The original homeland of the Jews is the forgotten Jewish republic of Birobidzhan.Yes, the first Jewish republic, Birobidzhan , is located in southeast Russia. The majority of the world is not aware of its existence because Israel is striving to conceal this fact and prevent the media from visiting it.What Israel and the Western countries supporting it fear is promoting the idea of the return of the Jews to their first homeland in this republic and persuading the world of a safe return for the Jews residing in Palestine to the Republic of Birobidzhan, to live in safety and peace, enjoy the atmosphere of the prevailing Jewish culture in it and speak the Yiddish language, the language of European Jews, without any anti-Semitism as currently promoted by world Zionism.Global Zionism deceived the whole world when they claimed during the Second World War that they are in dire need of the land of Palestine as their national home and that they are displaced and have no national home to house them, and thus they have shielded the displacement of the Palestinians and the seizure of their lands until now.During the disintegration of the Soviet Union, this republic was eligible to declare independence from the Russian Federation, just like Chechnya, but Zionism prevented this from happening due to the sensitivity of the emergence of a Jewish republic in a place other than Palestine.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
11:05 AM
Elder of Ziyon
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As usual, no one blinks or condemns these kinds of articles.
Nafea just discovered Birobidzhan, the Soviet-era Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up as a counter to Zionism. It is in an isolated region bordering China in far-east Asia. The Soviets encouraged Jews to move there, and several thousand did, with the population reaching some 50,000 Jews most of whom came as refugees after the Holocaust.
They didn't stay in the isolated region. The experiment failed miserably and today Jews make up 1% of the population of whom nearly none practice Judaism.
Ahmed Nafea thinks this is the solution to that pesky Jewish problem, and says that Israel is hiding the existence of the entire oblast:
See? The solution is so easy!
This is the casual kind of antisemitism that pervades the Arab world. The fact that Jews don't want to live in Birobidzhan doesn't even enter his mind - they must be forced to move there and they'll be happy!
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