Israel.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) November 17, 2023
The pro-murder, pro-rape, pro-kidnap mob descended on @UMich to shriek “long live the intifada”
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 18, 2023
— daniel amram - דניאל עמרם (@danielamram3) November 17, 2023
A Bay Area high school bureaucrat and CA Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Advisory Committee member named her kids... Falestine and Jihad. Jihad! Actually insane institutional takeover.
— Julia Steinberg (@juliaonatroika) November 17, 2023
Stanford students demand Stanford reinstate lecturer who separated Jewish students in class and downplayed the Holocaust.
— Julia Steinberg (@juliaonatroika) November 14, 2023
Laith Marouf used this platform to openly incite to the most vile forms of racism, violence, and terrorism.
— Hillel Neuer (@HillelNeuer) November 17, 2023
Thank you to everyone who spoke out and took action for @X to do the right thing. ✅
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 18, 2023
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) November 18, 2023
Poetry house that gets £100k grant backed Palestinian ‘liberation’ in wake of Hamas terror
Worth revisiting this 2018 @RubinReport interview with Janice Fiamengo to appreciate the disgusting support for Hamas terrorists today, especially in the halls of ideologically captured academic institutions. Cue@16min to hear sentiments of academics post 9/11.…
— J.D. Haltigan, PhD 🏒👨💻 (@JDHaltigan) October 8, 2023
A sign at the Harvard-Yale football game reads: “Exchange each hostage for 100 Pro-Hamas Harvard Students & Faculty.”
— Aaron Sibarium (@aaronsibarium) November 18, 2023
Osama Bin Laden Given Honorary Posthumous Doctorate From Columbia
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) November 17, 2023
— (((Emanuel Miller))) 🌻 (@emanumiller) November 18, 2023
Do you recognise the man in the picture holding an AK-47? His name is Samed Wajjeh and the evidence points to him working as a cameraman for you in Gaza.
Do you trust him to capture the story faithfully?
Do you trust Wajjeh to point the camera in places that Hamas…
Garbage. The NYT continues to make excuses for rape & slaughter of Jews. The Nakba was a failed attempt to destroy all the Jews in the Middle East. The "systematic violence" came from the Arabs. Liberal Jews who continue to subscribe to this trash paper are supporting this bs.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) November 18, 2023
CNN blindly repeats that “medical officials” deny the hospital is being used for military purposes, on the same page it acknowledges that there were Hamas weapons in the hospital
— Sunny (@sunnyright) November 18, 2023
Fair enough. From here on out, CNN reporters go in first.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 18, 2023
Rehashing Discredited Theory, Le Devoir Columnist Claims Jews Do Not Originate in Israel
Andrew Mitrovica, Sheridan College Professor & Al Jazeera Columnist, Accuses Israel Of Controlling Canadian Government
Ben is making a point here I also found incredibly … curious: The speed with which tech journos who frequently write glowingly of TikTok were called in by TikTok to be like “Hey, TikTok is *definitely* not a haven of Osama bin Laden fandom!”
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) November 17, 2023
Sting words for someone agreeing with a “Hitler was right” Tweet.
— Shaiel Ben-Ephraim (@academic_la) November 18, 2023
Hi @elonmusk this account is calling for genocide, which, as you’ve stated today, violates your terms 👇
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 18, 2023
An Egged bus in Khan Younis? You sure about that @nytimes?
— The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome (@TheMossadIL) November 18, 2023
— Nioh Berg ♛ ✡︎ (@NiohBerg) November 18, 2023
Yesterday, at the Tunnels checkpoint in Jerusalem, a security officer was engaging in routine vehicle checks when a shooting terror attack suddenly occurred nearby. Reacting swiftly, he engaged the terror cell with his weapon and neutralized the terrorists.
— Eretz Israel (@EretzIsrael) November 17, 2023
אז מי עושה כאן "רצח עם"? שיעור קצר למי שהתבלבל מעבר לים, באנגלית.
— Relevant רלוונט (@relevant_il) November 18, 2023
So, who's committing Genocide here? Quick explanation to those who got confused.#רלוונט #גדיעזרא
Palestinian baby receives an organ transplant thanks to Jewish donor whose son was an Israeli soldier killed in battle.
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) November 17, 2023
The mother is thankful but says she still wants her son to become a martyr when he grows up.
MEMRI: Top Hamas Official Ahmad Bahr And Palestinian Freedom Movement Secretary-General Khaled Abu Hilal Killed In IDF Gaza Airstrikes; Bahr Prayed For Killing Every American And Jew 'To The Last One,' Glorified Martyrdom; Abu Hilal Called On Palestinians Abroad To 'Target Every Infidel Zionist' – Clips From The MEMRI TV Archive
The commercial center of the affluent Remal neighborhood, Gaza City - uploaded today to social media by the photographer. #TheGazaYouDontSee #HamasisISIS#October7massacre
— Imshin (@imshin) November 18, 2023
So did Israel create Hamas?
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) November 17, 2023
No. Israel attempted to curb violence against its own citizens by investing in what was an apolitical Islamic charity. Many years later, the leader of that charity created Hamas.
In Berlin, Erdogan says Germany can’t criticize Israel because of the Holocaust
MEMRI: In Issue 21 Of Urdu-Language Magazine 'Taliban,' Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Promotes Antisemitism, Says Jews Are 'Pigs And Monkeys,' Urges Muslims To Aid Palestinians: 'The Strength Of Muslims Is Not Protest, But Jihad... Muslims Have Always Been Successful With Jihad'
"The Islamic Republic was behind the Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, and its goal was to provoke a reaction from Israel and also disrupt the process of normalizing relations between Israel and Arab countries," Iranian dissident activist @AlinejadMasih told @IranIntl at…
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 18, 2023
Tehran took a hostage to force Belgium to release a dangerous terrorist and drop a high profile case against a Qatari minister
— Saeed Ghasseminejad (@SGhasseminejad) November 18, 2023
The Tehran-Doha joint hostage venture is a threat to the national security of every Western country, no one is safe.
As families of victims and ordinary people mark the 4th anniversary of the brutal crackdown on demonstrations in Iran, the mother of a slain protestor has spoken out.
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 18, 2023
“My Pejman said stop being a slave and went away so that he wouldn't be enslaved.”
A video of Iranian students at Sharif University of Technology appearing without the Islamic Republic's compulsory hijab during their graduation ceremony in Kish Island has outraged the regime and prompted the campus dean to resign. The gov't has also vowed to punish all those…
— Iran International English (@IranIntl_En) November 18, 2023
It is astonishing to me that, even after all this time, Yanis Varoufakis has absolutely no idea what Russia is doing in Ukraine, despite that he keeps offering his opinions on the conflict regardless. This is embarrassing.
— Oz Katerji (@OzKaterji) November 17, 2023
— Frances Weetman (@francesweetman) November 18, 2023
Hitler-worship, porn in the boardroom and psychotic meltdowns... GUY ADAMS investigates how Kanye West's multi-billion trainer line with Adidas became the most toxic celebrity tie-up in history
Kanye West raps about having sex with a 'Jewish b****' to address claims he's anti-Semitic in controversial new song Kanye is under fire for rap
More on Blood Tribe’s leader here:
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) November 18, 2023
Israel and Poland Under 21 players hold minute silence AFTER kick off to protest UEFA's refusal to hold a moment of remembrance for Hamas attack victimsAn Italian mural of Anne Frank holding an Israeli flag was vandalized with the words ‘Gaza Free’…because desecrating the memory of a murdered Jewish child will definitely #FreePalestine
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) November 18, 2023
The Israeli U-21 team played on Friday against Poland. UEFA did not authorize holding a minute of silence for the victims and abductees by Hamas on 7/10. Yet both teams showed that they have greater dignity: they did not play the first minute of the game
— Michael Elgort 🇺🇦✡️ (@just_whatever) November 18, 2023
Today, dozens of boats sailed through Amsterdam's canals to show support for Israel and call for the immediate release of 240+ people cruelly held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.
— European Jewish Congress (@eurojewcong) November 18, 2023
'Bring them home': Pro-Israel rally against antisemitism calls for return of hostagesMoving, haunting display at @NorthwesternU — honoring the 240 innocent hostages still being held by Hamas. An empty chair for each one on Deering meadow:
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 17, 2023
On November 16, a rally against antisemitism and calling for the return of 230+ hostages took place in front of the Henry F. Hall Building at Concordia University. A substantial police presence was deployed to ensure the event proceeded without any violence.
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