- Jews want to peacefully visit their holiest site.
- Muslims start riots to stop Jews from visiting their holiest site.
- Israeli police stop the Muslim rioters and protect the Jews.
- The Muslims attack the police.
- The police ban Muslims of fighting age from going to the site.
- Muslims complain to the international community that they are being banned from their holy sites.
- The media reports that there are "clashes" at the Al Aqsa Mosque.
Never, and I mean never, does anyone suggest that if Muslims simply allow Jews to visit the site - and even to say some quiet prayers - that there would be no police, no disruptions, no riots, no reactions and no limits on who can go there.
Instead, the Muslim world rushes to defend their supreme intolerance for the Jewish religion, and there isn't the slightest amount of shame for them doing so publicly. even worse, not a single "human rights" organization defends the Jews' right to their holy spots.
Today's example from Jordanian English-language media:
Jordan affirmed on Monday that it will take prompt action against any Israeli escalation against the holy place in occupied Jerusalem, Minister of State for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammed Al Momani said.
Momani, who is also the government spokesman, affirmed that the "Jordan will take the needed political and legal measures to end the seizure against Al Aqsa Mosque and push Israel to commit to the peace agreement." The alternative, Momani warned, "will be more extremism and seditions that could trigger a religious war in the region." Further, the minister condemned the ongoing Israeli aggressions against Arab Jeruselmites and the Al Aqsa Mosque. "These aggressions constitute a flagrant violation against Jordan and a breach of heavenly religions and international norms," the minister affirmed.
The spokesman deplored the Israeli occupation forces' attacks against worshippers, mostly elderly people, at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and their action of arresting some of them. Momani also denounced the storming of the Al Aqsa Mosque's yards earlier today and use of force to vacate the mosque of the worshippers to allow settlers to break into the holy place.
The minister, meanwhile, condemned the Israeli forces' use of stun grenades and tearbombs against worshippers as well as they action of smashing the windows of the mosque in order to ensure that the shrine is vacated.
Here are the "elderly" people shooting small rockets at Israelis from inside the mosque today.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News at 10/13/2014 10:00:00 AM