It is astonishing how extreme Muslim fanaticism is now simply accepted as mainstream by the world - and it even gets rewarded.
I'm not talking about ISIS or Al Qaeda. The world will offer lip service as to how awful those groups are.
But the activities in Israel and the territories over the past day have shown that fanaticism by the "good Muslims" is simply accepted without question, while the only vitriolic words are about the man who was marked for murder because he wanted Jews to have equal rights.
Only Yehuda Glick is being called "right-wing activist" and "ultranationalist" and "hardline rabbi" The person who attempted to murder him is more sympathetically portrayed as a former prisoner who was shot and killed in a hail of bullets.
Glick never called to kill anyone. He did not call for Muslims to be banned from Judaism's holiest spot. Al he demanded was that Jews have the same rights on the Mount as Muslims do. But you will be hard pressed to find any media outlet that bothers to point out that Glick is on the side of basic human rights - and rights that are enshrined in international law.
No, that narrative is forbidden. Jews asserting their rights are right wing fanatics.
Meanwhile, Muslims are raging - because Israeli police killed a real fanatic, a man who seemingly in response to the incitement by Mahmoud Abbas decided to attack a symbol of Jewish equal rights. I have not found one Arab voice condemning the assassination attempt on Rabbi Glick's life.
But Mahmoud Abbas' "moderate" Fatah party is calling for a "day of rage" at the killing of the would-be assassin, Mu’atez Hijazi.
Think about that. These "moderates" are calling for riots to support a terrorist.
The Temple Mount has been a source for riots by Muslims incensed at the idea of Jews having any human rights. Israeli police are needed to protect the Jews from murderous Muslim "worshippers." It was natural for Israel to close down the site to head off more riots - but, of course, that just became another excuse for more threats, more violence and more incitement.
The State Department didn't express confidence that Israeli authorities were doing their best to handle the situation. It didn't come out with a public statement that the holy site should be open to all, without any threats or intimidation. It didn't condemn the calls for violence and incitement by murderous Muslim Arabs.
No, the State Department rewarded the violence and threats by calling on Israel to open the Temple Mount for Muslim prayer. Not all prayer - Muslim prayer.
Anyone who looks at the situation objectively can see who are the fanatics and who are the levelheaded, who cares about rights and who tramples on them. But the adjectives that accompany the media stories on the topic indicate the exact opposite. The public statements by politicians indicate the exact opposite.
Israel truly is a Bizarro universe where the truth gets twisted into lies as a matter of course, and practically no one on the planet has the tools to step back and look at the situation objectively. Human rights" NGOs disregard the human rights of Jews; Israel's greatest friend ignores the facts and backs the actions of the people who support would-be assassins.
Insanity has become the norm when it comes to Jewish rights.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/30/2014 04:00:00 PM
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