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Sunday, November 4, 2018

The BBC produced a slick piece about the newly opened high speed train between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv:

Of course, it has to say things that are anti-Israel, so it interviews Palestinians in Beit Surik, who live as much as 80 meters above the train tracks.

They don't know much about the train, but they are sure of one thing: their human rights are being violated, somehow.

"Villagers fear they may lose access to some of their land," the BBC caption tells us, backed up by a resident of the village who says "We do not have enough information about the route of the train. But whether it is above land or under the land, it is the same problem.  I am sure we will not have the freedom to work our lands."

But that part of the route is completed. The farmers of Beit Surik aren't impacted - they have not been restricted from farming, even while the tunnel was being excavated. They don't even know exactly where the tunnel is! Certainly they are not affected by this train line in the least.

The claim that the train will force the villagers to lose access to their farms is provably, obviously false. Yet the BBC parrots it as if there is any credence to it.

Beyond that, the BBC article implies that the train might be extended to the Western Wall, which is absurd. The controversial talk about a light rail to the Western Wall would be a different line, which has nothing to do with this train.

(h/t Yoel)

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