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Thursday, March 3, 2016

From Ian:

David Collier: What is a ‘pro Palestinian’?
Pro Palestinian?
So what is ‘pro-Palestinian’ and what is the ‘Palestinian cause’? Is being ‘pro-Palestinian’ and supporting the ‘Palestinian cause’ the same thing? Given the current ‘Palestinian’ strategy is to internationalise the conflict and more importantly engage activists on university campuses throughout the west, isn’t it critical that we understand just what people mean when they say ‘pro-Palestinian’?
To address this, I think it only proper to start with Bassem Eid. Bassem is a Palestinian who spent his life fighting human rights abuses, working for B’tselem, and eventually setting up his own human rights movement. As someone who cares deeply about human rights abuses against Palestinians, Bassem is shouted down by activists for highlighting the BDS movement as ‘harming’ Palestinians. Only last week he cancelled a lecture in Chicago following a threat of disruption. This clearly indicates that the two issues are not the same. The pushing of the ‘Palestinian cause’ and wanting human rights for Palestinians can be (and perhaps almost always are) opposing forces.
Next I will move on to Norman Finkelstein. Finkelstein has been at the forefront of ‘pro-Palestinian’ commentary for decades. Because of his position and as recognition of his influence as an ‘anti-Israeli’,, he was banned from entering Israel for 10 years. He is highly critical of BDS and calls ita cult that will not succeed because it is trying to deceive the public about its true aims. He points out those aims are clearly to destroy Israel.
Ben Shapiro: The Leftist Fascists Take Over College Campuses
When the speech ended, I asked security if I, along with the other students, could go out to confront the protesters. The campus police told me they couldn't guarantee my safety or that of any of those listening to me if we chose to walk outside. Instead, they'd have to spirit me away through a separate building with a large coterie of armed and uniformed police, stuff me into the back of a van, and then escort me from campus with motorcycles flashing their lights.
This is America in 2016, on a state-funded university campus.
And it shouldn't be surprising.
We have spent two generations turning college campuses from places to learn job skills to places to indoctrinate leftism and inculcate an intolerant view of the world that insists on silencing opposition. We have made campuses a fascist "safe space" on behalf of the left. Anyone who disagrees must be shut down, or threatened or hurt.
It's not just college campuses, either. We've entered an era of politics in which baseless feelings count more than facts, in which political correctness means firing those with different viewpoints, in which government actors insist that they can police negative thoughts. We're on the edge of freedom's end, and many Americans don't even see it.
They would have had they been at CSULA that day. And they will soon enough if they don't stand up for their rights today.
MEMRI: Jordanian Writer: The Arabs Lag Behind In All Areas – As The World Moves Forward
On January 6, 2016, Jordanian journalist, writer, and political analyst Jihad Al-Mansi wrote in the Jordanian daily Al-Ghad, under the title "Careful, The Car Is In Reverse!", about what he termed Arab society's position at the bottom of global rankings in science, culture, human and women's rights, and the war on corruption. He added that it lags behind the rest of the quickly advancing world which "has overtaken us by centuries, perhaps millennia."
Calling on the Arabs to wake up, take responsibility for their situation and stop blaming others for their problems, he said that instead they should invest their financial and human resources in advancing future generations, because it is no longer possible to rectify the situation of the current generation.
Following are excerpts from his article:[1]
"The world is developing, in the philosophical, scientific, social, creative, educational, and cultural sense; it is on the verge of breaking free of backward gender-driven thinking...
"This is taking place in countries far from our Arab region. There, they are developing scientifically and culturally, competing for the top position in all human indices. At the same time, we, in this region of the world, remain at the bottom of these indices – and some of our countries are absent from them altogether.

The Mottle Wolfe Show [PodCast]: There was no Palestine in 1855 and other Fun History Facts
Aussie Dave from the Israellycool blog joins Mottle to discuss his latest history series pulled from the pages of the New York Times archives. The more things change, the less they stay the same. Also analysis of the Super Tuesday primary results and reason to not vote for Hillary, Bernie, or Trump.
Know Your History: Israel’s Offer to Repatriate Arab Refugees, July 1967
A new series where I bring to you news from the newspaper archives to debunk common misconceptions about the Middle East conflict.
Something the Israel haters do not admit – heck, even people on our side don’t realize this – is that following our victory in the Six Day War, we made a real effort to repatriate Arab refugees displaced by the war.
As you can see from the below New York Times report, the Israeli government made an offer for refugees from “the west bank” to return. It was not an easy decision, and there was real debate and opposition to it based on security considerations. Also note a committee was set up to help rehabilitate the refugees (including those from Gaza), including experts in things like agriculture and industry.
Also note the reference to Arabs who “fled” the 1948 war, an acknowledgement that many fled and were not all expelled as the haters claim.
Know Your History: The Six Day War, June 1967
Know Your History: The “Refugee Problem”, 1957
Know Your History: King Hussein’s Plan & The Reaction Of “West Bank” Arabs, 1972
Know Your History: Sabena Hijacking Rescue Operation, 1972
Know Your History: A Map Of Palestine, 1855

In UK, Knesset speaker calls out Palestinian incitement
During a visit to London on Wednesday, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud) addressed a group of 40 members of the British Parliament.
In his speech, Edelstein highlighted the dangers posed by anti-Israel incitement on Palestinian television and radio stations, as well as online social networks. Edelstein called for action to be taken to eliminate this incitement.
On Tuesday, anti-Israel activists projected messages on the outside walls of the British Parliament building and called for the arrest of Edelstein. "Israel's racist leader Edelstein not welcome," one of the projected messages said.
Edelstein was undeterrred by the protests against his visit to the U.K. "I will continue to tell the truth," Edelstein vowed.
British Politician Wafik Moustafa: We Should Strive for Peace with Israel, Rather Than Boycott It

Oberlin College president appears to defend controversial professor in letter
The head of a prestigious Ohio school appeared to have defended a professor whose Facebook posts blaming Israel and Jews for everything from 9/11 to the creation of ISIS created an uproar earlier this week.
Oberlin College President Marvin Krislov said in a letter to the college community Wednesday that professor Joy Karega’s posts on social media affected him on a personal level and also challenged his professional beliefs, according to The Chronicle-Telegram.
“I am a practicing Jew, grandson of an Orthodox rabbi. Members of our family were murdered in the Holocaust,” Krislov wrote. “As someone who has studied history, I cannot comprehend how any person could or would question its existence, its horrors and the evil which caused it. I feel the same way about anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Regardless of the reason for spreading these materials, they cause pain for many people — members of our community and beyond.”
He didn’t mention Karega’s name in the letter, but said backing the right to freedom of speech was parallel to the college’s mission.
3 More Totally Crazy Things Oberlin Professor Joy Karega Appears to Believe
Oberlin College professor Joy Karega has been under fire over the past week after The Tower revealed that she had a history of posting anti-Israel and anti-Semitic conspiracies theories on her Facebook page. It is now evident that she has used social media to express preposterous beliefs on other subjects as well. While Karega has deleted many of her social media postings and made most of her online presence private, The Tower obtained screenshots of them when they were public.
1. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Was a Tool of Oppression.
2. Hurricane Sandy and Winter Storm Jonas Were Deliberately Engineered by People who Have Learned How to Weaponize Weather.
3. Bernie Sanders is a Sheep Dog Who Does What He’s Told.
Legal Insurrection notches another victory in Ithaca 3rd Grade anti-Israel case
As detailed in a prior post, my Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request to the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) regarding Bassem Tamimi’s appearance before third graders at the Beverly J. Martin School (BJM) encountered a completely unexpected problem:
In brief, and incredibly, the teachers union in the Ithaca school district appears to have instructed its members not to produce records responsive to my FOIL Request contained on personal electronic devices and email accounts….
So I went to court and obtained a Temporary Restraining Order preserving records pending a court determination on the merits.

After responsive motion papers from ICSD and the Ithaca Teachers Association [ITA], in which ITA disputed some of ICSD’s allegations, and my reply, the case was argued on January 25, 2016, before the N.Y. State Supreme Court (the trial level court in NY) in Ithaca.
I was pro se in the case. ICSD was represented by a large Syracuse law firm, and ITA by the legal department of New York State United Teachers, the statewide teachers union.
In a decision issued today, the Court granted most of the relief I requested, including injunctive relief requiring ICSD to make specified efforts to obtain records contained on the personal electronic devices of ICSD employees. (h/t Bob Knot)
Anti-Israel Jews disrupt anti-BDS event in synagogue
Members of Jewish Voice for Peace disrupted an event at a Northbrook synagogue on Sunday, in which Chicago Representative Bob Dold addressed local Jews, as well as federal and state legislators. Dold is the primary sponsor of the Combating BDS Act.
A video credited to JVP-Chicago member Michael Deheeger shows the disruption and the anger that ensued. It contains some strong language.
A JVP press release showed that the group openly supports a boycott of the Jewish state. "As young Jewish progressives we support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement in bringing about human rights and equality for Palestinians,” Eli Massey, a 22-year-old member of JVP-Chicago, was quoted as saying. “We are here to say that organizations like the Jewish United Fund and StandWithUS do not speak for all Jews, and on this issue are on the wrong side of history.”
The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago (JUF) and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) have "actively supported legislation in Illinois and at the federal level to oppose efforts to leverage economic pressure to bring about change in Israeli policies towards Palestinians," they accused.
Indiana passes bill banning anti-Israel boycotts
The Indiana Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill banning state dealings with entities that boycott Israel or its settlements.
The bill approved 47-3 on Tuesday, with bipartisan backing, defines “the promotion of activities to boycott, divest from, or sanction Israel” as meeting the standard of “extraordinary circumstances” necessary under state law to mandate divestment from a company.
The state House of Representatives passed the measure in January. Gov. Mike Pence, a Republican who was a pro-Israel leader when he was in the US Congress, is expected to sign the bill into law.
“This will place Indiana among the select vanguard of states that have publicly defended the Jewish State of Israel using proactive legislation,” said a statement Wednesday by the Jewish Affairs Committee of Indiana, which led the lobbying effort for the bill.
NGO Monitor: Presbyterian Church USA's New Document Promotes BDS, Distorts Conflict
On February 25, 2016, the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A. – PCUSA) published a report titled “Israel-Palestine: For Human Values in the Absence of a Just Peace.” The publication urges the U.S. government to review financial and military aid to Israel and promotes the Kairos Palestine document and Christ at the Checkpoint, which use theological language to oppose Jewish self-determination and call for anti-Israel BDS (boycotts, divestment, sanctions). The authors stress that “core justice and human rights issues demand more attention at this time,” while only tacitly supporting a two-state framework for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The report, which references the church’s decision to adopt BDS tactics, will be presented at the 2016 PCUSA General Assembly, and suggests an escalation of discriminatory attacks singling out Israel. This escalation contradicts other voices within the Presbyterian Church that are challenging the anti-Israel narrative and calling for a rejection of BDS.
Edgar Davidson: Why you should not give a penny to Comic Relief (or Sports Relief which comes under its umbrella)
No matter how many times I warn people about this it seems they do not get it, so let me spell it out this time in very simple terms:
- Comic Relief (and its subsidiary Sport Relief) is an enormous scam run by leftist political extremists that is deceiving the decent British public (especially kids) into giving their hard earned money for campaigns that are generally far removed from the 'feeding the starving Africans' portrayed on the BBC.
- If you look at the projects Comic Relief funds it is clear that the bulk of the money raised actually goes to political and environmental activists under the guise of 'social justice' (a euphemism for communism).
- A large proportion of Comic Relief's funding goes to the four charities that are most involved in pure anti-Israel propaganda: War on Want, Christian Aid, Oxfam, and Save the Children. While Comic Relief claims that it is careful to ensure the money it gives to these charities is not directly spent on anti-Israel propaganda, one of these charities - War on Want*** - essentially does nothing other than campaign for the destruction of the Jewish State. In the case of Oxfam some of their funding has been used to pay for pure antisemitic incitement among Palestinians, including resurrecting the blood libel that Jews ritually slaughter Christian children and consume their blood on Passover. Yes it really is that bad.
Declassified: Latest Clinton email reveals her love for Sabra hummus
Hillary Clinton is proving herself to be the more culinarily Jewish candidate in the Democratic race, voicing her love for Sabra hummus as revealed in one of her emails recently released by the US State Department.
An email from Clinton's childhood friend Betsy Ebeling sent on May 19, 2011 with the subject, "You are what you eat, I guess," included an update on a campaign by the Students for Justice in Palestine at DePaul University working to remove Sabra brand hummus from the campus. The student activist group claimed that, "Sabra's parent company, the Strauss group, sends financial support to two Israeli military units accused of human rights abuses."
Clinton, who was then secretary of state responded to the email, "I love Sabra hummus- whatever that means!"
Ebeling responded to the email suggesting Clinton inform Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the DePaul campaign saying, "The world is having a nervous breakdown."
Economist unable to view Israel’s minorities as anything other than victims
The proposed law would allow MKs to suspend other members (with a 90 MK majority) if they engage in incitement to violence or racism; support armed conflict against Israel; or negate Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.
This law would of course apply to all lawmakers, not just those from Arab parties.
In the second paragraph, the Economist explains:
The members of Balad, an Arab-nationalist party, also took part in a moment’s silence in memory of the young Palestinians. By calling them “martyrs”, the MPs enraged many Jews who regards the would-be killers as terrorists;
Of course, it’s not only “many Jews” who regard the killers as terrorists, but the overwhelming majority of all Israelis, including Arabs.
First, Arabs would not be “disenfranchised” under the proposed legislation. If an Arab MK was removed, the next person on the Arab party list would then be sworn in as MK.
Note also how the decision of Arab Israeli lawmakers to honor Palestinian terrorists is characterizes as merely “provocative”, while the proposed legislation is seen as “an assault on Israel’s democracy” and Israel’s Arabs. (This claim ignores polling suggesting that Israel’s Arabs overwhelmingly support MKs who condemn terror attacks against Jews.)
Guardian amplifies unserious charge that Israel is descending into ‘fascism’
Though British journalists almost never attach this term to Islamist extremist movements in the region, some within the heard of independent thinkers occasionally give credence to the risible suggestion that the Middle East’s sole progressive democracy is slowly creeping towards this fatal political malady.
A March 1st Guardian article – in the Art and Design section – by Michael Griffiths, titled ‘What’s happening is fascism’: artists respond to Israel’s ‘war on culture’, is the latest attempt to impute this epithet to the Jewish state.
The tendentious and ahistorical political analogies fly off in the first paragraph.
The term “loyalty in culture bill” sounds like something out of Nineteen Eighty-Four. However, last month, Israel’s minister for culture and sport introduced just that to a parliamentary committee, which responded with a mixture of rightwing approval and leftwing condemnation. Many of Israel’s newspapers are now happy to mention Miri Regev in the same breath as Joe McCarthy.
The bill Griffiths is referring to, introduced by Culture Minister Miri Regev doesn’t ban art which advances certain ideas. It permits a small budget reduction to groups receiving government funds who, for instance, reject Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, support terrorism or incite to violence or racist hate crimes – all of which are already illegal under the criminal code. (Later in his article, Griffiths in fact concedes the limited nature of the bill.)
BBC’s ME editor promotes inaccurate story on Twitter
On February 28th members of the Israeli security forces on duty in the Jerusalem neighbourhood of Issawiya were attacked by rioters.
The BBC did not report those incidents at the time but two days later the corporation’s Middle East editor came up with this story for his 137,000 Twitter followers.
Jeremy Bowen @BowenBBC
Two-year-old Palestinian toddler spends four hours in jail
The promoted link leads to a report from Ha’aretz which is based entirely on the account of a family from Issawiya that was detained following the rioting. That article, however, casts some revealing light on the wording chosen by Bowen to describe the story.
The Oxford dictionary defines “jail” as “a place for the confinement of people accused or convicted of a crime” and the equivalent term more often used in British English is of course prison – “a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial”. A police station is obviously a building with a different function: “the office or headquarters of a local police force”.
Politicians in Albert Einstein’s German hometown fund anti-Semitic lecture
A municipally funded adult education center in Ulm – the birthplace of Albert Einstein – is slated to host on Wednesday a speaker accused of stoking anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel across Germany.
The Ulm/Neu-Ulm chapter of the German-Israeli Society (DIG) launched its protest against the event, saying the lecture “is part of a series of anti-Israel events leading to the delegitimization of the Jewish state and its right to self-defense.”
“We call for the end of this Israeli criticism disguised as a latent anti-Semitic position,” the German-Israeli friendship society wrote on Thursday.
The planned talk from BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) activist Arn Strohmeyer at the Einstein House Academic Center, which is taking place in cooperation with the House of Encounter, prompted criticism because the city subsidizes the center and has steadfastly ignored citizen complaints about harsh anti-Israel events at the academic center.
Texas’s new vulgar, sexist GOP leader also an Israel-hater
The newly elected leader of the Republican Party in Texas’s Travis County has raised eyebrows and then some for his colorful history of vulgar and sexist online comments.
Robert Morrow’s obsession with outlandish, fringe conspiracy theories extends beyond gay politicians and into anti-Israel views, including calling the close relationship between Israel and Washington a “cancer” for the United States.
Morrow has also shown public backing for anti-Semites, such as Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and Victor Thorn, a Holocaust denier who called the September 11 attacks “a Jewish plot.”
“Israel is like an overpriced high maintenance girlfriend who needs to be dumped. US military is not their personal army,” Morrow posted on Twitter last January.
“USA support for Zionism and the nation of Israel is a curse upon American foreign policy!!! Much of the world hates us for this,” he wrote several weeks later.
‘They wanted to bear witness,’ says Holocaust historian who uncovered ‘Son of Saul’ story
When Holocaust historian Gideon Greif heard that Hungarian film “Son of Saul” had won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film, he was surprised but pleased.
“I had naively thought that the film industry is less in favor of dealing with the Holocaust, and this film really looks at the core of the Holocaust, at its most complicated chapter,” said Greif.
The film, from Hungarian Jewish director László Nemes, is about the Sonderkommandos, the Jews who were charged with disposing of the corpses of their fellow Jews after they were killed in the gas chambers. Its story is about one Sonderkommando, Saul, played by first-time actor and native Hungarian Géza Röhrig.
It was Greif, currently the chief historian at Shem Olam, the Faith and the Holocaust Institute for Education, Documentation and Research in Israel, whose dogged research initially uncovered much of the history of the Sonderkommandos. His book, “We Wept without Tears… the Testimonies of the Jewish Sonderkommando in Auschwitz,” was the result of 13 years of research that began in the late 1980s.
At the time, 31 Sonderkommandos were still alive, and until then, “no one thought it was important to interview them,” he told The Times of Israel. “I nominated myself. People were reluctant to speak out, and I persuaded them that it was important.”
Haim Saban to invest $100 million in Israeli startups
Expat Israeli billionaire Haim Saban has announced a new fund – Saban Ventures – to invest $100 million in Israeli startups.
According to a Globes report, the fund will invest primarily in mobile, social networks, ecommerce and digital media startups, with a side interest in cloud computing and fintech.
Saban, known for the Power Rangers franchise, is said to be worth $3.5 billion.
The 71-year-old business magnate has previously invested in Israeli companies like PlayBuzz, Elbit Systems, Everysight, and others. He also counts Partner Communications among his holdings.
10 great reasons why Microsoft loves Israeli ingenuity
Microsoft Israel’s R&D Center – the multinational company’s first R&D center outside the United States — is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year.
At Microsoft Israel R&D Center’s annual Think Next showcase in Tel Aviv last month, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella congratulated the Israeli engineers and researchers who continue breaking new ground. He noted Microsoft’s investments in the local market and its commitment to the continued growth of the high-tech and innovation industry in Israel.
In a live virtual appearance at Think Next, Microsoft founder Bill Gates said he was “very happy to wish the R&D center a happy birthday” and declared that Israeli developments in analytics and security were “improving the world.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Nadella that Microsoft and the state of Israel “should now chart the next 25 years.” Netanyahu said, “Israel is a center of great technological innovation; Microsoft is a great technological company. It’s a marriage made in heaven, but recognized here on earth.”
Cisco buys Leaba Semiconductor, RNTS acquires Inneractive
The Israeli high-tech scene is celebrating two big exits by Leaba Semiconductor, a designer of networking chips, and Inneractive, a mobile RTB-based ad exchange.
Cisco Systems is reportedly paying $320 million in cash plus additional incentives in its deal with Leaba. The American multinational technology company said it expects the Israeli startup’s chip technology to contribute to advances in its hardware.
“Leaba is a team with a strong and successful track record of designing leading edge networking semiconductors that provide innovative solutions to address significant infrastructure challenges,” Cisco said in a blog post.
Leaba was founded in 2014 by its CEO Eyal Dagan and its CTO Ofer Iny. The company is based in Caesarea.
Meanwhile, German mobile ad technology platform RNTS Media has announced that it will pay $72 million to acquire Inneractive, mobile RTB-based ad exchange focused on powering display, native and video ads.
Naomi Campbell to receive award from Peres in Israel on Int'l Women's Day
Iconic supermodel Naomi Campbell is slated to arrive in Israel next week to participate in an International Women's Day Event at the Peres Center for Peace in Jaffa.
Campbell is set to attend the "Women Leading Change" conference on March 8 where she will be welcomed by former president Shimon Peres and 100 Jewish, Arab Israeli and Palestinian young girls participating in the Peres Center's Girls' Twinned Peace Sports Schools program.
The veteran supermodel is expected to receive a Women Leading Change award to honor of "her important work for women and communities in need across the world," the Peres Center said.
Both Peres and Campbell will then participate in a joint moderated Q&A session and will honor Israeli women who are trailblazers in various fields in Israeli society.
Pro-Israel US Army vet runs for Congress — on prosthetic legs
Brian Mast likes to use the Israeli slang word achi. The Hebrew equivalent of “bro,” an endearment among young men, it’s not something one would expect to hear in conversation with a United States Congressional candidate.
Mast, however, is not your usual aspiring American politician. A Republican running in Florida’s 18th Congressional District, Mast picked up achi and a few other popular Israeli expressions while volunteering with the Israel Defense Forces in January 2015. He was stationed that month at a base at Tel Hashomer outside Tel Aviv, where he packed medical kits and moved supplies around, including some heavy lifting.
While Israel was new to him, pulling his weight in a military environment wasn’t. Only two and a half years earlier, Mast was medically retired from the US Army following 12 years of service. During his military career, he earned the the Bronze Star Medal, the Army Commendation Medal for Valor, the Purple Heart Medal, and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.
He also lost both his legs and a finger when, as a bomb disposal technician carrying out his duty in Afghanistan, he stepped on a hidden improvised explosive devise (IED).
Oldest Torah scroll still in use found in Italy
A Torah scroll from a synagogue in the northern Italian town of Biella has been identified as probably the oldest in the world still owned and used by a Jewish community.
Dario Disegni, the president of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Italy, told a meeting of the Foundation board in Rome on Wednesday that carbon-14 dating carried out by the Geo-chronology Laboratory of the University of Illinois dated the scroll to around 1250.
“This is exciting news that is of extraordinary importance for Italian Judaism,” he said.
The scroll, which since 2012 had undergone restoration on behalf of the Foundation by an Italian scribe, or sofer, will be returned to the Biella synagogue during a ceremony on March 6.
The scroll was one of several ancient Torah scrolls examined by experts in 2012 and then chosen as the one best suited for restoration. It was originally believed to date from the 14th century.
MDA gets record donation for rocket-proof blood center
American Friends of Magen David Adom has received a donation of $25 million, the largest single gift benefiting the provider of emergency services in Israel.
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The Atlanta-based Marcus Foundation donated the funds to build a new blood services center that will increase protection against terrorist attacks and be better able to serve the country’s growing population.
The new blood center, to be named the Marcus National Blood Services Center, will be located in Ramle, in central Israel. It will replace a facility in Tel Hashomer that is vulnerable to rocket attacks from Gaza, the organization said in a news release.
The new facility will have ventilation systems to counter chemical attacks, and house modern laboratories and blood-processing units, according to the news release.

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