Sunday, July 10, 2022
7:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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The poll asked them, "What are the most important, Muslim-related, foreign policy issues to you in this election year?" They could choose as many topics as they wanted.
Here were the results:
Israeli occupation of Palestine 90.5%
Chinese Genocide of Uyghur Muslims 87.4%
Oppression of Muslims in India 80.8%
Burma Genocide of Rohingya Muslims 75.8%
Starvation in Afghanistan 67.4%
Discrimination against Muslims in France 61.9%
Conflict in Yemen 59.6%
Conflict in Syria 54.5%
Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir 37.5%
Civil war in Libya 31.6%
Security in Somalia 29.1%
Presidential Coup in Tunisia 24.2%
Tens of thousands of Muslims have been killed in Myanmar (Burma), Libya, and Yemen, and hundreds of thousands in Syria. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims have been ethnically cleansed from Myanmar. A million Muslims are incarcerated in China. A million Muslims are on the verge of starvation in Afghanistan. Yet when American Muslims only have to check a box to say they are concerned about these issues, they claim that the Palestinian issue is more important to them than direct physical threats to the lives of millions of Muslims.
Moreover, look at the questions they didn't ask: Palestinians are discriminated against in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. Tens of thousands of Palestinians are still refugees from Syria, living in camps in Lebanon and Jordan. But these issues are so unimportant to CAIR that they are not even asked about!
The American Muslims polled don't care about Palestinians - unless their oppression can be blamed on Jews.
These priorities cannot be explained by concern about Muslim lives, or by concern about Palestinian lives.
The only explanation for this twisted set of priorities is Muslim American antisemitism.
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