Iran's Al Alam TV is upset that the UAE and Bahrain commemorated Yom HaShoah:
In the series of shame and scandals of the humiliated Arabs of normalization, the UAE embassy in occupied Palestine, two days ago, sent its "condolences to Israel" for the victims of the Holocaust. Concurrently, Jewish groups in the UAE and Bahrain commemorated the Holocaust remembrance of the Nazis within the framework of a program hosted by the "Gulf Jewish Communities Association," an association that includes all Jewish groups in the Persian Gulf, and includes various programs. The commemoration included the participation of Muslim youth from Bahrain and the UAE who visited the Yad Vashem museum, which commemorates the Holocaust in occupied Jerusalem, and this is the first time that Arab countries hosted activities to commemorate the Holocaust.
It tries to case doubt on the Holocaust itself:
Regardless of our opinion of the Holocaust and the number of victims of this Holocaust, however, ...the UAE and Bahrain act as if they are in a complete alliance with the Israeli entity....
And, of course, Iran's enemies are the ones who are responsible for real holocausts:
[One should remind] the "new normalizers" of the holocausts that Zionism has carried out and is carrying out against the Palestinian people for decades and still are, or the holocausts that the UAE and Saudi Arabia have carried out against more than 20 million Yemenis for more than 6 years, or of the holocausts that America carried out against the Iraqi and Syrian, Afghani and the rest of the world’s peoples....They fight political Islam, while allying with Judaism and political Christianity.
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