It's Time to End the Small Palestinian Victories
On Friday, Arab residents of eastern Jerusalem chanted on the Temple Mount: "We are all Hamas, waiting for your orders, commander Mohammed Deif. Hamas, shoot a rocket at Tel Aviv tonight."These Attacks on Jerusalem are Different
Palestinians think that Israel does not have the perseverance to be victorious. Possibly, there are even Israelis who are beginning to think this way. This is dangerous because it emboldens the violent rejectionists.
Palestinians think that Israel does not have the perseverance to be victorious.
Victory is obviously not won overnight but by a series of smaller victories that wear out one's opponents. With each small victory, many rejectionist Palestinians see the greater victory at hand.
This is the perception, however wild it might seem, which is being perpetuated. Nonetheless, it can be turned back if Israel decides that it will no longer act as if it is in retreat.
Israel needs to start winning some small victories of its own. It needs to push back against the rejectionist Palestinians. It needs to first assert control, then provide deterrence against those who would seek harm to its citizens and act in favor of security.
In the latest conflict with Hamas in Gaza, "Operation Guarding of the Walls," Israel should massively bombard Gaza and even enter and occupy it until the rocket infrastructure has been completely destroyed. While doing this, it should hermetically seal Gaza, cutting off the supply chain to Hamas and other terrorist organizations. It must do what all nations have and are doing to achieve victory, by beating its enemy into submission.
Israel must convince the average Palestinian that it is here to stay and should be accepted in full.
This would be a significant victory and would change perceptions and switch the momentum against violent Palestinian rejectionism. It would convince the average Palestinian that Israel is here to stay and should be accepted in full. This would have the important goal of bringing peace closer because the more Palestinians accept the legitimacy and permanency of the State of Israel, the more pressure would be put on their leaders to give up on their goals of ending the Jewish state.
This is a victory towards which Israel should be persevering.
The results of these inversions of the expert-driven conventional wisdom were remarkable.Elliott Abrams: Israel Erupts: Cutting through the Misinformation Surrounding Part of This Conflict
Our key regional allies—Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE—not only grew stronger, but deepened their collaboration.
The Abraham Accords ushered in the first true, warm peace agreement since the dawn of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
ISIS was crushed and al-Qaeda neutered—with a consequent reduction in Islamist terror in the U.S. and across the West.
Iran was kept off-balance and at bay. For the first time in recent memory, the Middle East seemed to be pointed in a positive direction.
Over the past 100 days, the Biden administration has retreated—hard—towards the now-discredited "experts," their now-disproven assumptions and their long-failing approaches to the region. Unsurprisingly, we have already seen increased Iranian aggression towards U.S. interests, growing brutality in the Yemeni civil war and Islamist terror attacks here at home (perhaps most prominently the King Soopers massacre in Boulder, Colorado).
The current wave of pretextual attacks against Israel are merely par for the course. When the Biden administration announced it would resume unconditional funding to the anti-Israel, terror-supporting Palestinian Authority—almost certainly in violation of U.S. law—it had to have known what to expect. Biden has returned to Obama-era policies; the terrorists have returned to Obama-era behavior.
It's not too late for the Biden team to undo its catastrophic error. Nor is it too late to appreciate the human suffering that walking away from a successful Middle East policy has unleashed throughout the region—and throughout the world.
The current attacks in Jerusalem have put the young Biden administration to the test. We must hope that these are missteps, not malevolence.
Note again this line in the Kohelet analysis: “The litigation has taken several years, and the owners have won at every step.” Israel’s courts, sometimes viewed as too sympathetic to — or indeed part of — the Israeli “Left,” have consistently applied standard property law, as would courts in any Western country, and consistently found that the rights of ownership have not been obliterated just because people moved into these homes when the Jews who lived in them were driven out.
Now let’s return to the paintings forcibly seized from Jews by the Nazis. There is widespread sympathy for the owners of those paintings, and it is visible in newspaper accounts and in court decisions and international conventions. Why is there so little sympathy for those who own the properties in contention in Jerusalem? Why the bias in most accounts of these eviction proceedings? Even media generally sympathetic to Israel have produced tendentious reporting (see this analysis of Fox News’ reporting).
Good questions. Is the criticism of Israel here explained by the bitter old conclusion that the world likes dead Jews (and their paintings) more than living Jews who are fighting for their rights? Is it the context of Arab complaints about the “Judaization of Jerusalem,” as if that city were somehow naturally an Arab capital where all Jewish presence is alien? Is it the Palestinian propaganda, which makes cases like this part of the battle to protect the Al-Aqsa mosque from imagined Israeli depredations?
Here’s a theory: Israel’s critics here don’t care about law and rights. Yesterday, before his meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the Jordanian foreign minister spoke of “provocative measures against . . . the peoples of Sheikh Jarrah” to describe court cases in which ownership rights are being asserted. The theory seems to be that the Jews were downtrodden by the Nazis, so the Jews can recover their stolen paintings — but the Palestinians are downtrodden by the Israelis, so the stolen properties cannot be recovered. In other words: forget rights, forget courts.
Blinken, by the way, commended Israel for postponing those court decisions. But they will come, soon enough, and that will be an interesting test for the Biden administration and many other governments. Will they uphold the rule of law and say Israel has every right to enforce a ruling for the owners (if that is the court’s decision)? Or does the rule of law apply only in Europe, when it comes to old Nazi cases where there’s no political risk in siding with the Jews?
This has nothing to do with Sheikh Jarrah
After Palestinian PM Mahmoud Abbas canceled highly anticipated elections, Hamas simply saw an opportunity it could not pass up, exploiting the Sheikh Jarrah situation and an already tense environment during the holy day of Leylat Al Qadr and Jerusalem Day. Hamas is currently running a social media campaign calling for Palestinians to incite violence during demonstrations in Jerusalem and elsewhere. They are encouraging Palestinian youth to throw their lives away by hurling rocks and makeshift bombs at police.
Hamas-led riots outside of the Al Aqsa Mosque prove that Israeli police are not at fault for the dangers preventing Muslims from praying. Hamas has incited mobs and provoked violence with the intention of framing Israel for ethnic cleansing. Just today, provocateurs filled several busses to travel to Jerusalem to participate in the “historic” riots and answer the Hamas call to incite violence.
Most significantly, Hamas leaders ordered hundreds of rockets to be launched in the general direction of major Israeli cities. Many of them did this from the comfort of their luxury villas in Doha, Damascus, or elsewhere, knowing full well they themselves are safe from any blowback. It is important to remember that Hamas’s penchant for murder is almost matched by their blundering incompetence, which is partly the reason one out of every three of their rockets crashes into Gaza where the only possible victims are Palestinian. They also apparently shelled Abu Ghosh, an ancient Arab village.
This dispute is not actually about four houses in East Jerusalem. This is about Hamas seeing a chance to seize the narrative and increase its own influence and control over Palestinians in Jerusalem. Don’t buy their fake news and let them dilute their own blame. In the coming days, Jews and Muslims are both likely to die because Hamas saw political upside in violence. Don’t forget it.
Commentary Magazine Podcast: Israel Under Attack—from Hamas and Liberals
On today’s podcast, I read my exchanges yesterday with my sister from her bomb shelter in Tel Aviv to give listeners a real-time sense of what it’s like to be under rocket attack. And then we express our outrage at the liberal effort to blame Israel for the assault upon it.Israel Is Under Attack | Gaza Conflict
Hamas terrorists initiated a night of bloodshed launching dozens of rockets from #Gaza which caused a fatality, multiple injuries & sent millions of Israelis to bomb shelters.
— Israel Foreign Ministry (@IsraelMFA) May 11, 2021
Israel will do its utmost to defend its citizens from Hamas' deliberate targeting of civilians.
Report: Israel rules out ceasefire after Hamas seeks international mediation
Israel on Wednesday ruled out mediated talks with Hamas and other Gaza-based terror groups, which are apparently seeking a truce to end the latest deadly escalation, unnamed Israeli officials told local media.MEMRI: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Ramez Al-Halabi: The Rockets We Use To Pound Tel Aviv, Our Weapons, Our Money, And Our Food Are Provided By Iran
Egypt, which shares a border with the Gaza Strip, has often served as a broker between Israel and the Islamist leaders of the Gaza Strip, who were reportedly prepared to agree a ceasefire after massive IDF strikes against terrorist infrastructure and high-ranking operatives in Hamas.
The officials stressed that Israel was intent on eradicating the terror networks responsible for the latest escalation of violence, and was unwilling to settle for another temporary détente.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz issued earlier on Wednesday a statement to similar effect.
"Israel is not preparing for a ceasefire. There is currently no end date for the operation. Only when we achieve complete quiet can we talk about calm," Gantz said. "We will not listen to moral preaching from any organization or institution regarding our right and duty to protect the citizens of Israel."
The most intense hostilities since 2014 have killed at least 48 people in Gaza, including 14 children, three Palestinians in the West Bank, and five Israelis since Monday.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Ramez Al-Halabi said that the rockets used by the faction to target Tel Aviv have the signature of Iran and Qasem Soleimani on them. He made his remarks in an interview that aired on Al-Ahd TV (Iraq) on May 7, 2021. Al-Halabi said that the axis between Jerusalem and Tehran is a victorious one. He added that faction members were trained by the IRGC and that Iranian money was used to buy weapons for the armed factions in Gaza and Lebanon. Al-Halabi continued to state that every home in Gaza has a picture of Qasem Soleimani, and he said: "They are the ones who support us with weapons, money, and food."
"The Contours Of The Victories In Palestine... Were Outlined With The Blood Of Qasem Soleimani, Iranian Blood; The Patronage Of The Axis Of Resistance Has Begun To Prevail In The Region"
Ramez Al-Halabi: "The mujahideen in Gaza and in Lebanon use Iranian weapons to strike the Zionists. We buy our weapons with Iranian money. An important part of our activity is under the supervision of Iranian experts. The contours of the victories in Palestine as of late were outlined with the blood of Qasem Soleimani, Iranian blood. Today, the patronage of the axis of resistance has begun to prevail in the region, thanks to Allah and to the blood of the martyrs, and it has begun to make an impact, and what an impact!
"The axis between Jerusalem and Beirut, the axis between Jerusalem and Baghdad, the axis between Jerusalem and Damascus, the axis between Jerusalem and Sanaa, and first and foremost, the axis between Jerusalem and Tehran – it is a victorious axis.
Our Rockets And Kornet Missiles "Have An Iranian Signature On Them"; Our Gunmen "Were Trained By Our Brothers In The IRGC"
"I am not sorry, I am proud to say that the rockets that are used to pound Tel Aviv have an Iranian signature on them, the signature of Qasem Soleimani.
"The Kornet missiles that we use to blow up the Israeli tanks – the pride of the Israeli and global defense industry – are the Kornet missiles of Qasem Soleimani and Iran. The guns that we use to shoot at the Israeli enemy... Those who use these guns were trained by our brothers in the IRGC. We say this loud and clear.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Ramez Al-Halabi: The Rockets We Use to Pound Tel Aviv, Our Weapons, Our Money, and Our Food Are Provided by Iran #Gaza #Iran
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) May 12, 2021
This map illustrates the barrage of 130 rockets launched by Hamas and PIJ from #Gaza towards the Tel Aviv metropolitan area just now.
— Dan Poraz (@PorazDan) May 11, 2021
Millions of Israeli civilians under fire.
The supreme sacrifice. Staff Sergeant Omer Tabib, 21, Nachal Brigade @IDF Killed in Action today near the border with Gaza.
— Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁ (@COLRICHARDKEMP) May 12, 2021
#Hamas war against Israelis: 16-year-old Nadine Awad and her father Khalil Awad, Israeli Muslims, were killed last night in the city of Lod.
— Ido Daniel 🇮🇱 (@IdoDaniel) May 12, 2021
Another cowardly act by Palestinian terrorists. #IsraelUnderFire
We are sad to report that a caregiver to the elderly Soumya Santhosh from India was murdered today by Hamas.
— The Mossad: The Social Media Account (@TheMossadIL) May 11, 2021
May her memory be a blessing.
OPERATIONAL FOOTAGE: This is the moment we targeted a terrorist squad preparing to launch an explosive UAV from Gaza into Israel.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) May 12, 2021
Hamas’s rocket arsenal. They magically have funds for all of this but not for healthcare
— We Believe in Israel (@WeBelieveIsrael) May 12, 2021
RAW FOOTAGE: This is the moment the Iron Dome intercepted a barrage of rockets over Tel Aviv and central Israel.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) May 11, 2021
🔴RAW FOOTAGE from Rishon L'Zion in central Israel, where a direct hit of a rocket fired from #Gaza by Hamas has killed a woman and caused severe damage.
— Israel Foreign Ministry (@IsraelMFA) May 11, 2021
Israel will protect its population from this terrorist
HORROR - watch as a child from Gaza records Hamas missiles being parked right onto his residential street!
— (@StopAntisemites) May 12, 2021
Once again we see Hamas using innocent civilians as a shield to murder Jews, knowing full fact Israel will not retaliate due to the risk of hurting innocent people.
Another video showing how
— Ofir Gendelman (@ofirgendelman) May 11, 2021
Hamas is firing rockets at Israel from populated areas in the Gaza Strip. This is a double war crime: targeting civilians while using them as human shields.
1/3 of these 250+ rockets fell inside the Gaza Strip, killing Palestinians. #GuardiansOfTheWalls
A Palestinian NGO confirms that a Palestinian rocket fell short and killed eight Palestinians. Ultimately all Palestinian losses are victims of Hamas and Islamic Jihad as they use their own people as human shields and started the war.
— Daniel Schwammenthal (@DSchwammenthal) May 12, 2021
Will the media at least correct this?
🚨 Hamas terror rockets from Gaza hits bus full of people right outside Tel Aviv (Holon), injured include a little girl.
— (@StopAntisemites) May 11, 2021
Nothing to see here.
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) May 11, 2021
Just Arabs in the Israeli city of Lod setting fire to their Jewish neighbors’ vehicles while calling for their deaths…
Or what @RashidaTlaib and @Ilhan call “fighting oppression” in the name of “peace and justice.”
Raw Aerial Footage:
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) May 11, 2021
This is the moment that the IDF & Israel Security Agency carried out a targeted strike against Islamic Jihad commander, Samah Abed al-Mamluk & other senior members of his unit.
They were among those responsible for hundreds of rockets fired at Israelis.
A building in Gaza attacked today by the IDF having warned civilians present to leave and giving them adequate time for them to evacuate. Hamas response was to fire multiple rocket salvoes at civilian targets, a war crime.
— Rɪᴄʜᴀʀᴅ Kᴇᴍᴘ ⋁ (@COLRICHARDKEMP) May 11, 2021
Israel bombs buried Hamas weapons caches in Gaza. Terrifying from up close. How's a Gazan to know when they're standing close to one?
— Haviv Rettig Gur (@havivrettiggur) May 12, 2021
Hamas' primary force multiplier is its willingness to hide behind civilians. Hamas has never fought any other way.
Palestinian Islamic Jihad Quds Force Brigade spox thanks "Resistance Axis, headed by Islamic Republic of Iran," for the addition of Badr-3 missiles to PIJ arsenal
— David A. Daoud (@DavidADaoud) May 12, 2021
I'm hearing that several Hamas terror commandos have been trapped underground for several hours. They were on an operation when Israel destroyed tunnel entrance and exits
— Jake Wallis Simons (@JakeWSimons) May 12, 2021
These people torched a Synagogue, vandalised and set Jewish properties on fire, threw Molotov cocktails at Jews and they are cheering on rockets and calling for the massacre of Jews.
— Sami Saviv סמי סביב #Protected (@_samisaviv) May 12, 2021
Peaceful coexistence with such people is impractical and impossible.
This is not Europe 1940, this is Israel 2021.
— Hananya Naftali (@HananyaNaftali) May 12, 2021
Arabs set on fire a Synagogue in Lod city. In this video you can see Jews rescuing Torah scrolls from the burned house of worship. Breaks my heart. 💔 #IsraelUnderAttack #Israel
Arab Israelis marching down the streets of the Israeli Jewish-Arab city of Lod chanting "In blood and fire we will redeem Palestine, removing Israeli flags and replacing them with Palestinian flags. Dozens of cars were torched in Ramle and Lod today during missile attacks.
— Caroline Glick (@CarolineGlick) May 11, 2021
Inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque this morning.
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) May 12, 2021
Hamas terrorist are using women and children as shields to launch rocket attacks on Israeli civilians.
— Tzipi Hotovely (@TzipiHotovely) May 11, 2021
Israel will do what is necessary to protect its people, as is the right of every democratic country.
Listen to what I said to @BBCWorld today👇
America's friends and enemies alike are noticing that when a close US ally is under attack by a terrorist group, the response of the Biden admin is to both-sides it
— Noah Pollak (@NoahPollak) May 12, 2021
Footage of Rocket Launch by Hamas Towards the “Occupied Lands” of Ashkelon, Ashdod, and Tel Aviv #Hamas #Israel #Palestinians #Gaza
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) May 12, 2021
— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) May 11, 2021
Uighurs are oppressed in China and the left shrugs; 4,500 Palestinians are killed by Assad and the left looks away; gays are hanged and activists are murdered in Iran and the left ignores it; Israel defends itself and the left indulges in an orgy of self-righteous antisemitism.
— Never Again (@Never_Again2020) May 12, 2021
Hamas's rockets are aimed at Israeli civilians and schools.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) May 11, 2021
Israel's airstrikes are aimed at the terrorists launching the rockets.
There is no comparison.
Yeah it's pretty horrific actually
— Heimish Conservative (@HeimishCon) May 11, 2021
Shameful that @IntlCrimCourt @FatouBensouda is unable to condemn launching of over 1,000 rockets towards #Israeli civilian population in 24 hours. It’s not “around Gaza”. It’s in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Ashkelon and most of central-south Israel. My children are in shelter!
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) May 12, 2021
Remind me again, how much ‘restraint’ did Britain show after you were bombed In WWII? cc. @COLRICHARDKEMP @SussexFriends @mishtal
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) May 12, 2021
United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process sides with the terrorists shooting rockets at Israel:
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 12, 2021
1000+ Iranian supplied missiles, launched by genocidal terrorists Hamas, raining down on civilians, killing them, is just a consequence of a controversial legal dispute over evictions. It's so blindingly obvious, now Jeremy's said it. STFU bitching and moaning, Israeli civilians.
— Joo (@JoosyJew) May 12, 2021
Bella and Gigi Hadid Use Social Media Accounts to Support PalestiniansYou are not on the ground, I am. You don’t have family in shelters, I do. You are only processing facts that fit within your pre-conceived narrative. If you cared to learn the truth, you would understand how far Israel goes to mitigate the risks of violent escalation.
— David M Friedman (@DavidM_Friedman) May 11, 2021
Modeling duo Bella and Gigi Hadid have come out against Israel and in favor of the Palestinians in the current Middle East conflict.
After several years of relative calm during President Donald Trump’s term, and peace agreements between Israel and several Arab states in the region, Palestinians launched riots last week that escalated into rocket attacks this week, to which Israel responded by targeting Palestinian terrorists in airstrikes in Gaza.
The UK Daily Mail noted that the sisters’ father, Mohammed, “is of Palestinian origin.”
Bella Hadid posted several anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian images, including one that declared “Israelis are the oppressors and Palestinians are the oppressed.”
In her comments, she accused Israel of “apartheid.”
Gigi Hadid posted an image that declared:
One cannot advocate for racial equality, LGBT & women’s rights, condemn corrupt and abusive regimes and other injustices yet choose to ignore the Palestinian oppression. It does not add up.
You cannot pick & choose whose human rights matter more.
The Palestinian Authority (PA) does not honor racial equality, nor does it protect LGBT rights or women’s rights. Neither does Hamas, which rules Gaza. The PA is also widely regarded as one of the most corrupt governments in the world.
Neither of the two sisters said anything about Israeli victims of Palestinian terror, nor about the fact that the current violence is being driven by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist organization that would almost certainly ban them from working as models under Palestinian rule.
The multi-millionaire Hadid sisters LOVE posting about Palestinian rights and oppressive Israeli regimes while at the same time lounging on Israeli beaches!
— (@StopAntisemites) May 12, 2021
Just another example of hypocritical activism used to vilify Jews.
📷: Alana Hadid (sister of Gigi and Bella Hadid)
How is this tweet allowed to stand, @Twitter?
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) May 12, 2021
She has 1.2 million followers being exposed to her vitriol!
Rob Malley, Biden’s Iran envoy, on Hezbollah and Hamas |
— Mike (@Doranimated) May 11, 2021
Senior IRGC General Mohammad-Reza Naghdi: The Zionists Are Moving from #Israel to Patagonia, Their Own Traditions Predict the End of Their Regime #Iran #IRGC #Argentina #Chile #Gaza #Palestinians
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) May 12, 2021
Muslim Brotherhood Official and Fmr. Jordanian MP Saud Abu Mahfouz: The Jews Have the Money of Rothschild and Adelson and They Provoke Us with Their Filth, But We Are Willing to Redeem Jerusalem with Our Lives #Antisemitism #Jordan #Palestinians #Gaza #Muslim_Brotherhood
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) May 12, 2021
CNN's Zakaria: Israel-Palestine Conflict Can only Be Solved if Israel 'as a Matter of Morality,' Decides to 'Give Rights to Palestinians'
On Tuesday’s “CNN Tonight,” CNN host Fareed Zakaria argued that the problems between Israel and Palestine are “only going to be solved if Israel decides that it wants to, as a matter of morality, it wants to give rights to Palestinians,” and blamed the recent conflict in the area on the Trump administration giving too much leeway to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Netanyahu pursuing “his own very narrow interest to the max.”Israel Under Fire: IDF Spokesperson on CNN
Host Don Lemon asked, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this, about what’s happening with Israel and Gaza. I’m so glad that you’re here to discuss. Rocket fire, airstrikes, and the death toll certain to rise. How did this escalate just over just recent days?”
Zakaria responded, “It’s pretty simple. The Trump administration’s foreign policy toward the Middle East was to subcontract the entire region to two people: MBS, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and Bibi Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel. And each one pursued his own very narrow interest to the max. … Netanyahu…was trying to do things that would make it as impossible for there ever to be a Palestinian state as he could do. So, he makes peace with some moderate Gulf states with the help of the United States. And he had been essentially ruling out any possibility of any deal with the Palestinians. So, after a while, I think what happened is, there was a certain amount of frustration that these events then get triggered by something or the other. But the reality is that Israel had almost forgotten that they had this Palestinian problem on their hands, and it has now exploded.”
He added, “Well, a lot of people in Israel are pointing out it seems pretty suspicious or strange that this should happen right as it has happened now. Because it probably helps Bibi Netanyahu. It creates an atmosphere of crisis. It creates an atmosphere where people tend to move to the right. I mean, if you’re getting rockets hailed down upon you that are being shot by Hamas, you’re going to get more security conscious. And if all that happens, what it does for Benjamin Netanyahu is very personal. If he can stay in the prime minister’s office, he does not have to face the corruption charges that threaten to put him into prison.”
From my interview on @WIONews (India) about #IsraelUnderFire.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) May 12, 2021
As I noted, about 20% of #Israel has been within firing range of Palestinian terror rockets from #Gaza. This is the equivalent of 230 million people in India. NO country should tolerate this!
We got back to this remarkably fast, didn't we?
— Omri Ceren (@omriceren) May 12, 2021
MSNBC's Ayman Mohyeldin challenged a former Israeli ambassador: "What do you say to the international community who does not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over East Jerusalem and says what you’re doing to families like his and others is possibly a war crime?"
— Justin Baragona (@justinbaragona) May 11, 2021
A reporter for the Qatar-based @AJEnglish yesterday acknowledged that Israel gave an advanced warning before taking out a target.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) May 12, 2021
Confirmation from a most unusual source that the @IDF goes to great lengths to avoid killing innocents, going beyond its obligations under int'l law.
.@cenkuygur goes on rant about the US being controlled by Israel. The end result of antizionist distortions and lies is the belief in Zionist conspiracy theory.
— The Conspiracy Libel (@ConspiracyLibel) May 11, 2021
Jews still vote Democrat so he’s not talking about those Jews. He’s talking about the “Israel lobbyists”.
So Ismail Haniyeh can celebrate the bombing of my city - the targeting of civilians by terror org Hamas, but Twitter bans ...Donald Trump?
— Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר (@emilykschrader) May 11, 2021
These are some f***ed up priorities @jack
P.s. Ismail, you’re cheering the sabotage of your own power supply
It takes him about 5:30 to get there, and he BRIEFLY flirts with a non morally repugnant position first, but eventually @Trevornoah says that because Israel is a strong state it has an obligation to allow Hamas to murder Israeli citizens. Nice.
— Seffi Kogen (@seffikogen) May 12, 2021
Protesters outside of the U.S. State Department chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 11, 2021
Man left severely bloodied by anti-Israel protester(s) in NYC today. Graphic video by @elaadeliahu:
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) May 12, 2021
The pro Palestinian movement is full of thugs who love nothing more than to attack Jews and Jewish property. They use these movements as vehicles for their Jew hate.
— Judean לוק Junglist #KroenkeOut (@MeshugaNinja) May 12, 2021
Tonight British Jewish counter demonstrators in Downing Street people were stabbed by knives and bricks thrown by Palestinian supporters and antisemites ....@Campaign4T
— Eye On Antisemitism (@AntisemitismEye) May 11, 2021
CNN Criticizes Iron Dome Attacks Against ‘Mostly Peaceful Rockets’ (satire)
Accusing Israel’s missile defense system of unprovoked aggression, CNN has come out against Iron Dome’s violent attacks on “mostly peaceful rockets” fired by Hamas from the Gaza Strip.
Noting that the vast majority of the hundreds of rockets launched at Israeli towns and cities landed uneventfully in empty fields, CNN anchor Don Lemon pointed out that the Iron Dome batteries could have launched a social worker into the sky to de-escalate the situation instead of blasting the rocket out of the air with an interceptor missile.
“Besides, so what if these rockets get a little bit violent sometimes?” anchor Chris Cuomo asked. “Where does it say that rockets are supposed to be peaceful, or that militant groups aren’t supposed to blow up homes, busses, and schools?”
Correspondent Omar Jimenez, meanwhile reported from just south of Tel Aviv, where a rocket had hit a bus, that Hamas had launched a series of “fiery but mostly peaceful attacks” as the bus burned in the background.