The site has been a flash point since the advent of modern Zionism. More than 100 people on each side died in a week of rioting in 1929 over access to the Western Wall below.Really? That's how the 1929 massacres are described?
The Arabs were killed by the British, not the Jews. And the Jews were massacred in the most horrendous ways. To equate the Jews being mutilated and raped to the rioting Arabs being shot by the British is obscene.
Here is how The Palestine Bulletin descibed the events of 1929. Read them and realize how sickening Jodi Rudoren's description is. Also note the many parallels between how the Arab terrorists acted then and how they are acting now in recent horrendous attacks.
Now read Rudoren's description again.
"Even-handedness" has reached a new low.
(h/t Ronald)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 11/23/2014 03:00:00 PM