Fahd Amir Ahmadi in Al Riyadh says that Switzerland is the creation of the Elders, who wanted to create a neutral territory in the center of Europe so money could be freely laundered through it for their nefarious schemes.
Bashir Kurdi in Gulf-24 writes of a friend of his who stopped watching the news because to him everything is a result of the First Protocol to create chaos and revolutions and wars, all a legacy of Sykes-Picot and the Americans and Russians allowing "Zionist cancer proliferation" from the Nile to the Euphrates and from the Arabian Sea to the Black Sea.
Al-Ankabout has an article on how the Mossad nefariously uses women to accomplish their evil goals. This is also a commandment in the Protocols, as well as from a secret Masonic text from 1920. It included this great graphic graphic.
Laha Online has an article about "digital drugs," reporting on a conference on the topic "Digital Drugs and their impact on Arab Youth" at Prince Nayef Arab University for Security Sciences. it says that the phenomenon of digital drugs was introduced by the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which supposedly says "We have to occupy others with stunning colors of amusement and gaming in public forums, art and sex and drugs to distract from the exposure to our plans."