In 1942, Jews already knew to a degree the extent of the Holocaust, of over 1.5 million already killed and millions more in mortal danger.
The front page of the B'nai Brith Messenger, December 4, 1942:
Zionists pleaded for Britain to lift the White Paper, as this April 2, 1943 article shows:
Anti-Zionists wanted the opposite. Just as today, these people claim to be representing Jews in their zeal to allow Jews to be murdered. And just as today, they tried to pretend to be more influential than they were which allowed political leaders to avoid listening to the people who actually wante to save the lives of Jews in Europe.
December 18, 1942:
The saddest and most enraging article I saw, though, comes from someone who simply could not believe that Hitler could possibly be as evil as people were claiming.
Charles Benson, whose "Capital Letter" on Washington DC was syndicated in multiple Jewish newspapers, no doubt felt that he was wise beyond the hysterical Jews who were pleading for millions of their people to be saved. He used an appalling "logic" of a rational Hitler who would never do such a thing as to waste all that Jewish manpower, not to mention that it is completely impossible to murder that many Jews in that short period of time using the most barbaric method he could imagine.
The sarcasm in this article, belittling those who called Hitler a mass murdering monster, is enough to make you want to scream.
December 11, 1942:
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