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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

From Ian:

Sohrab Ahmari: Never Corbyn An appeal to sanity.
His Labour handlers claimed Corbyn was there to commemorate some four-dozen Palestinian militants killed in an Israeli air strike against a Tunisian PLO base. But hang on: “On a visit to the cemetery this week, the Daily Mail discovered that the monument to the air strike victims is 15 yards from where Mr. Corbyn is pictured—and in a different part of the complex. Instead, he was in front of a plaque that lies beside the graves of Black September members.”

Corbyn himself has described the conference as one “searching for peace,” but the Daily Mail on Monday debunked that apologia, as well. The gabfest—titled the “International Conference on Monitoring the Palestinian Political and Legal Situation in the Light of Israeli Aggression”—featured leading members and ideologues for the Gaza-based terror outfit Hamas. One such leader, Oussama Hamdan, offered a “four-point vision to fight against Israel” and hailed Hamas’ “great success on the military and national levels.”

This comes on top of everything else we know about Corbyn’s Labour: the unreconstructed Stalinist party spokesman, the anti-Semitic outrages from local councilors and top MPs alike, the Labour leader’s stints as a broadcaster for state-run Iranian television, his invitations to Hamas and Hezbollah, which he has called “our friends.” And on and on and on. The noxious ideological fumes wafting from a once-honorable party of the center-left are suffocating.

There was a time when conservatives, including Americans like yours truly, took a certain pleasure in Labour’s Corbynite woes. Corbyn was so extreme, the thinking went, that his hostile takeover of Labour would ensure Tory ascendance for a generation. The man’s goofy manners—his tweed jackets and bad ties, his bicycling and gardening—only added to the fun. But the joke stopped being funny long ago. The Tories under Prime Minister Theresa May are in a shambolic state, Brexit has stalled, the pound sterling is in a downward spiral, and the electorate is deeply polarized. He really could pull it off.

To avert that dreadful prospect, Britons of good will should set aside quotidian policy differences and rally around the “Never Corbyn” standard. The outcome of Brexit, taxes and welfare, immigration and the National Health Service—none of these questions is more important than ensuring that the Jew-baiting, Black September-honoring, Hamas-befriending crank from the People’s Republic of Islington gets nowhere near No. 10 Downing Street.

For the love of all that is good and just.
CNN Commentator Peter Beinart Consulted Soros-Funded Anti-Israel Group Prior to Being Questioned at Tel Aviv Airport
Prior to his being questioned at Israel’s international airport on Sunday, CNN political commentator and Israel critic Peter Beinart admits to consulting a George Soros-funded radical anti-Israel organization about “what to do if I were detained” upon entering Israel.

Beinart seems to have anticipated that he may be questioned upon landing at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport, and claims that he was detained for about an hour and questioned over “my beliefs.”

Beinart wrote in a column at the liberal Forward newspaper that prior to his latest visit to Israel this week, he previously participated in a protest in the West Bank city of Hebron, and that he “become involved in the protest” through the Center for Jewish Nonviolence.

The Center seeks to “bring an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza.” Israel refers to the West Bank, which houses ancient Jewish communities, as disputed and not occupied territory. Eastern Jerusalem includes the Temple Mount, Western Wall, and the Jewish Quarter of the Old City.

Flash Back 2015: Peter Beinart: Israel deserves terrorism
Liberal American-Jewish commentator Peter Beinart gave a provocative speech on Wednesday, in which he said Israel essentially deserved the wave of Arab terrorism targeting its citizens.

Beinart - who despite his regular attacks on the Jewish state insists he is "pro-Israel" - was speaking at "Beth Chayim Chadashim Progressive synagogue in Los Angeles, which was set up as a "gay-friendly" congregation.

His comments were recorded approvingly by the anti-Israel Mondoweiss website. (h/t steelraptor from Saturn)
Ben Shapiro to Peter Beinart: "Hamas Celebrates When You're on TV"

David Collier: AOHR UK, Ahed Tamimi, tainted politicians and crooked translations
9th Aug 2018. I was at Friends House Euston for a meeting of the ‘Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK‘ (AOHR UK). There were about thirty-five other attendees. Three speakers were present, Salma Karmi Ayyoub, Mahmoud Zawahra & Anne Irfan. The two headline acts were video-linked, Amal Abu Moaliqe from Gaza, and the new starlet of the ‘resistance’, Ahed Tamimi.

Focusing on antisemitism inside the Labour Party is taking up most of my time, but the drip-feed of anti-Jewish sentiment into wider society must still be monitored. The rise in antisemitism is not the result of Jeremy Corbyn winning the leadership election. The virus has been developing virtually unchallenged for years. Politics and academia have both been infected. Corbyn’s victory and grip on the party apparatus is merely a sign of developing antisemitic strength.

The new academic year is starting soon. The anti-Zionist activists are already in preparation. Take this recent post from Nicola Pratt from the University of Warwick:

We can see in the post above that Pratt clearly wants to press on the students her own highly flawed position. Needless to say, given the leaning of her ‘internet bubble’ the book recommendations were heavily one-sided. The two elements are related. As the false narrative is based on a demonisation of Jewish refugees, the dripping poison supplied by the anti-Israel industry ferments antisemitism. This places *all* fervent anti-Zionists on the wrong side in the war against racism. Protecting the right to be antisemitic (through a denial of that antisemitism) and the right to spread antisemitism (through propagation of the false narrative) become basic pillars in defending the cause.
Jeremy Corbyn, Anti-Semite
When Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the British Labour party in the autumn of 2015, a chill ran through the Jewish community in Britain. They were fearful not because they anticipated the anti-Semitic storm that has since engulfed the highest ranks within the party — no one expected the situation to escalate to the contentious level it has now reached — but simply because they had been paying attention.

Behind Corbyn’s polished façade — beyond the walls of the carefully constructed bubble in which he is celebrated as an anti-racist social-justice campaigner for the most deprived in the world — lies a decades-long record of extensive links with terrorists, racists, and dictators. It explains why three leading Jewish publications recently took the unprecedented step of warning, in a joint editorial, that a government led by Corbyn would pose an “existential threat” to British Jewish life.

This is a serious charge, but the evidence has been lining up. Take the fact that Corbyn once described it as his “honour and pleasure” to host “our friends” from Hamas and Hezbollah in Parliament. Corbyn praised the two internationally designated terrorist groups, devoted to the total annihilation of the Jewish state, as organizations “dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people . . . and bringing about long-term peace and social justice and political justice in the whole region.”

Corbyn has often excused his meetings with Hamas and Hezbollah as gestures of peace, an opportunity to talk to all sides in the conflict — except when it comes to Jews. Corbyn time and again has missed opportunities to meet with Israeli delegates and boycotted events with Israeli officials in attendance. He is part of a mindset in which Zionism, the belief that Jews deserve their own homeland, is a racist endeavor — a position that, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition, is anti-Semitic.

Corbyn’s collusion with extremists goes on. He invited for tea in Parliament the Palestinian hate preacher Raed Salah, whom he described as “a very honoured citizen” whose “voice must be heard.” Saleh was found by a British court to have used the anti-Semitic “blood libel” (the fabricated assertion that Jews use the blood of Christians in religious ceremonies). On a different occasion, Corbyn accepted a free trip to meet Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, paid for by a Palestinian group that blames Jews for the Holocaust. In a similar fashion, Corbyn’s spokesperson had to disassociate Corbyn from Holocaust denier Paul Eisen, to whom he had allegedly donated money.
Ambassador condemns Jeremy Corbyn's support for pair convicted over bombing of Jewish targets in UK
Jeremy Corbyn's support for two people who were jailed for their part in the bombing of Israel's embassy in London was “clear and blatant support of terrorism” and as bad as his attendance at a ceremony that honoured Black September terrorists, the ambassador at the time of the attack has said.

Mr Corbyn was part of a campaign to free Samar Alami and Jawad Botmeh, who were convicted of conspiracy to cause explosions after two car bomb attacks in London on July 26, 1994.

The first bomb exploded at the Israeli embassy, injuring 14 people. Thirteen hours later, a second bomb exploded, injuring six more people, outside Balfour House in North Finchley, the headquarters of a number of Jewish charities, including the Joint Israel Appeal, the forerunner of the UJIA.
Jeremy Corbyn Will Lay a Wreath for PLO Munich Murderers but Not for Dead Jews at Yad Vashem
Corbyn then went from the merely mendacious to the outright ridiculous: “I was present at that wreath-laying,” he said. “I don’t think I was actually involved in it.”

The reaction was inevitable. “Corbyn was there, but didn’t inhale,” remarked one Twitter user, as the platform erupted again, now into laughter almost as much as outrage.

The Corbyn playbook was on full show: denial, backtracking, equivocation, and words so slippery even the Kool-Aid faithful were unsure of what to say.

But conversely, there has been one memorial that Jeremy Corbyn has been clear and honest and adamant about not attending: Yad Vashem.

Corbyn has been invited several times. Most recently in 2016 when Ken Livingstone, London’s Hitler-obsessed former mayor, claimed that the Fuehrer had been a Zionist, Isaac Herzog, leader of the Israeli Labour Party invited Corbyn to Yad Vashem “to witness that the last time the Jews were forcibly transported it was not to Israel but to their deaths.” Corbyn declined.

The Labour leader, it seems, has his limits. He will lay a wreath for PLO Munich murderers in Tunis but not for dead Jews at Yad Vashem.

'Peace conference' Corbyn attended before wreath-laying included speech by Hamas terror chief who called violence 'magnificent' and by extremist comparing Israel to ISIS
A 'peace conference' that Jeremy Corbyn attended before going to a wreath-laying ceremony for the Munich killers featured speeches by terror chiefs who called violence 'magnificent' and compared Israel to ISIS, MailOnline can reveal.

At the event in Tunisia, top Hamas leader Oussama Hamdan presented a 'four point vision to fight against Israel' and praised the group's 'great success on the military and national levels', adding that the violence was 'magnificent'.

He had just given an interview to Lebanese media in which he said that the anti-Semitic myth that Jews drank Christian blood was 'not a figment of imagination or something taken from a film. It is a fact.'

Othman Jerandi, a former Tunisian foreign minister, also gave a speech at the conference and stated: 'ISIS and Israel are the same thing'.

Other delegates included activist Zaher Al-Birawi, who is close to the leadership of Hamas; and lawyer Sabagh al-Mukhtar, who appeared as an expert witness to support extremist cleric Abu Hamza before he was deported from Britain.

Corbyn described the event as a 'conference searching for peace'. He said: 'The only way we achieve peace is by bringing people together and talking to them.'

But the title of the event, held on September 30 2014, was the 'International Conference on Monitoring the Palestinian Political and Legal Situation in the Light of Israeli Aggression'.

The man behind the curtain in Corbyn’s Oz: A virulently anti-Israel spin doctor
In the court of Jeremy Corbyn, few wield more power and evoke stronger reactions than Seumas Milne.

The British Labour party leader’s director of communications and strategy, Milne is a hardline and uncompromising left-winger, and a fierce opponent of Israel. If Corbyn makes it to Downing Street, his most senior aide is likely to act as an outrider, reinforcing and encouraging an anti-Zionist agenda that will be unprecedented in a West European state.

“Israel would have to assume diplomatic relations were unofficially null and void,” says one Labour insider who, like others interviewed by The Times of Israel for this report, commented on condition of anonymity in order to speak more freely.

But Milne’s hostility to Israel and his hard-left politics are not a matter of mere speculation. Unlike many spin doctors and political strategists whose professional life has been largely lived behind the scenes, Milne has spent decades center stage.

Before joining Corbyn’s team in 2015, Milne was a longstanding senior journalist and columnist at The Guardian, Britain’s most prominent liberal daily newspaper. From that perch, he left a trail of writings that have landed him at the center of the continuing controversy over the Labour party’s refusal to adopt in full the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism.

Milne’s establishment credentials are impeccable. The son of a former director general of the BBC, he was educated at Winchester, one of Britain’s leading public schools, and then went on to study at Balliol College, Oxford.
The myth of Jeremy Corbyn, a kind and gentle man
In Corbyn’s world everything has a single, simple, explanation. Colonialism is the root cause of all root causes. That insight – if we can call it that – dictated his views on Ireland just as it dictates his views on the middle east and Cuba and Venezuela and everywhere else. From there it is but a short leap to the kind of deluded wishful thinking that animates what passes for his thinking.

Once you have assumed that Northern Ireland should not exist, you absolve yourself of any and all need to think about what should happen next. You may ignore the inconvenient, and stubborn, reality that Northern Ireland – like, well, Israel – does exist and is not going to disappear. Practical politics means wrestling with things as they are not as you think they should have been decades previously. But if you start with the theory, you may avoid practical reality.

If this leaves you with nothing – precisely nothing – useful to say then so be it. You will at least remain pure in heart. If this means you are no kind of “peace campaigner” at all then that’s fine too because you will be shielded by your own impenetrable sanctimony. As poses go, this is an awfully comfortable one but it’s not serious politics in any way whatsoever.

Perhaps Corbyn really is just unlucky. But it seems more probable that he’s not. And that, far from being the decent man of legend he’s actually thoroughly indecent. The only possible alternative is that he’s thunderously, crushingly, toe-curlingly thick. On balance, however, it seems more probable that he is, in fact, both. Enough of this. Enough, already.
Striking back at Netanyahu, Corbyn says Israel killed ‘dozens’ of Gaza kids
Official Israel declined to comment Tuesday on accusations made the previous day by UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who said Israel had killed “dozens of children” in Gaza in recent weeks.

Corbyn, who is currently engulfed in a major controversy over anti-Semitism in his party, made the charge in response to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemning him for having attended a ceremony honoring the terrorists behind the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre and for having compared Israeli military rule in the West Bank to the Nazi occupation of European countries during World War II.

“Netanyahu’s claims about my actions and words are false,” Corbyn tweeted Monday. “What deserves unequivocal condemnation is the killing of over 160 Palestinian protesters in Gaza by Israeli forces since March, including dozens of children.”

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman on Monday said that 168 Palestinians were killed at the Gaza border in clashes with Israeli forces since the beginning of the so-called March of Return, a series of protests encouraged by the Hamas terrorist organization. Hamas has acknowledged that dozens of the fatalities were its members.

Watch: Jeremy Corbyn’s terror tribute confusion
Poor Jeremy Corbyn, always ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time. After revelations in the Daily Mail that he had laid a wreath near the graves of those involved in the 1972 Munich terrorist attack, he finally clarified what happened. Asked by Sky News if he was involved in the tributes, he answered:

‘I was present when it was laid, I don’t think I was actually involved in it’

In fairness, who hasn’t accidentally found themselves at a service where tributes were paid to the planners and perpetrators of a terrorist massacre?
Corbyn 'I Don't Think I Was Involved' in Wreath Laying For Munich Killers
Corbyn tells Sky:
“A wreath was indeed laid… I was present when it was laid, I don’t think I was actually involved in it.”

Not sure who this bloke is then:
UPDATE: Watch the Absolute Boy ‘smear’ himself. Straight talking honest politics.

Corbyn Reported to Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
Jeremy Corbyn has been reported to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, over his non-declared visit to Tunis, attendance at the wreath laying ceremony for the masterminds of the Munich Massacre, and inability to be open and honest about his attendance.

Andrew Bridgen MP has written the commissioner, setting out how Corbyn has potentially breached three key elements of the Code of Conduct.

- Paragraph 13, in failing to “fulfil conscientiously the requirements of the House in respect of the registration of interests in the Register of Members’ Financial Interests.”
- Paragraph 16, in causing “significant damage to the reputation and integrity of the House of Commons.”
- The General Principle of Openness, in failing to “be as open as possible about all decisions and actions that [he took]”, restricting information “only when the wider public interest clearly demands.”
CAA complains to Parliamentary Commissioner after it emerges that Jeremy Corbyn’s trip to honour antisemitic Black September terrorists was not declared in parliamentary register
Campaign Against Antisemitism has submitted a complaint to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards after receiving reports that Jeremy Corbyn’s trip to Tunisia in 2014 was not declared in Parliament’s Register of Interests.

According to Parliamentary rules, any payment of more than £300 for a foreign trip must be declared if not paid for by an MP or British public funds.

Mr Corbyn said that the trip, during which he laid a wreath at the grave of antisemitic Black September terrorists and attended a conference at which a senior Hamas member outlined plans for “magnificent” violence, was at the invitation of a Tunisian politician.

Presumably in response to similar reports, political blog The Red Roar meticulously searched other MPs’ records, finding that Lord Sheikh had declared a donation towards a trip to Tunisia at the same time. The blog did not suggest that Lord Sheikh attended the same conference as Mr Corbyn or used the occasion to honour terrorists.

Mr Corbyn has a long history of receiving donations from people with links to extremism, including some who appear to be aligned with Hamas.
Chair of Labour Party’s Disciplinary Panel demonstrates how corroded the Party’s institutions have become, claiming “elite” is conspiring against Jeremy Corbyn with “false allegations”
Claudia Webbe, the Chair of the Labour Party’s Disciplinary Panel has tweeted a claim that the “combined machinery of state, political and mainstream elite” are conspiring to smear Jeremy Corbyn with “false allegations”.

Ms Webbe, who previously defended Ken Livingstone after he compared a Jewish journalist to a concentration camp guard, took to Twitter to claim that Mr Corbyn is entirely innocent, and that a sinister and powerful conspiracy is working to attack him.

As Chair of the Labour Party’s Disciplinary Panel, Ms Webbe must know that this kind of language is common in antisemitic conspiracy theories. Instead of addressing the fact that Jeremy Corbyn has been caught in multiple lies over his honouring of antisemitic Black September terrorists, she has now accused those who are appalled by Mr Corbyn’s action, presumably including the Jewish community, of being part of a sinister plot.

Ms Webbe’s intervention just shows how pervasive the rot has become within the Labour Party. This is the kind of supposedly neutral arbiter that we are asked to trust to deal with allegations of antisemitism in the Labour Party.
Top Tory Attended Corbyn Terror Conference
The Tories are going in hard on Corbyn over his attendance at a 2014 conference linked to various Palestinian terrorists. Sajid Javid has called for the Labour leader to resign. Writing in the Mail today, Brandon Lewis describes Corbyn’s attendance at the conference in Tunisia as “beyond the pale”. Which doesn’t bode well for top Tory peer Lord Sheikh…

Sheikh, the founder of the Conservative Muslim Forum, declared in his 2014 register of interests a trip to a conference in Tunisia on the same date:

Visit to Tunisia, 29 September – 2 October 2014, to attend conference in Tunis at invitation of President of Tunisia; cost of flights and three nights’ hotel accommodation was paid by Government of Tunisia

In a post on his website from the time, Sheikh confirms the conference was about Palestine. The conference was addressed by Hamas and other extremist speakers who gave anti-Semitic speeches. Given Lord Sheikh’s other links to various extremists, surely CCHQ will have to act against him?

UPDATE: We now have a pic of Sheikh at the conference. Will the Tories be taking action? Pretty big double standard if not…
Over a third of BBC website’s Corbyn wreath laying report allocated to denials
Sixty-nine of the 778 words used in the report described the Israeli prime minister’s tweet criticising Corbyn’s participation in a 2014 event in Tunisia commemorating members of the ‘Black September’ terrorist faction responsible for the brutal murders of Israeli citizens. Forty-nine words were used to give readers background on the Munich Olympics attack itself and a further fifty-seven words related to the Daily Mail article published three days earlier which once again brought a story that first emerged in 2017 into the spotlight.

Amplification of the denials of Corbyn and the Labour Party concerning that event accounted for 35% of the article’s total word count and a further 77 words – including Labour Party denials – related to a previous event in 2013.

Readers were told that:
“Benjamin Netanyahu said Mr Corbyn deserved “unequivocal condemnation” for laying a wreath on the grave of one of those behind the atrocity.

Mr Corbyn said Mr Netanyahu’s claims about his “actions… are false”.

The Labour leader said he had attended the event in Tunis in 2014 as part of a wider event about the search for peace.

BBC audiences were not however informed that the “wider event about the search for peace” – subsequently also described as “a conference” – was titled the “International Conference on Monitoring the Palestinian Political and Legal Situation in the Light of Israeli Aggression” or that – as also reported by the Daily Mail – its participants included a senior Hamas official featured in past BBC content.
“So it wasn’t a Gardening Allotment?” Corbyn explains Terrorist Cemetery visit (satire)
UK Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn is speaking out forcefully after getting totally busted allegations surfaced that he attended a cemetery memorial service in Tunisia for the Black September terrorists who murdered 11 Israelis athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic games.

“It looked for all the world like a Gardening Allotment, not unlike my very own patch of lettuce, radishes, and endive right here in Islington.” Mr. Corby explained at his local cafe as he busied himself with a red pen, striking through various sections of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of Anti-Semitism. “Although it was a bit odd that their allotment had little more than grass and flowers. And a lot of stones with writing on them. Aren’t different cultures simply fascinating?”

While taking Mr. Corbyn at his word, The Daily Freier asked Jezz just why he would attend any kind of event with Black September members, but he was adamant that the whole thing was just a giant misunderstanding. “Black September? That sounds like one of the lesser-known Bank Holidays. Or a weekend festival in Cornwall. Or possibly a Folk Music Trio from the East Midlands.” Jeremy stared into space for a moment and then wondered out loud, “How is it that this strange series of unfortunate events keep occurring around me?”
J Street and Congress Misled by Terrorist-linked NGO
J Street can now be counted among the victims of a manipulative and false campaign to present Israel as a serial violator of children’s rights.

The “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby has promoted a July 20 letter from Members of Congress to Secretary of State Pompeo, condemning Israel for “mistreatment of Palestinian children.” Many of the NGO (non-governmental organization) claims repeated by these lawmakers have previously been exposed as half-truths or complete distortions.

Of greater concern is the central role played by those with ties to a terrorist organization in pushing this agenda. Many of the document’s claims can be attributed to Defense for Children International-Palestine (DCI-P), a Palestinian group with close ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The latter is designated as a terrorist organization by the US, EU, Israel and Canada.

The relationship is exemplified by Hashem Abu-Maria, a former DCI-P coordinator, and Mahmoud Jiddah, a board member through 2012-2016. After Abu-Maria’s 2014 death during violent clashes with the military, he was hailed by the PFLP as a “comrade” and “martyred leader” who “was in the ranks of the national liberation struggle and the PFLP from an early age”. The PFLP also held public ceremonies in his honor.

Jiddah was jailed for carrying out grenade attacks on Israeli civilians in 1968. Several other current and former DCI-P employees and board members are also connected to the PFLP.
Jerusalem hostel bans Israel ‘haters’ Jon Stewart, CNN…and ToI
A hostel in Jerusalem’s Old City has published a list of “haters of Israel” who have been banned “because of crimes committed against the Jewish people,” drawing derision and ridicule from those blacklisted.

The Jerusalem Heritage House describes itself as an institution that provides “warm and comfortable accommodations for Jewish travelers in the heart of the Old City for a nominal fee.” It boasts of having hosted more than 60,000 guests since 1985.

Posted on Twitter by journalist Jacob Kornbluh, the list includes figures such as US comedian Jon Stewart, politician Bernie Sanders, former Obama administration ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro, and actress Bette Midler. Also banned are members of the media including the staffs of The Times of Israel, Haaretz, CNN, and The New York Times, as well as the heads of the Anti-Defamation League and the Reform movement.
IsraellyCool: Gazan Teenager’s Vlog an Inconvenient Truth for the Israel Haters & Mainstream Media
Nowar SK is the name of a YouTuber who seems to live in Gaza, and who Vlogs her life there.

And while I don’t understand a word of what she is saying, the images say it all (hat tip: Imshin).

For instance, here is a Vlog of her experience shopping at the Care4 Mall in Gaza. Besides the extremely well-stocked shelves, see if you can spot the nice cars parked out the front, as well as the Israeli products they are selling.

Here she is at the impressive Champions Club, which I posted about just yesterday.
Terrorist Reading At Pro-Palestinian Student Event
A pro-Palestinian student group hosted an event Saturday comparing Palestinian liberation to black American liberation, reported The Daily Caller News Foundation. That’s “intersectionality” for you — let’s erase and collapse context, history, and all of that nonsense because all we need is oppressor and oppressed. But perhaps a bit more concerning is that the students at this event will apparently read something written by an officer of a designated terrorist group.

Temple University’s Students for Justice in Palestine chapter looks like a pretty diverse bunch. And I know you’re thinking that diversity is typically code for anti-white these days but it looks like these students also support diversity of ideas or rather, one specific idea to be exact: terrorism.

You see, Temple’s SJP chapter hosted an event called “Palestine & Black America: A Strategy for Liberation” and I guess I’m not sure what the message is behind that title. You want a separate Palestinian state…does that mean you also want a black American ethnostate? Sounds pretty racist to me. Around 50 individuals apparently attended and read from Black Panther Party founder Huey P. Newton, as well as Ahmad Sa’adat, who’s the secretary general for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or PFLP.

Israeli Ambassador Responds to Globe Commentator’s “Distortions” of Israeli Security Barrier

Re Up Against The Wall (Opinion, Aug. 3): I deeply regret the distortions regarding the nature and purpose of Israel’s security barrier as presented in Tim Marshall’s article. The barrier between Israel and the West Bank is not a concrete wall, but 95 per cent fence. It was not erected for the purpose of controlling migration (as was inferred by the article), but rather as a means of preventing the wave of suicide bombings and sniper fire perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists during the Second Intifada (2000-2006).

In September, 2000, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat betrayed the Israeli peace initiative. In an effort to pressure Israel, Mr. Arafat believed that a terror campaign against Israelis would force Jerusalem to give up more ground during negotiations, which were then taking place in Taba, Egypt.

What ensued were five years of terrorism and suicide bombings that claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Israeli civilians – women, men, and children – as well as more than 40 foreign civilians. From the population centres in the West Bank, terrorists only had to walk a dozen kilometres to reach Israeli cities and towns, blowing themselves up in cafés, buses, shopping malls, and even private homes.

The barrier should be lauded for successfully reducing terrorism (specifically suicide bombings). It has saved the lives of Israelis, Jews and Arabs alike, and should not be misconstrued in order to fit a preconceived concept or narrative as was done by the author. Mr. Marshall would be well served by looking into the nature and purpose of Israel’s security barrier with the West Bank.
Swedish neo-Nazi accused of planning to kill journalists
Swedish police have arrested a member of the far-right Nordic Resistance Movement for allegedly plotting to kill two local journalists.

Police discovered photographs of the journalists’ homes and other private information on the suspect’s computer, as well as a shotgun, silencer and ammunition, according to local media reports.

Members of the neo-Nazi group have targeted the Jewish community. In May, the Jewish community of Umea closed its community center after members of the group pasted stickers with fascist imagery on the building, “making the place look like after Kristallnacht.” The closure caused a national uproar.

Amid intense media coverage in Sweden of the affair, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven mentioned it in a speech denouncing anti-democracy forces in his country.

Last October, the Nordic Resistance Movement held a march on Yom Kippur in Gothenburg that turned violent, leading to more than 30 arrests. The neo-Nazi marchers and anti-fascist counter-demonstrators clashed with police during the march, Reuters reported. At least two people, including a police officer, were injured in the clashes.
Congressional candidate tweets 'off with your Yarmulke'
Congressional candidate Mark Roberts running in the Oregon district elections tweeted a line of antisemitic comments against Shoshana Weissmann, a Jewish digital media editor of a conservative think tank.

"Off with your #Yarmulke and I'll take a ginsu to your pe'ah too!"
tweeted Roberts on Monday in response to criticism from a user shocked by his tweets.
Roberts is running as the Oregon candidate for the US House of Representatives on behalf of the Independent Party of Oregon. His antisemitic tweets against Weissmann follow a previously heavily criticized tweet about Melania Trump, calling her a "hoebag".

"Did you know the First Lady works by the hour?" is the tweet that inspired Weissmann's original criticism and led to the back and forth spat.

Roberts has since deleted the offensive tweet against Melania Trump, but in response to several complaints reported that Twitter did not ban him, as he broke no platform rules. "It’s that whole 1st amendment thing."
Tel Aviv ranked ninth-most expensive city in the world
Tel Aviv has been ranked as the world’s ninth most expensive city, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit. The ranking is based on the cost of a basket of 160 products and services including basic foods, clothing, car rental and purchase, apartment rents, and household maintenance and equipment.

The EIU noted, “Tel Aviv, which was ranked 34th just five years ago, is now the ninth most expensive city in the survey. Currency appreciation played a part in this rise, but Tel Aviv also has some specific costs that drive up prices, notably those of buying, insuring and maintaining a car, which push transport costs 79% above New York prices. Tel Aviv is also the second most expensive city in the survey in which to buy alcohol.”

Tel Aviv is ranked behind Singapore (1), Paris (2), Zurich (3), Hong Kong (4), Oslo (5), Geneva (6), Seoul (7), and Copenhagen (8). Sydney is in 10th place and New York in 13th place is the most expensive US city.

Baker Tilly partner and head of the strategy consulting division Yaki Baranes said, “The continued rise in the cost of living in Tel Aviv expresses the continued trend of the transformation of Tel Aviv and its environs into the power block of Israel in terms of production and economic power. Consequently, the continued rise of demand for living in it, which in turn pushes up prices and the cost of living.”
Google Flights now in Hebrew
Google Flights, the search engine for air fares, has now introduced a Hebrew version. Google Flights is a search engine that helps consumers find the cheapest flights between destinations by comparing fares. Google Flights also provides real-time tracking of flights from takeoff to touchdown as well as other data and statistics about flights.

Google launched Google Flights in 2011 after understanding that most people begin their search for the best travel deals on Google itself. In order to launch Google Flights, Google acquired a US company called ITA flight information software for $700 million in 2010.

Google Flights does not engage in the actual sale of flight tickets but for bookings, transfers users to the websites of the carriers themselves. A popular Google Flights feature is real-time tracking of price changes of fares and email user-alerts.
Last-minute deal reached to ensure Eurovision will be held in Israel
After days of doubt over whether Israel would host the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest, a last-ditch deal has ensured that the popular international competition will be coming to the holy land after all.

A financial spat between the public broadcaster and the government over funding for the event had left Israel’s hosting duties in jeopardy, as a Tuesday deadline fast approached for submitting a guarantee of €12 million ($14 million) to the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to reserve the right to host the event.

During last-minute discussions Tuesday, representatives of public broadcaster Kan accepted a proposal by the Finance Ministry, meaning that the contest in Israel can go ahead as planned.

The guarantee will be returned once the contest takes place. Kan had demanded extra funds on top of its annual budget of around NIS 750 million, saying it feared an eventuality in which it would lose the guarantee if the contest were to be canceled for security reasons or due to international pressure by boycott groups.

The government had refused to give any money to the broadcaster, claiming that its annual budget was sufficient to cover the costs.
How did Israel promote Aliyah to Anglos in 1948?
In 1948, as the battle with the British faded in the background, the new State of Israel was occupied recovering from the war and absorbing European refugees. According to the National Library of Israel's blog, they also began to encourage Aliyah to residents of English speaking countries like the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Africa.

The potential English-speaking immigrants required a far different viewpoint about making Aliyah than past immigrants. Aliyah was no longer about the urgent and defiant goals that it stood for in the past: battling the British, circumventing their limit on immigration to Israel, escaping European poverty and antisemitism, and ultimately the Holocaust. The new immigrants would be coming from comfortable and secure countries and would need to be encouraged by idealistic and nationalistic ideas.

To accomplish this goal, Israel published an informational pamphlet called "Aliyah Olim" (immigration immigrants). A quote reads, "In 1948 we has 125,000. In 1949 we shall have 250,000.” The pamphlet included other quotes and pictures, emphasizing how much new Jewish immigrants were needed to help build and settle the country, and included the fact that every third Jewish citizen in Israel is a newcomer. They stressed values such as Jewish identity, worth ethics, and the unity of the Israeli collective.

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