This news story shows that there has been a wave of antisemitic graffiti in the Miami area in recent weeks, most saying "Communism is Judaism," indicating that it is being done by one person.
But the latest example also points to a website, GoyimTV.
I looked at it briefly. It is clearly a far right, white nationalist site centered on inciting hate against Jews. But what struck me is that the white nationalists behind this site seem to have no problem with Muslims. In fact, some of the videos on the site would be at home on left-wing "anti-Zionist" sites as well.
Once again proving that while leftist anti-Zionists pretend that antisemitism is a right wing phenomenon, in fact anti-Zionism is just politically correct antisemitism - and the far Left have a great deal in common with the far-Right when it comes to Jews and Israel.
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