Residents of Tehran reported hearing three blasts in the Iranian capital on Tuesday according to an unconfirmed message posted on the Twitter network by a BBC Persian correspondent.There appears to be confirmation from the National Council of Resistance of Iran:
The journalist, Kasra Naji, quoted residents of the city as saying that the explosions occurred in an area of west Tehran where Iran "maintains its missile research and depots."
Later, an Iranian website said the blasts occurred at a privately owned chemical factory.
The Raja-Shimi Chemical Complex, affiliated to the Ministry of Defense, was struck by several strong explosions on Tuesday, causing extensive damage.Accident or espionage? Missiles or chemicals? And if the chemical factory is associated with the IRGC - what exactly are they doing?
The complex - in Shahriar county in Tehran Province – is a crucial Ministry of Defense site located in a heavily fortified area adjacent to an Air Force garrison and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps' Centre for Missile Research.
Immediately after the explosions at 2pm, the complex's director ordered the authorities in writing to avoid giving out any information about the blasts and the damage or losses inflicted.
In order to prevent information about the location and details of the explosions from leaking out, fire-fighters were denied entry to the complex and only the complex's internal fire-fighters were mobilised to put out the fires.
The regime's security apparatus also announced through a prepared news release handed to state media that the explosion occurred in the storage area of a chemical factory belonging to a private company in the town of Shahriar.
(h/t Yoel)
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 5/08/2013 02:00:00 PM