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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Diplomatic sources are telling a major Brazilian newspaper that Egypt canceled a planned visit by Brazil's foreign minister in retaliation for the president-elect, Jair Bolsonaro, saying he intended to move the Brazilian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

The visit was to start on Wednesday, and the last minute cancellation was given a different excuse by Egypt. A number of Brazilian business leaders were already in Cairo ahead of the visit.

This move by Egypt is worrying Brazilian cattle farmers. Brazil is a major exporter of animal products that can be eaten by religious Muslims, and there is worry that their Arab customers will go to competitors in Turkey and elsewhere.

There have been no threats to Brazilian business interests; the threat is mostly a warning by the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce. But the Arab League did send a note to the Bazilian government protesting the idea of an embassy move.

Usually, Arab nations do not follow through with economic threats, but they are good at scaring others with the threats themselves that many do not want to take a chance. This will be an interesting test for Bolsonaro.

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