A mass murderer as an icon for human rights? For Palestinians and their supporters, there is no contradiction.
He had murdered seven Israelis - and five Palestinian "collaborators." But since he was a member of Fatah, the Palestinian Authority is in the forefront of mourning him.
The Ministry of Education is forcing schools to hold assemblies supporting his terror career.
Their official school radio dedicated this morning to talking about how Israel mistreats prisoners.
Here is a heartwarming
scene of a child on his father's soldiers, surrounded by the Palestinian and Fatah flags, with a (toy?) gun, supporting the murderer:
Given all this, it is understandable that Israel has not released his body, since that would spark violence. But now they are trying to make that sound like a human rights issue as well: the Palestinian National Council called the decision "fascist:"
This fascist decision of a country whose parliament ratifies laws that qualify criminals to hold ministerial portfolios is a flagrant violation of the most basic international and humanitarian laws and norms and all human rights standards, which categorically demonstrates the impotence and weakness of the international system and its condoning of the occupation's crimes against our people.
Does this sound like legitimate outrage over not receiving the body - or an opportunity to demonize Israel to the world?
Not to be outdone, Hamas called this decision "
Nazi." Nah, nothing antisemitic about that!
Meanwhile, the Palestinian leaders are trying hard to internationalize this issue. The Arab Lawyer's Union
issued a statement, no doubt at the behest of Abbas:
The Palestinian prisoner, Nasser Abu Hamid, was martyred as a result of gross and deliberate medical negligence by the Israeli occupation prison administration, which pursues a policy of revenge against sick prisoners. ...The fascist Israeli occupation deliberately inflicted medical harm on the martyr Nasser Abu Hamid, who was sentenced to seven life sentences in 2001 to spend his life suffering from the pain of cancer, which ravaged his body behind bars until he rose to a martyr.
The Secretary-General of the Arab Lawyers Union called on the international community and international organizations concerned with human rights to condemn this heinous crime and to press for the Israeli occupation to be held accountable for its crimes against the sick prisoners, which are inconsistent with the Geneva Convention, which are crimes against humanity that history will not forget and will not expire by statute of limitations.
No, Israel didn't violate the Geneva Conventions.
Keep this in mind the next time an Arab lawyer is interviewed about Israel: they lie as easily as they breathe.
I'm not seeing too much interest in Hmeid's death in the general Arab media. They seem to grasp what self-centered Palestinians cannot: that many of the things that supposedly outrage them are obviously manufactured and directed by their leaders, but have little to do with reality.
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