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Sunday, November 9, 2014

It continues to amaze me how Westerners refuse to believe that Palestinian Arabs are antisemitic, and claim that they are only anti-Zionist.

A website called "Intifada-Palestine" has an article by loony far-left writer Brandon Martinez which includes these gems:

Brandon Martinez, a shining scholar for the "Palestinian cause"
Like Americans and Britons, most Canadians believe that World War I and II were quintessential “good wars” fought to secure “freedom and democracy” and other such flimsy fantasies. Most people reared in Canada’s degraded education system foolishly believe that this country’s participation in WWI and WWII was “the right thing to do” and that the outbreak of such wars was “inevitable.” Without doing one scintilla of actual research, the gullible masses can tell you why these fratricidal wars that caused the deaths of untold millions of people were “necessary” and “just.”

Do any of these ignorant zombies stop for a moment to think about what they are promoting? The “necessity” of an enormous bloodbath that plunged much of the world into pandemonium? Following WWII, Canadian society has evidently devolved into a brain-damaged loony-bin filled to the brim with parrots and yes-men incapable of independent thought or critical analysis.

...The brainwashed masses will say that “Nazism” was a grave and pressing danger and had to be stopped. But only if one is viewing the world through British or Jewish spectacles does that suggestion have any merit. As far as much of the global East and South were concerned, British imperialism was a far greater threat than anything posed by Hitler’s regional ambitions. From the perspective of the Arabs of Palestine and the Middle East, Jewish Zionism and its British imperial patrons was a worse adversary than Hitler’s Germany by a long shot.

... Neither WWI nor WWII were “good” or “just” wars by any stretch of the imagination. On the contrary, they were both catastrophic blunders that set the whole of Europe and Asia as well as parts of the Middle East and North Africa ablaze. The Second World War in particular delivered the world into the hands of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire, thereby sealing the eternal fate of humanity as drone-like economic cogs and geopolitical cannon fodder for American, British and Jewish interests.
As long as people write against Israel and Jews, their lunatic writings can be featured in slick "pro-Palestinian" publications.

Not surprisingly, other authors that happily contribute to this website that features such antisemitism include Ali Abunimah, Ramzy Baroud, Jonathan Cook, Juan Cole, Richard Falk and Ben White,

Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 11/09/2014 03:00:00 PM

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