A nation that clearly emerged with hostility to Arabs and Musloms, trying to disrupt their entity and undermine it by all means, from distortion and pollution, to subversive propaganda against them all over the world, to cooperate with each enemy of them...to beat them in the fields of finance and business, and finally to the rape of their land, and evacuating the inhabitants thereof, and the shedding of their blood by force of arms.Al Wafd has an article about the discovery of a seal with the name of King Hezekiah that was in the news a few months ago. Since the deal used Egyptian motifs, the article claims that it "exposes the lie" of Jewish sovereignty in the area.
All this to Dr. Zaza sees as a continuation of specific historical phenomena, since ancient times until contemporary times which witnessed the Zionist crimes, committed by its leaders every day.
Al Sharq has an article called "Qualities of the Jews in the Holy Quran" about how Jews lie, betray prophets and that they killed Jesus, and are cursed by God.
Libya Akhbar has a book review of "The Big Lie: The burning of six million Jews in gas chambers" by Sultan Ahmed Thami. The article takes it as a given that the Holocaust was a lie; that upsets the author is that Jews continue to use it to blackmail Germany. It highlights how terrible it was for Jews to expose Kurt Waldheim's Nazi past.
All of these articles were published in the past day.
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