Ever notice how antisemitic boycotts are meant to make other people sacrifice things, but the organizers never have to do without anything important?
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
3:04 PM
Elder of Ziyon
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Ever notice how antisemitic boycotts are meant to make other people sacrifice things, but the organizers never have to do without anything important?
Now, Jordanian antisemites are telling thousands of other Jordanians not to work in Israel, with good salaries and working conditions!
The group "I Move to Support the Resistance and Counter Normalization" (these groups always have really long names) warned Jordanian workers who had commuted to jobs in Eilat not to return as the jobs return, post-COVID.
Some 2000 hotel workers and 300 other workers from Jordan are slated to return to working in ISrael on August 1.
In a statement issued by the group, thet called not to go to work in Israel, as well as to boycott the recruitment companies in Jordan that act as go-betweens.
Ludicrously, the group is claiming that working in Israel with good salaries and decent working conditions "constitutes an exploitation of their conditions and their need to work, and includes labor violations that amount to human trafficking."
Hence, the logo above.
If the jobs are so exploitative, then no one has to accept them, do they?
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