Saturday, March 5, 2022
8:04 PM
Elder of Ziyon
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When Western bigots castigate Israel for its Law of Return that accepts Jews as immigrants, it is usually accompanied with something like "but Israel bans Palestinians who lived there for hundreds of generations to return to their homes."
But in Arabic, the media that is upset at the potential of thousands of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants don't mention the Palestinian issue. They simply don't want Jews to live in the Middle East, period.
Hawra Kobeissi's essay which was published today in multiple news sites only says that Israel tries to take advantage of world crises to encourage Jews to immigrate for demographic reasons. One of her examples is the huge effort Israel expended in spiriting out only a few dozen Yemeni Jews over the past ten years, which pretty much disproves the demography theory - that is hardly a great return on investment if Israel was only interested in increasing its population.
Palestine Today has a survey of Arab analysts on the issue of Ukrainian Jewish immigration, and while most of them are very much against it, none of them say that Israel should allow Palestinians to become citizens the way the "progressive" media does. If they mention Palestinians at all, it is about the percentage of Arabs and Jews in the area of British Mandate Palestine.
Two different groups of people, supposedly on the same side, who object to Jewish immigration to Israel for completely different reasons. When you see something like that, you can be fairly certain that the real reason behind their objections have nothing to do with either of what they are saying out loud. They just don't like Jews living in Israel.
They don't care about Palestinians - they care about hating Jews.
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