Tzali Reshef is one of the founders of the anti-settlement group Peace Now. He is also CEO of . Arledan, Ltd, "one of Israel's leading investiment companies," which boasts on its home page:
1. Real Estate and Construction - Arledan acts as a developer with regard to properties it owns, and also rents out various commercial and residential properties, primarily in the city of Jerusalem. Some of the projects Arledan has successfully developed over the years include residential projects in the neighbourhoods of French Hill, Gilo, Givat Oranim and Mevaseret Zion, as well as residential and commercial projects in downtown Jerusalem.
French Hill and Gilo are considered "settlements" and have been denounced by Peace Now. This is a map from a presentation on their website showing all these awful, "illegal" Jewish neighborhoods..
And its founder profits from them!
Don't you just love people who are so principled?
Last week I noted that the New York Times mindlessly repeats lies propagated by Peace Now.
(h/t Bob Knot, Yoel)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/05/2014 03:02:00 PM