If you have to jump through hoops to pretend to find apartheid in the Jewish state while ignoring everywhere it really is, you just might be an antisemite.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
11:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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If the Star of David on Israel's flag upsets you but the crescent, crosses and other religious symbols on more than 60 other flags doesn't bother you...you just might be an antisemite.
If you think that 21 Arab states isn't enough, and 1 Jewish state is too many, you just might be an antisemite.
If you show more sympathy towards the person who stabbed the Jew than for the Jew he stabbed, you just might be an antisemite.
If you have to jump through hoops to pretend to find apartheid in the Jewish state while ignoring everywhere it really is, you just might be an antisemite.
If you have to jump through hoops to pretend to find apartheid in the Jewish state while ignoring everywhere it really is, you just might be an antisemite.
If every terrible event in world history prompts you to compare it with Israeli actions, you just might be an antisemite.
If the only democracy you want to see in the Middle East is one rigged for Jews to be in the minority, you just might be an antisemite.
If you believe that the Palestinian Arabs, who never thought of themselves as a people until the mid-20th century, have more of a claim to nationhood than Jews who have been a nation for 3000 years, you just might be an antisemite.
If you think that Zionism is racist, but Palestinian Arab nationalism is justice, you just might be an antisemite.
If you claim that Zionism is incompatible with feminism, but have nothing bad to say about Islamism, you just might be an antisemite.
If Saudi ties to Israel upset you more than Saudi ties to Osama bin Laden did in 2001, you just might be an antisemite.
If the only refugees from the 1940s that you insist "return" to where they lived previously are Palestinian Arabs, you just might be an antisemite.
If you believe that the only "settlers" in the world who must move out of their homes are all Jews, you just might be an antisemite.
If you think that the the very concept of a Jewish state is racist, but you are okay with an Arab or Muslim state, you just might be an antisemite.
If there are any parts of the world that you believe Jews should not be allowed to live, you just might be an antisemite.
If there are any historic Jewish holy places where you believe Jews have no right to pray, you just might be an antisemite.
If you call Jews who insist on praying in their holiest spot "extremists," you just might be an antisemite.
If you get a thrill comparing Israelis to Nazis, you just might be an antisemite.
If you are compelled to respond to any mention of the Holocaust with "nakba," you just might be an antisemite.
If you aren't Muslim but refer to Jewish shrines like the Temple Mount, Rachel's Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs by their Muslim names that came centuries later, you just might be an antisemite.
If you believe that it is a moral duty to boycott Israeli Jews but not Israeli Arabs, you just might be an antisemite.
If you need to believe that Ashkenazic Jews are descended from Khazars and have no Middle East ancestry, you just might be an antisemite.
If you claim that there is no archaeological proof for Jewish history in Jerusalem, you just might be an antisemite.
If you claim to be pro-Palestinian but ignore how Palestinians have been and continue to be mistreated by their fellow Arabs, you just might be an antisemite.
If you believe that "occupation" is one of the worst crimes but never said a word about any occupation that cannot be linked to Israel, you just might be an antisemite.
If you claim that the only reason Israel does anything progressive or moral is to cover up for its crimes, you just might be an antisemite.
If Jews must pass a test of being anti-Israel for you to allow them to speak publicly or join movements, you just might be an antisemite.
If you consider the word "Zionist" an insult, you just might be an antisemite.
If you are offended by the lyrics of Hatikva but have no problem with the Palestinian national anthem that extols violence and vengeance, you just might be an antisemite.
If you regard terrorists Leila Khaled, Rasmea Odeh and Dalal Mughrabi as feminist role models, you just might be an antisemite.
If your response to every terrorist attack that kills Jewish civilians is that they deserve it, you just might be an antisemite.
If you defend or excuse Arab antisemitism, you just might be an antisemite.
(This is an almost complete rewrite and revision to a 2020 post.)
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