The reviewer says that the book is filled with "lies and slander as well as hatred and contempt for all that is Arab."
This book does not less dangerous than the book Mein Kampf, Hitler's book, or The Jewish State by Herzl ...
Netanyahu in this book turns historical facts upside down and manipulates geography and history, using excerpts from the lies of the Zionists or scraps of papers of history or words amputated from the mouths of historians to give a historical and legal right in what he calls the Land of Israel to be a national home for the Jews.
He says that throughout 1200 years the Arabs only founded one city in Palestine, Ramle....
Netanyahu claims that Israel's wars with the Arabs were in self-defense and in line with Jewish ethics.
This is a good reminder that Bibi's book is still a very good read.
See this somewhat related post from 2008.
Posted By Elder of Ziyon to Elder of Ziyon at 5/22/2013 09:00:00 PM