Thursday, December 22, 2016
10:35 PM
Elder of Ziyon
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It's been four days since I publicized neo-Nazi material on Hanan Ashrawi's Miftah site. It was tweeted to Miftah by dozens of people.
Objectively speaking, the materials on this Western-funded NGO site are far worse than anything ever published on Breitbart. Yet publisher of that site Stephen Bannon came under withering criticism for antisemitism that is essentially non-existent on that site (and the many philosemitic articles on Breitbart have been ignored.)
Ashrawi's Miftah has hosted articles that featured the blood libel, adoring profiles of people who murdered Jews and neo-Nazi material. And the people who pretended to be so offended by Breitbart's supposed antisemitism have nothing to say. There is no outrage.
Is it because they only care about antisemitism when it is politically advantageous to them?
Is it because Arabs are given a pass for Jew-hatred?
Is it because Ashrawi is considered a "moderate"and they are afraid that exposing her responsibility might drive her to become an extremist?
Who knows? Either way, it stinks. If Bannon is responsible for the Jew-haters who love Breitbart despite its philosemitism (don't trust me - do your own search on every Breitbart article that mentions Jews), then Ashrawi is far more responsible for the hateful and bigoted articles that have been and remain on her website.
By any yardstick, there are multiple outrages here: Miftah's habitual posting of antisemitic materials, Miftah's refusal to take it down, the Left's double-standards on antisemitism by those they support, and Miftah's funders willingly sweeping this under the rug as they continue to pour hundreds of thousands of dollars into an organization that hosts hate materials.
The double standards here are disgusting.
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