Settlers succeeded in obtaining a new property in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, by purchasing it from its owner, in a continuous process, despite the intensification of all official and popular efforts to eliminate it.The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Jerusalem said that settlers seized a property belonging to a Jerusalemite who had leaked it to them. The new property is an apartment within a residential building located in the Mughrabi Gate area of Silwan.The group confirmed that the house was leaked in the morning, when settlers stormed the building, guarded by members of the occupation police.Years ago, the Palestinian Authority began prosecuting sellers and subjected them to investigations and issued judgments against them in the courts, but this was not a sufficient deterrent.The religious authorities issued several legal fatwas against the leakers in the recent period, coinciding with the increase in these operations. The religious fatwas did not stop the people concerned from carrying out such sales.Officials in the PA say that they find it difficult to pursue the sellers, for more than one reason; The first is that things are done in secrecy, and the Israelis wait for many years after the seller’s death or his flight abroad, to announce that they have bought the land or the house, and the second, that some of these deals take place in Jerusalem or Israel, and the authority has no authority there, and the third is that some land sellers live in abroad and sell from abroad.Usually some weak-minded Palestinians resort to selling their real estate, under pressure from the financial temptations offered by Jews, but others completely refuse.Palestinian citizens who refused to sell their lands said that the sums offered to them are usually astronomical.
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
6:04 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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The article tries so hard to make it sound like Jews are doing something underhanded in buying property. But they are doing what they have always done - buying the Land of Israel at absurdly high prices, because it is worth it to them.
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