In response to a pretty absurd tweet by Katie Halper, who says she is a history teacher (God help us), I wrote:
.@SalazarSenate18 is Jewish like @lsarsour is a person of color.— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) August 27, 2018
Both of them claimed their false new identities because it was politically expedient.
To which she answered sarcastically:
Yeah. Being a Palestinian is peek white privilege. Why is she fronting?— Host of the Katie Halper Show (@kthalps) August 27, 2018
Excellent question. Why don't you ask her?— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) August 27, 2018
She says she used to be a white girl from Brooklyn:
And now that she's Palestinian she can claim any color she wants:
Let me know if this bothers you at all, or if this sounds right.
Before putting on her hijab, Linda Sarsour admits she was white. Now she claims to be a "person of color." Neat trick! @lsarsour— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) September 4, 2017
Just to give you a sense of the integrity & intellect of the people we’re dealing with here. This guy is calling out a Palestinian woman for “only claiming” POC status for political expediency. Because I’m sure this gem sees Palestinians as white, especially when they wear hijabs— Host of the Katie Halper Show (@kthalps) August 27, 2018
Thanks for proving that you are the one with neither integrity nor intellect. You can't admit that I was right about Sarsour and you instead want to ignore the issue rather than admit it.— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) August 28, 2018
Apparently, intellectual honesty is something foreign to you.

The formula seems to be that a Muslim is always considered a person of color and a Jew is always considered a white person, no matter how light or dark they are. And that completely arbitrary definition of race is what is proving that those who pretend to be against racism nowadays are too often the real racists.
Many of the people who really are being discriminated against cannot be considered victims because they are the wrong religion. The new "anti-racist Left is institutionalizing antisemitism with their bizarre thinking that Israeli Jews are white, Palestinians are of color and there is only room in this world and the white side must be bad.